The New Normal, Where the Slaves Wear Masks & Insanity Reigns

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)


Now that the covid19 ‘pandemic’, which was never really a pandemic to begin with, has passed, with government restrictions being lifted and businesses reopened, things should be getting back to normal, don’t you think? Well no, that would make way too much sense, and if things ever went back to the way they were before the nothing that happened caused society to flip out and shut down, then there wouldn’t actually be a new normal, and apparently there has to be a new normal now.

Apparently it doesn’t matter that even a CDC report an entire month ago proved there was never a true pandemic, by showing that covid19 was no more deadly than the common influenza virus, and as such was basically just another flu strain and really no big deal. It never posed any more of a threat than the common flu, and yet the whole western world shut down because of it. All except Sweden, that is, which went on with business as usual while ignoring this so-called pandemic, and Sweden had no more deaths than any of the European countries around it. There was never a pandemic, and the new normal measures didn’t stop people from getting sick.

People got sick and died during the scamdemic, just like before and after, same amount of average deaths before, during, and after. And, no difference between countries that imposed strict lockdowns and those that did absolutely nothing. As if nothing happened. Because in reality nothing out of the ordinary did happen, nothing but everybody getting freaked out about nothing, nothing that doesn’t happen every single year anyway. That, and a whole bunch of people dying from other causes being labeled as covid19, and then this manipulation being used to push the fear-based CDC/John Hopkins pandemic narrative, a narrative the CDC’s own research now shows was not based on the reality of the situation. That was kind of obvious to many of us all along. Now it’s obvious to a whole lot more people.

So now that we know this, and the majority has seen through the fraud, and the government restrictions have been lifted for over a month, you’d think things would naturally start going back to normal, what with the vast majority of people going about business as normal now and there being nothing to fear more than any other day. And looking around, most people have gotten back to normal it would seem. At least as normal as corporate America will allow them.

You see, despite the lack of government restrictions, apparently the big corporations and some organizations have taken it upon themselves to continue enforcing a new normal even long after the conditions supposedly necessitating this state of affairs in the first place have entirely disappeared.

Look no further than CNN for a prime example of msm attempting to normalize this new normal - as explained on June 25 in a post entitled Our new normal, in pictures:

Places across the globe are beginning to ease their coronavirus restrictions. Businesses are reopening, as are some schools and sports leagues. But everything looks much different than what we are used to.

Yes it does look much different, in isolated businesses which are mainly large corporate chains, and thanks to the constant propaganda efforts of the corporate media of course.

Many of us are still working from home. Others have lost their jobs and are looking for new ones. We continue to keep our distance from one another, whether it's in a park, out shopping or in our places of worship.

In reality only a few mindless slaves plugged into CNN and other corporate TV programming outlets are still practicing social distancing, and we can all thank the loss of jobs and local business closures to the government, not covid19, mandated shutdown.

Anyhow, if you want to see some of the absolutely most outrageous post-scamdemic new normal behaviors being carried out by select businesses around the world, look no further than the CNN link above. I’m not sure which of the following three photos takes the cake for most insane, the homemade ‘hug glove’, the restaurants forcing patrons to dine inside ‘quarantine greenhouses’, or the dining under individual ‘plastic shields’ at a restaurant in Paris.




Walk into most small businesses or down the street here in Utah, and everybody acts just normal. Nobody wearing a mask at local parks, and nobody anywhere practicing social distancing anymore either. But walk into Walmart or Smith’s or any large corporate chain, and suddenly it’s like traveling back in time two months to the peak of the government-mandated ‘new normal’. What is only still normal in the big corporate chains and among select few businesses is being touted as the new societal normal by the fakestream media. Here, all employees are wearing masks by mandate, a terribly unhealthy long-term habit as the masks restrict airflow, all day, every day. Though out and about in public most people seem to have lost the motivation to continually suffocate themselves with masks that never protected against the virus to begin with, over a whole month after the government lifted its restrictions, yet walking into Smith’s the vast majority of customers as well as employees are still wearing masks.

You see, the mask is a very clear sign of who’s a slave of the corporate media, and who’s not. Many of these people are clearly not wearing masks to protect themselves or others, but simply because the media told them to; and so they just have the mask uselessly hanging around their neck, just as CNN broadcasters were prone to do at the very same time as they derided the ‘murderous’ rebel masses for daring to disobey the all-important mask-wearing edict! It was never about protecting anyone, but always about obeying authorities and conforming to the corporate media-imposed new normal, as the extreme level of hypocrisy of all the pandemic measures and unequal enforcement of this whole new normal from the very beginning of this somewhat comedic scamdemic nightmare demonstrates.

At Smith’s the employees are all wearing special tags reminding people to stay six feet apart, because ‘social distancing’ is so important now to protect each other. Protect us from what? From falling back into the reasonable ways of the old normal I suppose, as that would wreak havoc upon society, just as it always did for all of time until 2020. Plus Trump said social distancing would be a good thing to keep around, and the TV says it’s the only safe thing to do, so even though he is no longer mandating it, the slaves comply to the wishes of their TV masters.

