Gunman kills children and teacher in Texas school

in Deep Dives3 years ago

After a massacre at a Texas school, US President Joe Biden condemned American gun regulations. At least 18 children and one adult were murdered in the incident at America North.
The president was overcome with emotion as he addressed the nation about the deadly tragedy. Yeah, Joe Biden says this is a remark he hoped he'd never have to make again after learning that 18 children and one adult were killed in a massacre at an elementary school in Texas.


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Gunshots were heard at the campus mid-morning local time, and police and paramedics rushed to the scene as parents desperately tried to find any information they could about their own children. The president spoke about the horrific loss now being suffered by the families of those 18 students, and he appeared angry as he questioned the students.

what it would take for the United States to enact stronger gun legislation To argue, he pointed to the Sandy Hook massacre over a decade ago, in which 20 young children were killed. He said, "When in God's name will we stand up to the gun lobby?"Let's hear a little more of what Joe Biden had to say earlier from the White House, beautiful innocent second, third, and fourth graders, and how many scores of little children who witnessed what happened and saw their friends die as if they were on a battlefield for God's sake will live with for the rest of their lives.

There's a much we don't know, but there's also a lot we do know, such as the parents who will never see their kid again . What information do we have about the suspected gunman? Texas officials said the accused gunman was an 18-year-old guy who they think was acting alone and was slain by police officers responding to the incident. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has stated that the suspected shooter entered the school armed with a pistol and maybe a rifle before starting fire. The shooter was salvador romas, an 18-year-old guy from Uvalde.

It is believed that he abandoned his vehicle and entered the rob elementary school in new valley with a handgun and possibly a rifle, shooting and killing 14 students and killing a teacher. There are still many questions being asked about exactly what happened at this elementary school in Texas, how it could have happened, and what, if anything, will change now when it comes to america's gun laws.


Yeah, let's make more laws against guns. That's the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. After 9/11 we didn't ban airplanes... we secured the cabin. Maybe Joe should have spent that 53 trillion securing the schools instead of sending it to Ukraine...