October 7 & the Plot to Prevent Peace – At All Costs, Part 3: The New Plot to Prevent Peace & the Revolution of Love Sweeping our Planet

in Deep Dives2 months ago

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(Source/Credit: Jewish Voice for Peace/Joel Callaway)

"No one is free until everyone is free."

"War makes monsters of us all. But what happens to those of us who no longer wish to be monsters?" - Kameron Hurley, 'The Stars are Legion'

In Part 1 of this series, I documented the history behind Israel-Hamas demonstrating that Hamas is essentially but one head of the very same Zionist entity of darkness now waging a months-long heartless genocidal war on Gaza, revealing this construct to be but a two-headed monster perpetuating war upon the planet at all costs; also documenting the rise of the extremist settler terrorist movement that has now taken over the government of Israel, and how 30 years ago, alongside Hamas efforts, succeeded in their plot to prevent perhaps the one real chance of peace these 'enemies' have had since the creation of 'Israel' in 1948. In Part 2, I documented how these extremists are not only demonstrably committing heinous war crimes, crimes against humanity, and waging a genocidal war on Gaza, but more importantly how they publicly announced their genocidal intentions from the very start; and how this dehumanization fueling their genocide is spreading far and wide, penetrating deeply into Israeli, Palestinian and even much of western society.

Here in Part 3, I will conclude this series by exposing the root deceptions underlying this tragic war, revealing the only four primary strategies the Dark Side has to enslave humanity and perpetuate the endless cycles of violence and war of which this genocidal assault on Palestinians is; and the nature of Power vs. Force, the key to discerning the differences between the darkness and the light and between the false light and the true light; so readers can see how the true light overcomes darkness every time, even though it often does not look that way. Additionally, I cover the latest US-backed Zionist plot to prevent peace yet again, the real reasons there is still after this long no ceasefire, and show how the light is shining out of this darkness and suffering, even in Israel. My hope is to shine a light on a way forward to true and lasting peace and freedom, and demonstrate that humanity is already well on that positive path, regardless of how dark and hopeless this insanity is. Indeed, there is a powerful revolution underway, not only in Israel, but across the planet, and it is unstoppable. It just isn't being televised.

Of Peace and War: The underlying deception dividing humanity & the truth that will set us free

"God doesn't start wars. That's the greatest load of nonsense. Mankind starts wars. But then we bless armies to go and kill in God's name. Somebody's got to blow that myth out of the water." - Betty Williams

“The first casualty when war comes is truth.”

Truth is the first casualty in every war, as the saying goes; and so it is true, as columnist Malcolm W. Bingayand wrote in 1950, that, “There never was a war that was not started by falsehood.” Perhaps this is because at the root of every war lies the ultimate falsehood that asserts war is capable of ending war, and that violence has the power to put an end to violence. This falsehood underlies the whole complex web of deception underpinning this tragic conflict, and the lie that war can somehow ever bring about an end to this particular decades-long conflict - nay, going back millennia in fact - is promulgated by the propagandists of the respective militant forces on either side of this seemingly endless conflict. It cannot; it never has, and it never will; the leaders of both militant factions involved here well know this fact, a self-evident truth that has been acknowledged by commentators, activists and analysts the world over. Only those who have no real understanding of the history of this conflict, or those lying to your face to advance the agenda of those who do want endless war, would dare to argue otherwise.

This reality is particularly evident in regards to this conflict, but it is a universal truth; and as the ‘war to end all wars’ - as the first world war was so called - far from achieving this aim, in fact did just the opposite, ushering in a century of bloody global war and demonstrating for all to see the utter futility of waging violent war in the name achieving world peace.

Arising out of this universal falsehood is the lie that there are only two sides in this conflict – Israel, its government and the Israeli war machine; and Gaza/Palestine, Hamas and its military allies in the region – upon which is then built the lie that one side is inherently ‘good’, the other side inherently ‘evil’; and we the people of the earth must pick between the two, and throw our support behind one or the other, lest we be labeled a sympathizer or pawn of the ‘enemy’. The true pawns of the enemy of humanity, however, are those peddling this deceptive propaganda which justifies and perpetuates the very violence perpetrated upon humanity in the name of protecting and liberating humanity from that very same violence.

From this false dichotomy is then born the lie propagated throughout Israel and the West that Israel, and thus by extension the Israeli war machine, is THE force of Good, indeed of God, in the region; and anyone who opposes it, its war crimes and its abhorrent actions are but nasty terrorist sympathizers or propaganda tools of the so-called 'axis of evil' – Iran's “useful idiots,” as Netanyahu himself recently described thousands of American demonstrators across the country protesting his murderous Gaza war campaign.

Central to the whole deception are the thought constructs underlying the prevalent ideology still anchored on the earth that absurdly believes in the oxymoronic idea of ‘altruistic evil’ or ‘righteous violence’, which gave birth to the concept of a ‘just war’. This ideology is best summarized by the commonly held belief among so many, that “The ends justifies the means,” and at all costs, no less; even in the face of centuries of repeating cycles of history clearly indicating that such means never do actually achieve the ostensibly desired ends. Here, the desired ends being justice, peace and freedom; the means being injustice, violence and tyranny of every kind; and the actual end, the practical results of this ideology being the endless perpetuation of war, violence, and injustice of every kind.

That the publicly stated desired ends are most often not in fact the actual desired ends of those forces on high responsible for waging and perpetuating the wars should be self-evident; but in order to drum up the necessary support and consent for war, the warmongers must convince their respective populations that the desired war is in fact being waged with the intention of bringing the people the desired end which humanity seeks. For, it must be pointed out, humanity, unlike the dark forces seeking to enslave her, universally seeks peace, not endless war.

