Article On The True Nature Of Constables Of Law

in Deep Dives2 months ago (edited)


Author: Peter: Frenette (PeterGun), master gun maker, professor of the law of the land and common law. For world-wide-wide distribution.

To not know your inherent, nonlienable, natural Rights and not know the difference between a Constable of Law and a Police Force Officer can be highly dangerous and extremely costly in you righteous temporal and spiritual properties, your liberty and even your life.

Preamble to main narrative

A crown is headgear representing power and authority; authority is a highly dangerous superstition backed-up and enforced by physical force nearly always unlawful, criminal, treasonous. The Crown mentioned in legal instruments [acts, statutes, court documents etc.,.] is a legal fiction known as a corporation, and the Crown mentioned in the following information is a foreign-owned Crown corporation, not the monarchic Crown, itself a legal fiction fairytale fantasy, and which the Khazarian pseudo-Queen, Elizabeth Sax-Coberg-Gotha-Battenberg-Rothschild-Guelph-Khazar-Bullan, Windsor and her parasitic foreign brood of shameless, parasitical troughers operate and shelter under.

The Crown corporation is a foreign-owned international criminal outfit owned and controlled by the Vatican [Ref: 1213 Treaty of Verona between King John the First of England and Pope Innocent the Third … not that any pope has ever been innocent], itself a sovereign principality registered as a private corporation that is owned by minor Useful Idiot shareholders who are fully controlled by the major shareholders numbering about fifteen Khazarian zionist pseudo-jew banking families/houses including: Aldobrandini, Borja/Borgia, Breakspeare, Chigi, Colonna, Conti, Esti/Gelf/Guelph, Farnese, Gaetani, Medici, Orsini, Pamphili, Rothchild, Somaglia. Apparently, just like the Sicilian Mafioso, they elect from among themselves, five families to head their zionist criminal consortium for a set period of time, hence they often being referred to as the ‘Kosher Nostra’ and the ‘Khazarian Mafia,’ and whose true origins are Asiatic, not North-Western European White Nation race people.

For the purposes of this short article the Crown corporation is referred to as the Vatican Crown … the Vatican Crown is the Deep Shadow State that fully controls the monarchic British Crown and what passes for as the British government, not the monarchic English Crown which Lizzy the Khazarian pseudo-German leech can never make lawfully claim to.

Much of the following information is subject to the Crown Official Secrets Act, a gagging contract only legally binding on individuals who have signed the Official Secrets Act. Should the reader employ a solicitor or barrister to make a claim against a police force officer or any other Vatican Crown officer, associate or agent, in any Vatican Crown corporation court, the reader will, most times, be wasting both his time and his money because the reader’s representing solicitor(s) and barrister(s), the police officer, all the police officer’s legal representatives and the judge and all the court officers are Vatican Crown corporation admiralty administrative officers sworn to protect each other until incapable of pissing against an insurmountable embarrassing storm of irrefutable evidence forcing a judge to give the claimer the proper verdict … and the judge will still try dishonestly underestimating proper damages for the successful claimer, without any meaningful protest by the claimer’s legal representatives.


  1. The Constables’s Office is a Christian office.

  2. Any man who has a criminal conviction cannot become a constable.

  3. The Office of Constable, is a Christian office,

  4. A man must fully know the natural law of the land/common law to be a constable [Reference Magna Carta].

  5. A constable is a lawman elected by the people of his shire.

  6. A constable is only answerable to his Chief Constable and the people of his shire, not to government.

  7. A proper Chief Constable of Constabulary is not someone promoted from within the constabulary. A true Chief Constable of Constabulary was someone fully knowledgeable of the law of the land/common law, of high standing within his shire and was fully independent of government during peacetime.

  8. The use of ‘was’ instead of ‘is’ in the previous paragraph, 6, is, there are no proper Chief Constables of constabulary and no proper constabularies and no proper constables left or extant in England and greater Britain.

