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RE: Patterned to Persist Logically

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Actually the opposite, what has escaped notice, therefore the constant seek for truth, otherwise we would already know the truth and we wouldn't need to grasp it. And also it is hidden in terms of being covered by the lethe - the forgetfulness. At first it used to be clear but as time as we're measuring it with our clocks and calendars passed by it has been forgotten and we need to rediscover it - remember it. Everything we see beyond our direct view of our eyes (including our human made instruments) is looking at the past. What we can see in the cosmos out there is not now, they're past images. And we humans being products of the cosmos and the laws of the spacetime continuum knew or were closer to the truth, even without having developed speech but has been unfortunately left behind. The more the human kind developed the further deviated from the truth. The meaning of the word goes way deeper than the meaning being given to it in english.