Most people among the ranks of the minority of humans who actually do truly want war deep in their hearts are but pawns of the darkness, themselves unfortunate slaves and victims of the darkness, having succumbed to the mind control techniques of their masters. In time, we must and so we will learn to forgive even these, “for they know not what they do.” The rest who are actively and knowingly colluding with the dark forces controlling the planet, and who themselves are knowingly a part of the upper ranks of these dark forces, are so small in number so as to be entirely irrelavent in terms of power without the consent and support of their mindless minions. These ones who have fully and completely ‘sold their souls to the devil’ as it were, are not even the 1% of humanity, but rather only the 0.1% of the 1% of humanity; and so it is that, when humanity rises up as one in opposition to this madness, their order will certainly fall, and it could be no other way.

So we can see that war is of necessity always waged by deception, that truth must be the first casualty in order for any war to be declared; and the deceptions that follow in the wake of the decision to go to war are bound to be many indeed, growing up and out like branches from the root deception out of which all war is spawned. And while the branches of deception may be cut off one by one, leaving the trunk bare or even chopped down at the base; until this violent tree of darkness is plucked up by the roots, new shoots and branches will grow back from the source; and deception spawning war again will flood our streets with blood.

But once one finally sees war for what it truly is, the deception spewed by propagandists for the planet’s war machines lose all power it once did have; for that once seen can never be unseen, and lies no longer hold their sway once truth stands in their way. At the heart of every war then, is a battle between truth and falsehood; and peace can never make her home on earth until first truth does arise and take her stand. And while this truth is simple at its heart, it is also multi-faceted, and its many facets must be seen, if deception and the violence it breeds is ever going to die. The truth that slays the murderous lies must shine from sea to sea, until it covers the earth so fully that war itself is suffocated by the mighty waters of truth and love, drowning every last deception that did once give war its life.

Although the fine details of the deceptions spawning war may vary down through time, the truth that shall bring humanity peace remains eternally the same. So we can see that the words of truth delivered to Americans by the wife of British politician Philip Snowden, Ethel Annakin, during the ‘Great War’ in 1915, are just as true today as they were then during that first world war, and perhaps more glaringly obvious in the Gaza war than during any war before.

Someone has finely said that “truth is the first casualty in war”; and never was a greater untruth spoken than that war is waged for the protection of women and homes.

For far too long, humanity has been blinded by the delusion that violence and war and injustice of every kind - when perpetrated by ‘God’s chosen people’ against the outsiders called the enemy, the ‘evil ones’ deemed the ‘devil’s armies’ - is somehow a just and righteous cause; when the only real choice before us all is whether in our hearts we worship the one true universal “God of peace,” or the false gods of war spawning darkness on the earth in the name of light. Whether one worships the Christian God, the Jewish God, the Muslim God, or any other God including the godless State; the only choice of consequence that ever lies before humanity is whether one is guided by the voice of fear or voice of love, whether one joins the ranks of the Prince of Peace or the Prince of Darkness now seeking to enslave us all. All else is but smoke and mirrors cast by the Dark Side in this sick and twisted game of domination they do play.

Truth be told, war itself and the dark forces perpetuating war upon the planet are humanity's greatest existential threat and true enemy, not Iran nor Islam nor Hamas, whose violence is only further fueled by the ongoing illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands seized in 1967 and its hard-line stance opposing the creation of a two-state solution. In reality there are indeed only two sides in this conflict, however they are neither the rulers of Israel nor the rulers of Gaza; but rather humanity being ravaged by the evils of war, and the forces of darkness responsible for perpetuating this war and thus preventing peace and a cessation of this needlessly prolonged human suffering.

In order for humanity to free herself from these dark forces controlling the planet through perpetual war and oppression, and thus finally see peace, we must first understand how the Dark Side operates, for the darkness has only a limited number of tools and strategies at its disposal. But until we can clearly recognize these, we are bound to be led astray, for the Dark Side is ever so sly and crafty indeed. It is just as the old saying goes, ‘the devil comes clothed as an angel of light,’ as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, as a venomous snake disguised at first as a harmless dove.

‘Know thy enemy’: Acquainting ourselves with the Dark Side’s limited arsenal of weaponry

In stark contrast to the power of light and love, the forces of darkness, having cut themselves off from the only one universal source of all all life and power - the love and light flowing through all life that binds all living beings together as one cosmic family - have only one means of gaining and increasing their power; and that is through the theft of the life energy of other beings, the stealing of their light. And just as Jesus taught, when he said, “You are the light of the world,” so it is that humanity, one and all, is the light of this world here on Planet Earth. The darkness upon this earth, then, can only survive by enslaving human beings and thus feeding off their energy; with the only endgame for these dark forces controlling the planet being the complete and total enslavement of humanity. So it is that anyone, anywhere, anytime, who seeks to violate the free will of another in any way, shape or form, is at best but a pawn for the Dark Side in its global chess game being played for total domination over the earth.

Furthermore, there are only four underlying strategies by which the darkness operates to achieve this single overarching goal, under which every plot and scheme it hatches, and every plan and maneuver it makes will thus fall under. These are:

  • First and foremost, the weaponization of fear, fear being the Dark Side’s most powerful and primary tool; and it is here in the weaponization of fear where deception is also heavily and most blatantly deployed.

