Why in the hell should anyone get a flu shot if we're all on lockdown? There shouldn't have been a single flu booster shot administered. The industry should have tanked. I haven't checked but I bet it did in the USA.
Most peeps don't want to go anywhere near a hospital if they can in anyway avoid it. Fact checkers are an arm of censorship. We're much too stupid to read and figure truths on our own.
Well in November, December, January, February, etc. People could have. I think if you called a clinic to get an appointment to get a flu shot, they would do it. Fact checkers blow indeed. YouTube and Facebook love telling us how we can't think for yourselves by telling us what is or isnt a bullshit fact.
Oh yeah, all the peeps before hand. Good point. So glad none of my fam went and got one. 👍
I think we need a Website that ist dedicated to fact-check the fact checkers.
LOL, yeah, deny the fact checker claims. No one can have a discussion without fact checkers saying you're wrong.