
Talking head. He takes orders. The ones that are driving this train off the rails aren't obvious, they don't get interviewed on the nightly "news" on purpose. Fauci will give us a person to persecute and hate while we are being laughed at for our ignorance of the truth. Sure Fauci is evil but he is just one small man who is taking orders. Even Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR test and stated that it was never intended to be used as a diagnostic tool, said that Fauci was an idiot. There is a reason why Fauci won't debate anyone. He can't. Probably too much inbreeding with these blue bloods.

Absolutely high level of truth right here.

And why not have a scapegoat so that when you finally get caught somebody else gets busted.

Anthony fauci for prison!!!

He would definitely be a great start. I am not sure if we have enough jail space for all the psychopaths that have ruined this world is such a short span of time. It's worth a try, though, to put them in and throw away the key.

Bring back the guillotine...

Then they won't continue to breed and be an idiot. Problem solved.

Why pay for them to be in prison.

The treason standard has already been set...

I think they need to all be put on an island and then they can figure out how to survive the hard way. Killing them quickly is too nice for those psychopaths.

(And they can be sterilized beforehand. It's a win/win.)

It's just easier to let the laws take care of it.... Lol

Justice can be served in a multitude of ways......and why not make them play the game they have set for us?