  • Secondly, the creating of hierarchies of control, most often pyramid-structured by design, seen widely across the planet in various religious, societal, political, military, and government constructs and systems whereby the few self-appointed authorities at the top influence, rule over and control the masses at the bottom. It is here where the classic ‘divide and conquer’ strategies are employed to divide humanity against itself in order that their subjugation by the controllers is made a more feasible task. This is the strategy by which the highly polarizing ‘Us vs. Them’ mentalities are bred and disseminated, which would hardly be successful if at first humanity was not severely dazed and weakened through the weaponization of fear being used against her.

  • Thirdly, the manipulation of light is a key strategy aimed at weakening and subverting the higher goals and intentions of stronger souls who have resisted the more blatant attacks of the enemy and are now finally treading upon the path of light and love, the positive path of service to others; having at last risen out of the prison of fear, having moved through the energies of anger, desire, and pride to dwell at least at the level of courage, which acts as the energetic bridge between the positive path of love/light and the negative path of fear/darkness. It does so through the weaponization of wisdom and the intellect against humanity, manipulating the powerful energy of reason and using the naivety of well-intentioned, less-advanced light beings against them, with the aim of pulling them right back into the darkness; and in too many cases with great success. It does this primarily through understanding the workings of the human psyche better than most humans know themselves, and then weaponizing the human mind, the intellect; with the aim of keeping the targets disconnected from their heart, their intuition; a connection which, if at all strengthened, is a sure defense against this wide-scale manipulation seen in play across the planet.

  • The last primary strategy used by the dark forces in their bid to enslave the planet is the manipulation of the weaknesses of any and all those firmly treading upon the path of light, who are thus naturally resistant to the first three tactics. They carry out this strategy by playing on the weaknesses of anyone whose consciousness is not yet 100% rooted in unconditional love, which is the vast majority of us - anyone who is not yet fully liberated from the last vestiges of fear, anyone who is not yet absolutely, totally, 100% fearless. For, as it has been written, “Perfect love casts out all fear.”

Until we reach the point at which we are totally fearless and have nothing but love in our hearts for all beings, even those who have made themselves our enemies, we are susceptible to this last and final strategy of those fighting tooth and nail to prevent the dawning of the new age of light and love now fast approaching, which will topple the global empire of lies by which for so long they have controlled the planet; perpetuating war and feeding off of the innocent souls of humanity in every way they can. This could come in the way of threats to one’s life or those they love, blackmail attempts where previous misdeeds are leveraged against the target, threats to one’s job or financial security, and the like. On the other hand, they can also be much more subtle and come in the form of unseen spiritual and energetic attacks, the manifestations of which could be seen in sickness or disease, old negative thought patterns the target’s mind is not fully liberated from appearing to ‘come out of nowhere’ with a vengeance to torment them with great fury, and other such things.

For a deeper discussion of these four strategies and real-world examples, see also the following video on the subject linked below, by spiritual teacher Aaron Abke:

At the deepest level, these dark forces at play upon the planet are composed of the fear, anger, hatred, deception, pride and greed in the heart of Man which compels humanity to continue marching on along its current path of delusion, perpetuating this fruitless cycle of endless violence and ultimately the violent destruction of its very own self, which is so pronounced in the Gaza war. And, being that the external world is always but a reflection of the inner state of humanity, these dark forces materialize upon the planet as religious, societal, political, corporate, governmental and military systems which are in effect but cults of death and human slavery - the hierarchies of planetary control.

The psychopathic figureheads seen running these corrupt systems mirror the deep darkness still lodged within the hearts and minds of the people of the earth, as do their ardent followers who are themselves but pawns of these dark forces and products of the mind control of these same corrupt systems and institutions. The endless wars and oppression these death cults ignite, fuel and perpetuate upon a suffering humanity are both humanity's enemy and simultaneously but a symptom of the darkness yet to be fully rooted out of the human collective consciousness.

Of darkness and of light - the nature of power vs. force, the key to humanity’s freedom

The darkness poisoning the hearts of humanity along with the world systems this darkness has spawned serve to hold humanity in a perpetual dis-empowered state of fear, division and confusion; the face of Zionism representing but one head of a much more expansive monster, Hamas but another, and this monstrous construct of slaughter a primary means by which the dark forces controlling this planet perpetually feed upon the energy of the human race to maintain their limited power. The sacrifice of the innocent has long been practiced by the Dark Side, which gains power by energetically feeding off of the blood of the innocent being offered up, and in war their alters are the battlefields of the world.

But we must remember, as the astute American revolutionary Malcolm X pointed out, this enemy and oppressor of humanity is not localized to one place or another, but is largely composed of the entire institutionalized imperial western power structure of control currently dominating vast portions of the planet and widely oppressing humanity in more ways than can ever be enumerated.

In every war, there must be two factions warring against one another, each ultimately and often unknowingly serving the highest order of the dark forces oppressing our planet, which both orchestrate the war and then feed off of the inherent darkness of the resulting bloodshed and the fear it perpetuates, ever fueling both 'sides' of the conflict, responsible for perpetuating this paradigm of endless bloodshed. That there are indeed other militant factions and dark constructs of control operating upon the planet and acting as a counter-force to this western leviathon should be self-evident, however their contribution to the darkness on the earth and role in the enslavement of humanity are outside the scope of this piece.

