gestex cross-posted this post in Deep Dives 2 years ago


in #ocdb2 years ago

Authority, can always be seen, jobs, school, life, laws,some people even say, that our birth was pure will of our parents, we were born without being asked to hahaha, some sort of authority to or not.


Well, most of us first expirience authority at young age, our parents, we need to respect rules of the house that belongs to the our parents, for me thats normal, that kind of respectfull authority is healthy for kids when growing up,i will stay out of unfuctional families and that.
Then school, that's when it all goes to fucking hell, teaching you like a machine brainless idiot sitting at the chair on desk, 8 hours a day, consuming 90% of useless knowledge that can't be helpful in life later.
Don't get me wrong, there are elementary things we need to learn, but above that is just pure bullshit to bs honest. I don't even know how all those parents just let all the kids consume that bullshit for years and years, without getting to know anything aboout the system,money,jobs,functions of people in society,banks,loans. Are u aware that you don't learn almost anything of that in school?? Place made for teaching kids how to work and live. Hahahah, funny isn't it.
But still we need to respect schools authority, show up on time, listen, obey, studu when they say and what they say, taking tests, and getting grade for it. From my point of view, we are learning useless information, to get useless ratinga from people that are paid to do that. Yeah yeah, to have nice grades for colleges and shit. You also will say well that's to teach you working habits, to not be lazy, to have some discipline for work, etc etc.. Do you realy need that kind of learning? Who is asking you if you want that? To learn and behave to fork like a slave without a free mind. work etics and discipline? For what exactly, factories? fast food chains? etc..Or have good grades To have a good paying job, is that what you want?? To instantly
put yourself in mindset where you have to work for someone and you will study hard for a deegree so they will respect you more and give you bigger salary? And on that job,we meet our bosses that now have almost the same authority over us as schools, we need to obey and do our work or we don't get the money, hah, pretty simple isn't it. My point of view must be very strange for you guys, but i kinda hate to someone have authority over me, that's why i hate standard jobs, and being slave to get a salary once a month to be able to eat,so if i decide not to work or go to school? i wouldn't be able to live properly? i need to pay to be alive? Born without having a say in it, you get hoe crazy it sounds hahahah.
What do you think guys?