In Walmart, the loudspeakers continually broadcast the necessity of washing hands and staying home if you are sick, similar to how the airport loudspeakers changed to repeatedly announcing the necessity of notifying the authorities if you notice unattended baggage after 9/11. Useless and obnoxious programming. They are only doing all this because they care about us, they say, even though it is the ultra-rich rulers of the same corporateocracy that made billions off the Scamdemic while thousands of Americans suffered.

And there are still counters at the door to enforce limited occupancy too, despite this no longer being government-mandated as it had been well into May.

And to top it off, larger food banks are restricting the number of volunteers, requiring volunteers to wear masks and practice good ‘social distancing’. They are also not allowing those being given food to collect the food themselves, but instead fill up a cart with random goods and roll it out to people, apparently because it has been deemed ‘unsafe’ for the customers to actually be inside. Funny how in the grocery store chains, despite their clinging to the new normal, it is still just fine for crowds of customers to enter and shop, but apparently unsafe for a much smaller number of people to do so in the food bank.

I guess they weren’t joking about the new normal being here to stay, and it is still just as insane as it was during the peak of its enforcement.

“We’re still getting used to the new normal,” the opening words from the recent email from the Bozeman food bank I received read. “Still getting used to?” But it was done and over with a month ago! And Montana was one of the first states to reopen and drop restrictions! The main subject of the email was to announce that they are finally allowing older folks to volunteer again, but there are only three volunteers allowed per shift, who must wear masks and socially distance themselves! And, all food is being prepared and boxed by volunteers who then give it to the family coming in for the food, as no customer is allowed to come inside. They are still deciding on when to fully open the store inside, they said...

Apparently this is not isolated, but just how larger food banks across the country are now operating as part of the new normal. Smaller food banks such as the private gospel mission I volunteered at in Silver City, New Mexico and the Richfield, Utah food bank were not enforcing these rules, even during and immediately following the government-mandates, and yet the larger food banks are still enforcing such non-mandatorized madness long after the perceived threat is gone. I wonder if maybe the reason for this is that most larger food banks operate under the HRDC or at the least receive funding from the HRDC, which is a government organization.

In any event, I will share the short story of my visit to the Logan, Utah food bank to illustrate the absurdity of this insanity. Being low on funds at the moment I decided to see if I could pick up a few items there. The sign posted on the front door said nobody was allowed inside, due to the governor’s ban on large gatherings, and that food would be prepared by volunteers and brought out in a cart instead. If there can be a handful of volunteers inside as I witnessed, then surely it wouldn’t become a ‘large gathering’ by having one customer go through at a time to pick out food, as used to be the common procedure at food banks throughout the country.

In any event, there was an actual real large gathering of over two dozen people right outside in the parking lot, sharing a meal together, nobody practicing social distancing, and they were also handing out food to cars that were driving through - some affiliated event hosted on the premises. Strange, I thought, that one additional person in the large building constituted a large gathering but over thirty-some people gathered closely together right outside somehow did not!

That discrepancy aside, the governor’s ban on large gatherings as well as on mandatory face masks inside businesses is no longer even in effect in Utah for over a month now. Yet all the volunteers are still required to wear masks and nobody is allowed into the warehouse to choose their own food as normally took place in the past.

As the front door was locked, I looked for someone to assist me out back where the big event was coming to a close. A volunteer kindly walked me right through the very warehouse which would somehow be unsafe for me to walk through in order to pick food, but it must have been safe to just walk through in order to find the short form they wanted me to fill out. Then walked back through the warehouse, and I was introduced to the director, the only person there not wearing a mask, almost as if he knew they weren’t really necessary but required them for...reasons. Anyway, he guided me back through the warehouse yet again, and had me fill out the form in the office.

By the time I was done, the volunteer had filled a cart with food, and while I certainly appreciated the help, I was astonished at how much food they had collected for me as it was simply far more than I could possibly use! So I spent about 10 minutes sorting through it all, and gave probably over half of it back, because how are they suppose to know what or how much food each person will actually use, right?

I was shocked by the sheer amount of junk food they had loaded up for me, but then again I suppose most Americans would happily accept such a bulk of unhealthy gifts, as subsisting on such a poison-filled diet is all too normal for so many these days.

Diet is a rather personalized issue and people’s preferences and diets obviously differ radically from family to family. Some subsist mainly on junk food, sugar and TV dinners, while others prefer to eat real food. Some are vegetarians, some are gluten free, some eat a completely plant-based diet, and others wouldn’t touch a fresh vegetable with a ten foot pole or eat a single meal a day that didn’t contain meat or dairy.

So not allowing people to pick their own food inevitably leads to more people getting food they don’t want or won’t use, probably one family often getting what the other would use and vice versa. This obviously leads to more time spent by the volunteers choosing someone else’s food when the people used to do it themselves, and then more time also spent by the people picking up the food having to sort through the food to make sure they will actually use everything that was randomly chosen for them - either that or more food going to waste. It’s really not a great or efficient system at all, and there’s no legitimate reason to be enforcing or enduring such insanity any longer, especially when it is apparent that such guidelines aren’t about safety but rather about appearance.