As humanity continues to awaken out of fear and into love, out of this oppressive darkness which has plagued the planet and ravaged humanity for millennia and into the light of life that will bring humanity the peace and freedom she so yearns for, many millions of us human souls across the planet have begun to awaken to the true nature of the current state of world affairs, its power structures, and the underlying determinants of all human behavior – which, at the end of the day, arise from one of only two sources: Power, associated with love, light and the truth of the unity, oneness, and inter-connectedness of all life; or Force, associated with fear, darkness, and the falsehood which denies the inherent unity, oneness, and inter-connectedness of all life.

The path of light and life, the positive path of service to others which is also the path of love and produces peace, joy and freedom, is inherently empowering; whereas the path of darkness, the path of fear, the negative path of service to self which produces chaos, confusion, conflict and ultimately death, is inherently dis-empowering, though it still fuels and thus in this way empowers the darkness. Force is the only real power the darkness has, and fear its greatest weapon; but force is highly divisive and thus incredibly weakening, always creating counter-force. So it is that violence can and will only ever perpetuate more violence and is utterly incapable of ever bringing about peace; whereas true power, arising from within as opposed to being gained through the theft of the energy of another, has no enemies and is thus unifying, liberating, and the source of true peace.

At the most foundational level, the difference between power and force is that power arises in a being out of the recognition of the truth of the oneness of life'; and force from the belief in separation, which is but a denial of this most fundamental truth of life and thus a falsehood and a denial of the essence of life itself; just as darkness is but an absence of light, and fear the absence of love, unconditional love being the ultimate expression or emanation of that divine truth which is the unity of All That Is.

At its heart, the great awakening humanity is now experiencing across the planet is an awakening into the realization and awareness of the truth of the inherent unity and oneness of the universe and the underlying inter-connectedness of all life - on an energetic and spiritual level - a reality which the field of quantum mechanics has in recent decades demonstrated scientifically, but which all of the great spiritual teachers, saints, mystics and masters down through the ages have always known and taught us all along.

As Albert Einstein himself put it amid the first of these great paradigm-shifting scientific discoveries:

A human being is a part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in space and time. He experiences himself, his thoughts and his feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature.

The belief in separation, the denial of this reality of the oneness of life, then, is the ultimate source of all human problems and the greatest falsehood of them all, the taproot of deception from which all of the other falsehoods sold to humanity in order to perpetuate war and darkness of every other kind arise.

This, at its core, is the fundamental difference between the old fear-based paradigm of perpetual division, endless war and the systematic oppression of humanity under which the world has been operating for countless centuries; and the new, incredibly empowering paradigm of love, unity and peace that awakening humanity is ever reaching for and moving towards, one step at a time. This massive global shift we here on Planet Earth are presently experiencing is fundamentally a massive shift 'upwards' in our state of collective consciousness – out of the insanity of the prison of separation we now find ourselves in, that threatens to annihilate the human race if we should be so unfortunate to be cast into a nuclear world war for example; and into the welcomed sanity of reason, love and truth that would usher in the realization of humanity's deepest desire for “peace on earth and goodwill towards all men.”

Only an insane mind would cheer the mass slaughter of civilians by Hamas on October 7, as if such a violent act of terror actually dealt a blow to the dark forces responsible for the equally repugnant decades-long systematic subjugation, oppression and violent mistreatment of the Palestinian people leading to such desperate acts by such a desperate people.

At the same time, only an insane mind could possibly continue to blindly support the demonstrably destructive, counter-productive and genocidal Zionist assault on the besieged and now decimated Gaza Strip, so many months into this senseless human tragedy. But insanity is the name of the game in this world ruled by insanity in which we find ourselves currently living, operating under the insane old paradigm of divisive darkness with which we are all so well acquainted. Humanity's highest present purpose and struggle must be to free ourselves from this old paradigm of oppression we have been subject to for so many centuries, as we begin to step into the new and empowering paradigm of love, unity and peace that is presently being birthed; even as the darkness appears to be reaching a kind of culmination in its outward expression while simultaneously beginning to destroy itself, its constructs now fast collapsing under the weight of its own corruption, division and deception.

It is a simple matter - for those of us who have transcended the highly polarizing, all-or-nothing 'Us vs. Them' mentality still dominating the minds of large swaths of humanity - to see that, just as the October 7 Hamas attack was clearly a grave injustice and in no way an expression of a desire for peace, neither is the resulting Israeli war on Gaza, complete with its systematic, indiscriminate murder of children and civilians, in any way an acceptable response for the supposedly “most moral army on earth,” nor even remotely a reflection of justice nor a desire for peace either.

As Dr. David Hawkins, author of the groundbreaking work, Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, explains: “Once a principle is breached, its mutated form propagated like cancer.” So it is that, “A society that supports killing, whether in war,” or by any other means, “cannot at the same time effectively stop 'criminal' killing,” as history illuminates so clearly. “To kill is to kill is to kill; there is no escaping that matter,” Hawkins adds.

Countless emotionally appealing constructs have been built to justify exceptions to murder, as fundamentalist religious extremists, governments, and empires of all colors and creeds have done throughout history; and this sickness in the consciousness of Mankind persists to this day, perhaps seen more clearly in this particular conflict than anywhere else on the world stage. “To the murderer,” Hawkins notes, “the killing of the victim is also a justifiable exception” to the universal principle that would at last begin to bring this broken world peace – “Thou shalt not kill.” And herein lies the crux of the entire problem seen playing out in Israel-Palestine today.

“Whether or not to kill other human beings may be a moral dilemma at lower levels of consciousness; at higher levels the question is ridiculous and not even conceivable.”

Let us seek to rise to these higher levels, and to aid our brothers and sisters of humanity in this rise; indeed, as many have noted, our very survival as a species on the earth now very much depends upon it, as the cancer we see spreading is eating humanity from the inside out.

