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RE: Coronavirus: Creating Fake News

in Deep Dives5 years ago

I'm not an arguer. We just pay attention to different media sources and have been brain-washed differently. :-)

But I'll share a few more thoughts, for what they are worth.

I don't think anyone's arguing that COVID-19 is completely different from the flu. In fact, reliable (non-polarized, politically-motivated etc.) sources like the Pan American Health Organization are trying to help people understand the similarities and differences, e.g. in this article.

The video you shared argues that a significant number of people who die from COVID-19 would have died by year's end anyway (or something to that effect). That makes me incredibly sad - that we've come to a place and time when human life is viewed so flippantly, so disrespectfully. People are old and frail and don't matter? Well. All I can say is that I hope I am not dumped out with the trash if I become frail and vulnerable. I hope my life will matter to the people I love, and to the people in my community with whom I've shared meals and walks, conversation and wine and ideas. I hope I don't just become a number, and that it's okay for me to die when a virus rolls in.

I know I'm in an echo chamber here. You've chosen your stance and what you want to hear and not hear. You've firmly decided this all blows over in April. I would love for you to be right on that. And I'm not interested in trying to change your mind. My only point is that I wish that people who have chalked all this up to conspiracy would be open to the voices of people who do care about the lives of the individuals who are dying from this disease, and believe that we each carry a responsibility to slow the spread so it harms fewer people.

The spread of the virus in the next two weeks in the U.S. could be explosive, as it has been in New York in the last few weeks, or it could be gradual and somewhat contained if everyone took it seriously and didn't just wave a hand and say it's fake news and go about their business. So I guess this is a little bit of a plea. Please, please care. Do the right thing. It's all fun and games until it's your own mother or sister or aunt, who was contributing to society and overall doing fine although she perhaps has a tendency toward bronchial infections. Or it's my brother-in-law, who has a lung transplant and survived a debilitating disease that would have killed him a few years ago, but for a miracle. This disease, though, could take him down after all that.

That's all I have to say. Again, not up for arguing, but maybe this provides a little more insight on a different perspective than your own.

If that piques your interest, then have a look at this collection of personal stories about COVID-19 from around the world, collected by @pennsif. (Granted they are mostly about lock-down.)

Here are more personal stories:

Again, we probably just need to agree to disagree. But I felt like I needed to give an alternative viewpoint - about caring and personal responsibility. And I am never, ever a sheep.


I'm not an arguer.

Neither am I. I do not argue. I am showing you the truth. Are you ready to see?

We just pay attention to different media sources and have been brain-washed differently. :-)

No, @jayna, I’m sorry, but you are paying attention to different media sources. I am sending you documents and witness statements, evidence material just like I was doing while I was going before the Court of Justice as a lawyer. I do not care for media reports. Event 201 is not a media report, it is their site. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Michael Favorov and Didier Raoult are all experts and witnesses to the big lie. You have official data from WHO, UNAIDS, CDC, CSE and European mortality monitoring… numbers there do not lie, these are not media reports. You have links to scientific works in the BioScience Journal, U.S. National Library of Medicine, and at Mediteranee Infection.

Here is one from your source:

Q. What are the differences in symptoms between COVID-19 and influenza?

While symptoms of the two viruses are similar, the percentage of people with severe disease appear to be different. For COVID-19, current data suggests that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe, requiring oxygen, and 5% are critical, requiring ventilation. These percentages of severe and critical infections are higher than with influenza.

No, they aren’t, Numbers are manipulated. For influenza they have taken estimated cases, and for COVID-19 registered cases. Of course the rates are higher with the much smaller group. Michael Favorov calls it ‘negative selection group’. You could see that answer in my text under the “Yes, it’s a common flu” section. And PAHO does not cite any other difference. Isn’t that just a bit suspicios for you?

Personal stories are just that – stories. I have relatives and friend who already had it and got well. It’s a flu.

And I am never, ever a sheep.

Prove it. Show me that you know the difference between the evidence material and media reports.

Sigh. I'm trying to help you see a viewpoint that is not about macro numbers and stats, but real people who don't want to catch this thing and be a statistic. That's all. The numbers climbed exponentially in New York in two weeks' time. That will also happen across the U.S. with inaction. Some percentage (though small) get very very ill. Some die. But if we act responsibly, fewer people will die.

No, @jayna, media tell you that numbers are rising exponentially. Numbers tells you that there is no deviation from the seasonal average. Numbers don’t lie. Media does. And then State takes leftovers of your freedom. While you are ‘responsible’…