How else can you explain why it is deemed unsafe to walk in a building to pick out food, yet safe to walk through just to walk through? Or why having four or five or six rather than three people in a building is somehow unsafe and a ‘large gathering’, but thirty people gathered right outside is a safe, non-‘large gathering’? Or why masks must be worn for safety, but only by volunteers and not the one running the show? Or why it is safe for dozens of people to shop all at once at Smith’s or Walmart, or even to be crammed in a tiny store, but having one person or family at a time shopping in a large warehouse in a food bank is somehow unsafe?

And yet here we are, living in the new normal long after the conditions which created it have faded away, the CDC research having shown those conditions were bunk anyway, and the government is no longer even requiring it!

This is apparently what the new normal looks like. A bunch of mindless slaves running around with their masks on, or uselessly dangling them around their necks, because the TV said that’s what good slaves do now. The vast majority of people long ago having taken off their masks, if they ever even put one on to begin with.... Meanwhile all the big corporate chains and even private organizations such as larger food banks are desperately clinging to the expired mandates of the new normal, for unknown reasons, while the vast majority of people just seek to go back to life the way it used to be, with a shred of normalcy.

Welcome to the new normal. Just like during the peak of the scamdemic during the government-mandated phase of this ‘new normal’, the new post-mandatory ‘new normal’ is just as insane and makes just as little sense as the old ‘new normal’.

Not much has changed, though it’s easier now than ever to spot the mindless TV-indoctrinated slaves; and to see that even more so than the government, it is the big corporations behind the push to extend this Scamdemic into infinity. They jump to comply to the mandates of the new normal before they were even mandated, they were exempted from the economic shutdown, they profited the most, and now they are the ones still clinging to the new normal long after it is no longer being mandated.

The mandatory mask-wearing forced upon employees by big corporate chains is probably in no way incentivized by the corporate profit of those manufacturing and selling all the masks. The bipartisan state and federal government push for widespread mandatory testing probably had nothing to do with the corporate profit of the pharmaceuticals manufacturing those tests. The government exempting the big corporate chains from the economic shutdown probably had nothing to do with protecting and increasing the corporate profit of those same corporate chains. Meanwhile the surging of billionaire wealth as the average American is plunged deeper into poverty is probably just a coincidence.

And the whole ‘second wave’ predicted by all the medical experts with no medical expertise like Bill Gates, that the media’s been talking up for months - that ‘second wave’ now allegedly starting to sweep across China, well that surely has absolutely nothing to do with all the Bill Gates-funded vaccines currently being developed that will have absolutely no use if there is no longer a ‘pandemic’ in process by the time they have been produced and are ready for use on the mindless slaves still living in constant pandemic-imposed fear. And haven’t you heard, those vaccines are the only ‘solution’ to this really big problem that, without a ‘second wave’, has already completely vanished into the unreality from whence it first came.

Welcome to the new and revised new normal, apparently here to stay until Bill Gates’ good ol’ vaccine swoops in to save the day from the second or third wave of covid1984 corporate insanity.


'you've got knickers on your face.'

I think this virus was a sudden fear for governments and people. This is the worst part. Even in avian influenza and dome flu, such effects were not seen. It is as if fear has been instilled in people. A doctor from Italy stated that the virus did not cause pneumonia as before.

Well You have it pretty much right,
and now let's take it a bit further...
Since the "Fat & Lazy" already got the "Brains" to work and pay taxes to feed them, and the corporate world knows this....
Let's ease in some "Fascism", and see what percent is onboard???
And that is what I see...
I live where they "just" started pushing the mask... 06/26 manditory in the grocery store.. At this stage of the game???
People who have been wearing masks about "ALL" seem to want a Fascist State...🤔🤨🙁
Just look at them....

Today a good friend I have confidence returned from a trip across country to see family. He told me his brother has just died from SARS2. I dunno what to think, and am more alarmed today than I have been for some time.


I dunno where you live, but in the US cases are on the rise, and yesterday we had more new cases in a single day than any other day since the start of the pandemic. What makes it worse is that these new cases are not due to increases in testing as they were before. We're seeing steady to decreasing rates of testing with increasing rates of transmission. Complications among younger victims are also on a significant rise. Long-term sufferers are starting to feel the real impact of covid19. If the body can't expel the virus after several weeks, as with any infection, it begins to destroy the infected part of the body. Hundreds of people are left with permanent lung damage, and several dozen have required transplants. If you were part of the D-Day invasion, you were less likely to die than someone infected with covid19 (though both have about a 7% death rate).
Regulations are being lifted partially due to violent responses to extended lockdown (which we've propelled ourselves into by having a complete failure of a response to the initial wave of infection) and partially due to us discovering with regulations have helped and which have not based on results in varying places that had different rules.
In fact, the southeastern corner of the United States has more infections currently than New England and New York and the Middle of the east coast (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, etc) COMBINED. Call it a coincidence that the southeast has been the quickest to lift regulation.