Political theater in the People's House & a new plot to prevent peace

After months of negotiations, as the two sides of the conflict appeared to be nearing the stage of implementing the terms of a recently agreed upon ceasefire framework, Netanyahu flew to America to address the US Congress and stage what Rep. Thomas Massie, the lone Republican lawmaker to boycott the charade, described as both “political theater on behalf of the State Department,” intended to “bolster his political standing in Israel and to quell int’l opposition to his war,” and a “war rally.” As it turns out, the courageous representative was absolutely right.

Indeed, the highly provocative Israeli actions of recent weeks combined with Netanyahu's asinine speech suggest that its current leadership is doing everything in its power to intentionally sabotage the ongoing negotiations and prevent a ceasefire from being implemented, preferring to escalate the conflict into a more expansive and even deadlier regional war.

The very next week, in a daring provocation that has threatened all-out regional war ever since, Israel assassinated Hezbollah's top military commander, Fuad Shukr, in Beirut, along with Hamas leader Haniyah, the prime Hamas negotiator in ceasefire talks, who had just weeks earlier agreed to the ceasefire terms – terms which President Joe Biden announced Israel had also accepted; and it chose to do so on Iranian soil no less, immediately following the swearing in of the newly elected Iranian President.

This looks clearly to be an orchestrated provocation designed to sabotage the ceasefire and at the same time expand and deepen the already regional war, by drawing Iran into a war it has until now refrained from entering directly; as such high-profile assassinations as these beg for large-scale retaliations, and Hezbollah, which, despite trading fire with Israel throughout the conflict, has until now refrained from engaging in an all-out war with Israel, unlike Hamas, for to do so would put the Lebanese civilian population at much greater risk than they already are, and Israel had been focusing most of its airstrikes on Gaza, not Lebanon.

Tensions in the region have escalated sharply in the few short weeks since then, as Israel has insisted on adding new demands to the previously agreed upon ceasefire terms, Hamas is no longer even taking part in the negotiations, insisting on the ceasefire framework it previously agreed to, and US officials have signaled that they will use US forces to 'defend' Israel from Iran's and Hezbolla's expected retaliatory attacks; while the typical war-hawks of the American establishment immediately began squawking about the US involvement in a war on Iran just about as soon as Netanyahu stepped off of that theater stage within the walls of what was once truly known as the People's House.

The threat of a more explosive and broader regional war is a very real possibility; as, despite the US appearance of ratcheting up its pressure on Israel to cease its indiscriminate attacks on civilians and come around to a sensible ceasefire deal – one Hamas would actually accept – the very same US empire simultaneously continues along its path of unconditional support for Israel and its war, refusing to pressure it in any meaningful way at all.

Overnight Saturday into Sunday morning, as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was arriving in Israel “to try to seal” the latest US-brokered ceasefire proposal, Israeli airstrikes struck civilian targets across Gaza killing 29 people including at least 11 women and children according to local health officials, 12 of the deaths confirmed by AP reporters – including a mother and her six children which were killed when an Israeli airstrike struck their home. This does not bode well for the prospect of peace.

The very next day, on Monday, Blinken was announcing that Israel had agreed to the US-negotiated proposal, marking the end of the latest round of negotiations – likely the last – that could in theory secure a release of the hostages and bring the latest months-long episode of madness in this decades-long drama to a close. It is being presented as a take-it-or-leave-it-proposal, with the ball now in Hamas' court, and “maybe the last” and final offer Israel is willing to make, Blinken noted. “But Hamas has expressed deep dissatisfaction with the latest proposal,” the AP reports, “and Israel has said there were points on which it was unwilling to compromise,” plus Hamas has indicated during these latest talks that it it is fast “losing faith in the U.S. as a mediator,” accusing it of being partial to Israel and adding new demands to the previous deal Hamas has for weeks now been ready to move forward implementing – demands Hamas says it will never accept.

The fact of the matter is that Israeli officials including Netanyahu have consistently reiterated, time and time again throughout recent weeks, that regardless of whether or not any deal is ever reached to bring the hostages back, the war on Gaza will nevertheless continue on until Hamas is dealt a crushing military defeat ending in “total victory,” as Netanyahu has assured us – a practical impossibility. Obviously, then, unless these warmongers have had a serious change of mind overnight, there can be no way that this proposal is any kind of actual ceasefire deal, but rather a ploy designed to get the hostages back without putting an end to Israel's ongoing war on Gaza. So while Hamas may well have started this war, it is now Israel which is intent on ensuring it will not be brought to an end.

This subversive intention to perpetuate war at any cost can be seen clearly in Netanyahu's address to congress, in which no mention at all of any plans for a ceasefire were even made. And, as even pro-Israel advocacy groups can see, this complete omission of any plan to work towards peace, particular coming at a time when a ceasefire arrangement Israel had ostensibly already agreed upon was ready to be implemented by Hamas, signals the Netanyahu coalition's true intentions, and reveals this facade to be the “illusion” that it is. From the New York Times we read:

Jeremy Ben-Ami, the president of J Street, a liberal pro-Israel advocacy group, criticized the speech for failing to offer “an actual plan for ending the war and bringing real security and peace to the region.” In a statement, he added: “His empty calls for ‘total victory’ are simply an illusion, as there is no military solution to the underlying conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.”

