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RE: Places labeled "Safe Spaces" are about lulling you further into ignorance...

in Deep Dives2 years ago

The library is a safe space... To explore ideas. It is not a safe place to avoid seeing dissenting views. The right-wingers who have been mocking snowflake liberals now want the libraries purged of anything they deem "offensive" from a narrow definition of conservatism. Society as a whole seems afraid, and it is manifesting in fear of technological innovation as well as philosophical disagreement. I think most people don't really want freedom if they can get an illusion of security through authoritarianism, especially if it comes with a veneer of virtue signaling.


Most people seem to be happy with authoritarianism when they perceive it as "their side" that has the authority.

Live by the sword, die by the sword...

Slippery slope...
