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RE: Day 289, Bakhmut garbage dump battle.

in Deep Dives2 years ago

If you were honest you’d criticize NATO war crimes also. It’s just a level of hypocrisy that’s deafening here. It’s been 8 months watching u ignore America (my government) Amy this up and push this into a full proxy war with Russia at the expense of the Ukraine people! I am not bashing ur criticism for Russian government. I’m saying the way u ignore the other side of corruption is insane to me.


Cool. I wasn't aware that the Isa was actually deploying troops in this conflict.

Nato and America has no troops on the ground and isn't actually involved.

Oh and how about those separatist forces of the LNR and DPR being made into red army soldiers?

So are you just making things up? Because with the aid the demands on Ukraine forces is abide by the rules of war.

By all means after the war I'll look into that subject. But your attitude and when way you threw this comment down isn't cool.

Thanks and best of luck.

There are 100% us troops there. If u don’t know that u aren’t even doing 5 minutes of research. No point is debating with u.

I'll just mute you and I won't even respond to the down voting.

Of course you cannot show me a single United States military unit involved in this conflict let alone for that fact a single NATO coalition unit.

Not a single one has been sent.

Might want to know what you're talking about before you start making enemies.

Wow ur shilling 😂

Ukraine abide by rules of war?

What d
Fairytale are u pretending we live in. Bro you’ve gone full insane mode. Can’t continue serious talk. Mute me and I’ll mute you


Please do! Lol thanks for the flags I'll not even answer them.

With an attitude like that. I bet you will have plenty of issues with others..