The recent bombardment on the eve of the finalization of the new and revised offer it is now making Hamas, is just another sign of its true intentions to perpetuate this war indefinitely; until either western world leaders force it to a halt, or a regional war brings it to an end, or until the Palestinians have been ethnically cleansed and displaced from the Strip in order that the supremacist Jewish Zionist settler movement now in control of the government can implement its plan to occupy and settle it. Upon careful investigation, it becomes impossible not to see, as independent journalist Robert Inlakesh writes, that: “What Israel is seeking is not actually a ceasefire, it is a temporary pause with which they can gain back all their prisoners who are held in Gaza (and whom they failed to free from captivity) after which they can pick up their war effort where they left off.”

In conclusion, there are no ceasefire talks in Doha, there is simply discussion between the US and Israel, with Qatari and Egyptian delegations attending to create a meaningless debate that will be relayed back to Hamas who have lost the patience to even entertain such nonsense. If there is no ceasefire, this war will only come to a close in the event of a regional war. US propaganda will attempt to blame Hamas for the failure of this round of the negotiations and may even attempt to blame Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen’s Ansarallah. However, the reality is clear; neither Israel nor the US government want a ceasefire, and both are invested in an effort seemingly designed to annihilate, not just Gaza, but all things Palestine.

Time will tell, but it appears the longstanding “impasse” arising from a staunch refusal to prioritize release of hostages over inherently anti-human religious and political aspirations, and to actually work towards a a viable ceasefire agreement by the extremists who have hijacked Israel, will ensure that peace for Israel-Palestine is no closer now than it was on October 7, 2023, when this all began. If the Netanyahu government actually cared about the return of the hostages and wanted peace, it wouldn't have proceeded to assassinate the man it had been negotiating a ceasefire deal with, reneged on a previously agreed upon ceasefire arrangement, goaded Iran into the conflict, and then continued to rain hellfire down on Gaza, all in an obvious attempt to set the entire region on fire and drag the US into a regional war it knows it could otherwise never win.

There can be no peace without justice, and yet neither justice nor peace seem to be anywhere in sight; and that is precisely because true justice, divine justice, is never to be found in retaliation, revenge, or punishment; but rather in forgiveness, reconciliation, and the unity of brotherhood that results.

Let us all see the reality of what is playing out on the world stage right now, refuse to feed the monster intent on perpetuating war at all costs, and then pray for peace with everything we've got; that we might hasten the day upon which humanity at last sees an end to this endless violent saga of insanity and a new dawning of that real hope of peace, the first light of which was once three decades ago seen ever so briefly upon the horizon, before the darkness snuffed it out. The night is always darkest just before the dawn, and we are witnessing that deepest darkness, even as the first faint light of a new dawn is upon us.

One way or another, in order for the people of of the land long known as Palestine to finally be free from the wicked web of darkness which has been waging its war on humanity for so long, and thus finally see peace, this two-headed monster must die – whether by self-transformation or self-destruction, it matters little; there can be no other way forward to lasting peace. And it now seems more clear than ever that this monster has made its choice, and this choice is destruction, not redemption through transformation. This is no cause for hopelessness, though; for humanity is fast awakening, and the constructs of darkness which have held humanity in bondage and perpetual war for so long are now quickly collapsing. The increasing chaos, insanity, senseless violence and extreme polarization of humanity seen on the world stage today is but proof of of this breakdown, and signs that the day of its final destruction is nigh.

A deeper meaning to it all, and a reason for hope

The Great Awakening sweeping the earth & the darkness we must face before the dawning of the new age of peace now upon us

There is a massive, paradigm-shifting Great Awakening sweeping the earth, and has been for four years now, ever since the dark side first overplayed its hand during the global Plandemic power grab of the COVID chaos, sparking a global revolution against the power structures of control being used to enslave the planet. The same is happening now, with the dark side again overplaying its hand, and in the process humanity has collectively again entered a new phase in its [r]evolution, increasingly awakening to the insanity this war effort truly is, and its inherently unjust nature, being anti-human to the core.

With every bomb dropped on a civilian home, with every young child murdered by an Israeli airstrike, and with every passing day Israel continues to postpone and delay implementation of any meaningful ceasefire, the blatant crime against humanity this war campaign is becomes all that much more clear to one more human soul who had before been justifying the slaughter in their own heart and mind. When this latest charade of an effort to push through a ceasefire fails to secure the release of the hostages and bring an end to the war – short of a miracle, that is – then the true nature of the darkness at play here will only become blatantly more obvious still to the world at large. And so the bloody madness must march on, until enough of humanity recognizes it for what it truly is and moves to put it to an end. Otherwise, the vicious cycle of violence will only continue, as even a ceasefire alone would not be capable to end this conflict; and would rather only delay the next round of violence that would inevitably come, as it always does, and always will, until a lasting resolution to the conflict is worked out.

As humanity continues to awaken and liberate herself from the dis-empowering constructs that once held her in darkness, her light shining brighter every day; the darkness reacts in the only way it can – with fear, force and deception – in a desperate attempt to dim the light that is exposing its darkness for what it really is and to put out the fire this spark ever flickering in the soul humanity has lit, which will ultimately burn its castle to the ground. But the more the darkness – through the dark forces seeking to enslave the planet – does so, the more it exposes the true face of what it is, adding fuel to the very fire it would like to put out and hastening its own destruction. And, in this self-destructive process of incessantly clinging to the dark of night come sunrise, rather then embrace the warm and healing rays of the rising sun, the old-paradigm constructs it once controlled are coming crashing down all around us; and the dark forces seeking to enslave the planet, along with all those who continue to stubbornly serve the darkness, will be swept away by the unstoppable tidal wave of change that is sweeping the planet and drowned by the very current that is meant to carry us to our salvation.

