Finland's Front line Ready To Join Nato

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

We have a training session going on what to do when you come back to your vehicle after you've abandoned it so it's not booby trapped you could call this Finland's army a voluntary defence course open to both those refreshing their skills after conscription and completely new starters aiming to fight for their country this conflict has sparked some interest.


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In many many people's brain lives, I believe that most of my basic course students working behind me right now are relatively new learners, so to put it that way, there are individuals from all walks of life, I questioned a man, and he replied

My name is Marco Jarvalin, and I'm a financial consultant. Doctor Danny Eleni is an eminent quality assurance engineer who works out at night. Finns are always prepared to defend themselves and each other through national service, which means this country can call on 900000 reservists. This has always been a precaution, but their neighbors' aggression has been a turning point. Applications to train here have increased tenfold, with the most popular courses being gun practice and anti-tank combat. Now they're studying self-defense, which reflects the increased worry.

Why did you believe it wasn't proper to join NATO since the situation has been shifting since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and that's also apparent in wider society where support for joining NATO has quadrupled in only a few weeks before the conflict in Ukraine?

Because Russia's policies have made it plain that it does not intend to respect anybody else's preferences or laws, we must adjust our perspectives as well. My female friends are more interested in studying things like shooting and basic basic training. As a father, I wondered what was going on because it was my wife and children.

Some people in the UK may think it's strange that finish people are learning how to deal with land mines and other such things. What would you say to them? Well, when you have the kind of neighbors we do, it's not that strange. Finland has resisted joining the alliance for decades because this nation knows all too well.

When the Russians make a move, the Finns continue to defend their country with the utmost valour and tenacity. When the Soviet Union invaded in 1939, the Finns lost territory but resisted occupation. This experience meant that finnish sovereignty has always been linked to friendly relations with Moscow, and so they remained neutral during the Cold War. As a result, defence has always been a part of society's fabric, mingling and merging with the country's day-to-day operations.

So this museum is fully underground? Yes, it is. It's almost 10 metres below ground, and we have another story below that, which is where the bunker is. Yes, Russia's persistent threat has ensured that this museum is completely below.

Since the 1960s, Zelsinki has built underground defence shelters for every large building. The art museum has one directly beneath the rodan, and the largest go down and down deep into Finland's granite 50 metres beneath this rock a public swimming pool that could be drained in 24 hours and hold nearly 4000 people if leisure time turned to wartime. All of these locals know which shelter is theirs, whether it's in the basement of their apartment block or a public swimming pool.

We believe we are prepared for the worst-case scenario, but we really hope for the best. Hello, glad to meet you. However, if that is Finland's attitude, why did politicians take so long to wish to join NATO? Why did Russia invade Georgia in 2008? Well, that's a good question. I believe we should have taken that seriously when Putin stated in 2005 that he sees the division between east and west, but it took this very dramatic war to finally push us over the line. Is there a regret about having to do it at the same time as thinking this is the right move to join NATO? Russia is no longer a member of the European Security Order.

Of course, we would have preferred a good friendly neighborhood with Russia in Finland, but non-alignment was never orthodox, it was pragmatic for a nation looking out onto the finnish gulf towards Saint Petersburg. Russia still looms over them here, but this is a nation now firmly looking to the west where they see their best hope not just for tomorrow, but for the years ahead.


Wow I would love to be tagged in the write-up for your explaining a lot more about these amazing excavation projects.

It sounds like your country is going to have an extremely high survival rate.

Well with nuclear destruction threats happening I think that being prepared is pretty smart.

And it is kind of ironic that this big huge strategic strikes upon the rest of the world as well as threats of war against Finland and Sweden for thinking about joining NATO is just going to push all of this overboard and then on top of it with turkey invading Syria and being involved that conflict that should absolutely remove any ability that turkey has to veto.

Yep it's pretty shameful thing that turkey had even threatened to veto Sweden and Finland joining NATO.

And as well hopefully we will see turkey allowing the grain from Ukraine to pass through into the Mediterranean to avert some pretty horrific world hunger we're about ready to experience.

Excellent post and awesome work I'm going to go check and see if I'm following you because if I'm not I definitely have to hit that subscribe button