Ukrainian counter offensive on the southern lost Russian army!

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Well the main bridge connecting both of these Russian friends together has been destroyed previously however the Russians were able to put in a pontoon bridge close by that spot and today that got sunk. Now there is not anymore pontoon bridge equipment available for Russian forces which now means that this entire army is now effectively split into yet again.


Izum area is also taking massive fire and being on the north side of the central pocket it is extremely exposed and vulnerable. It looks like a key crossroad is about ready to be taken and Russian forces are really quickly I'm going to have to decide whether or not that territory is worth the blood they're going to have to expend to hang on to it.

Basically Russian forces are going to have to retreat because they cannot replace the munitions that they are expending and should any future conflict begin is going to take that minimum 10 years for the Russians to rebuild everything provided Western sanctions are immediately lifted which I have a feeling is not going to be a possible.

And as well there was a Ukrainian aerial assault of some kind in Crimean and the Russian black fleet has removed even more ships from that area..

And another Russian puppet mayor has been targeted for assassination.

Which is ironically another tiny little explosive car bombing however the short-lived mayor ended up dying at the hospital. Leading me to believe that this is definitely Ukrainian military or intelligence actions that are extremely effective. And absolutely taking advantage of quizling government officials,

Oh and by the way North Korea is now going to be selling a big huge pile of older most likely defective munitions to Russia which is going to be kind of like a back door Chinese support deal. Because of course all those North Korean weapons most likely are Chinese made.

Well honestly I really like this news report the best because the Ukrainian information as well as how you pronounce the different locations and cities is really a big assistance in starting to understand the current events that are transpiring.

And honestly enough that something that I need to try to do. Understand more of the world around me as well as learning from the mistakes that others May make.

And so far the Russian special military operation actually has been an overwhelming example of military failure from pre-planning and the complete lack of intelligence Russian military intelligence forces had going.

Completely and totally underestimating your opponent and setting yourself up for an airport takeover that ended up being a complete disaster with a 6 million aircraft being shot out of the sky full of elite Russian paratroopers.

So I am just going to have to say that I'm not exactly sure how many military mistakes can be rolled into
A military blunder.

However a $25,000 men army being cut off and starved out with a complete strategic encirclement? And with the Northern end looking like it's going to be getting cut off and isolated geographically with that huge reservoir standing in the middle. I mean I'm not sure what is going to happen possibly the Russians are going to open the dam flood gates and start letting all that water out so that the forces can relink or more appropriately retreat to a point where they can be absorbed by the main Russian Force.

However I'm not sure if even the floodgates were opened up if that would do anything because actually should water levels drop so far that would start to endanger the entire Crimean canal line that supplies Russian occupied Crimea with pretty much all of its water. Which I would like to remind any of my readers is a huge engineering marvel.

And let's go onward to the next video.

And in this video a Russian unit position was videoed and a United States general decided to comment saying that there was a lack of standards a lack of supply and the potential for disease was starting to rise exponentially and the cut off $25,000 man army is looking at a forced surrender due to logistical supply inability.


Strange times

Just wait for today's post.

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