It is just as Bob Dylan once sang in truly prophetic fashion: “You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone,” for just “as the present now will soon be the past, the order is rapidly fading,” while “the battle outside raging will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, for the times they are a changing.”

The battle raging for the soul of humanity is raging for the soul of Israel too

The battle outside is raging indeed, shaking humanity out of her slumber and rattling all of our cages – the constructs long holding the human spirit in bondage – and this battle for the very soul of humanity is perhaps more pronounced in Israel right now than anywhere else on the planet, where even the Media can no longer ignore “the battle for the soul of Israel” that is raging right alongside the violent war on Gaza. Even in Israel, where many people see only the darkness of the crazed fundamentalist extremist nuts running the country, the light is yet growing brighter by the day, as the power of awakening humanity is here to clashing with the forces of darkness attempting to snuff out humanity's light.

The families of the hostages, for example, are outraged at Netanyahu, and were as all of Israel can see that its current government cares not for the hostages, and thus neither for humanity, of which all of us are a part. A growing number of war veterans have defected from the ranks of the Zionist cult which has taken control, now using their voices to expose the injustice of their own government and stand for truth, peace, freedom and equality for all. A number of Israeli soldiers have defected from among the ranks of the Zionist war machine, while dozens of reservists called up for service are refusing to enlist their services,, all these preferring to risk being thrown into prison rather than participate, or continue participating, in this unconscionable crime against humanity their overlords demand of them.

Even from the start of the war, a number of young Israelis outright refused the mandatory military service demanded of them, seeing the reality of the situation and the plight of Palestinians under siege in Gaza; these too preferring to go to prison rather than be made a murderer of their fellow sisters and brothers of humanity. These brave young conscientious objectors, or 'refuseniks' as they are known in Israel, often face serious consequences, with one describing how he was disowned by his family for his decision, and others being thrown behind bars.

One of these, 18 year old Tal Mitnick, paid the price for his civil disobedience, for his refusal to “be part of [the] 'eye for an eye' cycle of violence,” when he was thrown into military prison as a result.

"Before the war, the army guarded settlements, maintained the murderous siege on the Gaza Strip, and upheld the status quo of apartheid and Jewish supremacy in the land between the Jordan and the sea," Mitnick wrote in his statement.

"Since the outbreak of the war, we have not seen any call for a real policy change in the West Bank and Gaza, for an end to the widespread oppression of the Palestinian people and the bloodshed, or for a just peace. We are seeing the opposite: the deepening of oppression, the spreading of hatred, and the expansion of the fascist political persecution within Israel," he added.

In this official “statement of refusal,” entitled, There is no military solution, Mitnick notes the reality that, “According to Hamas and also to the IDF and the political echelon, violence is the only way.” Rejecting this lie for what it is, this young man sees another way forward, the way of peace that will bring peace; and so for Mitneck, there is only one reasonable response to this madness and the endless violent cycle it breeds: “I refuse to take part in a war of revenge.”

This young revolutionary no doubt inspired many others to follow in his footsteps, to walk the path of peace, to join the global revolution of love now threatening to break down the oppressive walls that are tearing humanity apart; as indeed many others have. The single spark lit by this one teenager and a handful of Israeli youth standing strong for peace and justice has ignited a fire, at first small and hardly noticeable, but which is now raging through the street of Israel, pushing it to the brink of societal collapse and threatening to burn the whole rotten Zionist house of corruption to the ground.

Israel is at the heart of the revolution now sweeping our planet, and this is exactly what it looks like: Steadfast nonviolent resistance to the corrupt and tyrannical power structures of the violent ones waging war on humanity and seeking to devour her soul – in the tradition of the likes of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr..

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 00-44-50 A Gen Z Israeli explained why he's refusing to fight Hamas. Now Israel has sent him to military prison.png

The peaceful revolution of love sweeping our planet: The 2nd coming of the ‘Prince of Peace’ is already here, but people don’t see it

As a protester of the war during Vietnam once said, “You can shoot me, but you can't make me fight,” and this sentiment, albeit slowly perhaps, is nevertheless steadily growing among Israelis; and indeed throughout the whole world. And it is this type of unwavering sentiment, this sort of principled stand, which will ultimately free humanity from the chains that bind her. For such courage, and the love and commitment to that love – the willingness to endure unjust mistreatment rather than becoming part of the very same injustice one stands against – is powerful, incredibly powerful; for it is the power that can lead a revolution to victory against even the most powerful empires the world has ever seen.

As Ghandi once remarked, outlining his strategy of nonviolent resistance to the British occupation of India which was central to his freedom movement and the key to its ultimate victory – (paraphrased): 'Give me 100 principled men willing to be imprisoned for the cause as many times and for as long as it takes, and I will give India her Independence without firing a single shot.' And indeed he did. This is exactly how India won her independence from the most powerful military empire on the planet at the time, for the steadfast faith of 100 united and truly empowered souls are more powerful than the mightiest army that will ever arise upon this planet, no matter how many guns and bombs it may have.

Too many, however, still steeped in religious fundamentalism as they are, await a physical return of the Christ, or the Muslim Mahdi, or the Jewish Messiah, or another such savior waited upon to come to their rescue and save the world from this madness by way of violently destroying the 'evil' violent ones. For they cannot yet see that the long-awaited Christ, the Messiah of all, has already returned and is even now with us, in the heart and soul of all awakening humanity; and that the Prince of Peace is exactly that, and not a violent one himself. At the helm of his army, now millions strong, its ranks filled with light warriors, its numbers growing by the day; the long-awaited return of the Christ is already here, and this second coming has only just begun. So it is that, as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow morning and the rain that falls the next will not be dry, the Prince of Peace will certainly prevail against the violent ones who once did think they took his life.

And we, the true soldiers of peace among humanity, do refuse to feed the dark forces of fear, hatred and greed, and to bow at the alter of the false god of war, upon which humanity has for ages been offered up in bloody sacrifice. With truth as our weapon and courage in our hearts; with love as our captain and peace the prize; the Prince of Peace and his global army will in due time prevail to liberate the soul of humanity once and for all; and on that glorious day of divine and human triumph, the long-prophesied Golden Age of peace will finally be ushered in. Humanity is, even now, with love in her heart, already liberating herself from the clutches of the murderous monster which is destined to fall; and whose perpetual plot to prevent peace – at all costs – has now begun to cost humanity a price so very high that she is no longer willing to voluntarily pay. Thus the ceaseless plot to prevent peace and enslave Planet Earth has begun to unravel and will soon be foiled once and for all, as the new age now upon us soon replaces the old.

Free Palestine, Free Humanity, and let peace reign upon the earth

I shall now leave readers with a short but powerful video I stumbled across on X some days ago – which inspired me to undertake the task of writing this piece – along with the realization that hit me like a brick wall when I did; which in turn motivated me to embark upon this undertaking, and which I couldn't put to words any better today than when I first did with the words I wrote at the time.

“Humanity is One; We are all Palestine, and Palestine represents all of us- manipulated, oppressed, ravaged, dominated, divided and controlled, held in a prison of fear and hatred created by our oppressor- a global empire of lies. Free Palestine, free humanity, and let Peace reign.”

What more is there to say?

Since 1967, Israel has, with the help of the fundamentalist Jewish Zionist terrorists now in control of its government, been illegally occupying Palestinian and Syrian territories, unleashing campaigns of violent terror upon the Palestinians in an illegal settler colonization project, further ethnically cleansing and displacing the people of the West Bank and Gaza; while at the same time denying, since 1948, the right of return to thousands of Palestinian refugees to their homes, now in Israeli territory, which they fled to avoid the violence of that first war, and all this is according to international law. For decades, the world stood idly by, watching, or ignoring more like it, this ongoing travesty of justice, and did nothing to right this wrong. This war is the result, and now a genocide is in progress, and still, the western world leaders continue to stand idly by, doing nothing to stop it and everything needed to perpetuate this monstrous crime against humanity.

But the people of the earth are finally watching, are finally rising up, as the world can no longer bear to stand idly by; and now, at last, for the first time in history, all eyes are on Palestine.

But the Zionist empire seen violently occupying and colonizing Palestine today is but one faction of a much larger global empire; and truth be told, the same dark forces behind the senseless slaughter in Gaza, and the senseless slaughter in Israel on October 7, are also behind the war in Ukraine, and the war in Yemen and Syria and Libya and and Iraq and Afghanistan before that; and they are attempting to colonize the entire planet, and they have for ages been occupying all of humanity, long before Israel was born in 1948. There is a global occupation of this planet, there has been for some time; and now humanity is at last rising up, hand in hand with the Palestinians and Israelis alike, in resistance to this global empire of lies and its global occupation of our beautiful planet, and its plan to enslave us all.

We are living in the times when the Palestinian struggle for justice, peace and freedom – which is but a reflection of the whole human struggle for the same – reaches its culmination, being but one reflection of our greater collective human struggle. And so it is that the Palestinian cry has, in large part because of this tragic war, become the cry of all awakening humanity, as the heartbeat of the Palestinians is absorbed into the heartbeat of all humanity, our hearts beating to the same rhythm as one heart, a rhythm which will in turn set all of us free; heard in the rally cry of millions across the planet, echoing through time and space ever louder by the day – 'Free, Free, Palestine!'

'What do we want?'


'For who?'


And so shall it be, that from the river to sea, Palestine will be free; free from her past, her oppressors, and the poison of colonialism, racism, apartheid and supremacism; free from the poison of Zionism and Islamic Jihadism alike – one land, one nation, one people united – proud to live together as brothers and sisters under the same sun, the same King which is Love; with freedom, justice, and equality afforded to all. And on that day, all of the Palestinians whose families were born upon this beautiful land will have the right of return granted which they have for so long sought, the right to live together at peace and in harmony with all of the Israelis who also now know no other home, and seek peace and freedom just as badly as they do.

And finally, that long awaited day shall arrive when the ancient city of Jerusalem, “The City of Peace” – her streets for so long stained with the innocent blood of her prophets and her people – shall at last dwell in peace; at last making holy the 'holy land' that until this day has truly never been. And so too shall it be across all of this beautiful earth, and humanity shall at last be free. One day...

Let us hasten that day and never forget, that the peace and freedom humanity ever hopes and yearns to see, will be here just as soon as enough of us decide that it's here.

“One day this all will change, treat people the same; stop with violence, stop with the hate; one day we'll all be free, and proud to be under the same sun; sing a song of freedom like, one day, one day...” - Matisyahu, One Day

“All of the flavors, colors and creeds; Take to the streets, powerful peace; That's what we need, solidarity; Resist temptation, abandon the greed; I'm planting the seed, what we believe; Changing the system, no more division; Trust in the vision, First People wisdom; About damn time that we all start listening!” - Will Evans & Ben Fagan, Adam and Eve


Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 02-01-50 palestine global freedom at DuckDuckGo.png

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