  9. The tasks of the Constable are:

    • maintaining and upholding the natural law of the land and the common, and
    • protecting all the people within his shire, and
    • maintaining the peace of his shire, and
    • investigating crimes committed within his shire, and
    • confronting and, when necessary for the safety of the people, detaining wrongdoers within his shire, and
    • discovering the identity and cause of death of corpses found within his shire.
    • ensuring unidentified corpses found in his shire are given a Christian burial at the expense of the parish in which the unidentified stiff was found … it was not a common occurrence for a constable to dump, at night, an identified stiff into a neighbouring shire, to save a parish burial expenses. Nor was it unknown for the stiff to be dumped back-and-forth a few times by constables of each shire until it received a Christian burial or was buried in a makeshift shallow grave in a ditch, field, hedge or copse, and by which time the stiff had sometimes travelled further than it had in the last few days, when alive.

  10. A Constable can only operate within the jurisdiction of the natural law of the land, and common law … the former law, is a shade superior to ‘common law.’

  11. A Constable can only act within his bailiwick, i.e.,. within the boundaries of the shire of the people who elected him to post of constable.

  12. A constable has a higher standing than a judge.

  13. A constable has a higher standing than politicians, magistrates, judges, barristers and solicitors; a constable can, without asking anyone to do so, go into any law court to ensure everyone in the court is acting within the law of the land, and arrest any magistrate or judge who acts beyond what the law of the land allows. A law judge is a referee who ought remain absolutely scrupulously unbiased when presiding over a court trial. A law judge expounds/explains the law of the land, not make law or practice law from the bench, nor ought influence a jury to achieve a verdict the judge desires. The only time a judge can direct a jury, is to dismiss a case because the accused man or woman has clearly not broken the law of the land.

  14. A constable must always carry his constable’s promissory oath when he is acting the role of constable.

  15. A constable cannot lawfully issue fines.

  16. A constable cannot lawfully enforce on the common man, private law known as acts, statutes, rules, regulations, requisitions, policies, codes, ordinances, mandates, guidance.

  17. A constable who tries issuing fines and enforcing acts, statutes, rules, regulations, requisitions, policies, codes, ordinances, mandates and guidances, on the common man, is acting above the law, ultra viries, beyond the lawful powers of the Constable’s Office, is committing malfeasance in public office and no long acts for nor represents the people of his shire or any other shire, and can be held personally liable and be sued for any and all unlawful harm and unlawful loss he causes to another.

  18. Whether for himself or for someone else however named or of whatever legal fiction status, a constable cannot lawfully engage in commerce while acting the role of constable. Ref: Magna Carta.

  19. A Constable does not sign the Official Secrets Act, because the Law of the Land is not secret in any way, therefore ought be known by all.

  20. The maxim of law, “We are all servants of the law” confirms every sane man and every sane woman in England has the same powers as a Constable, that includes making a common law arrest [forget the term ‘citizen’s arrest’ … we are Englanders under common law of the land, not republican Roman citizens governed by military civil law … supposedly … but Englanders are, but to their shame, too few know it], however, whether one is or is not a constable, anyone making a wrongful common law arrest is, at law, liable for paying compensation for any loss plus substantial damages of various types [reference: Damages; Black’s Law Dictionary, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th editions], to the wronged party.

  21. There is no such entity known at common law, as a ‘Police Constable’ … one is either a Constable or a Police (Policy) Officer … for a Constable or a Police Officer to claim or believe he is both a Constable and a Police Officer, is to reveal the claimer as a delusional moronic sociopath at best or a highly dangerous schizophrenic psychopath at worse because a constable operates in common law jurisdiction and a police force officer operates in the jurisdiction of the Vatican Crown corporation, a foreign enemy power waging a genocidal loxic mixed-war against the White Nation Race and indigenous people of England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

Police force officers.

  1. Every police force officer operating throughout England and greater Britain is not a lawman known as a constable.

  2. Every law-abiding infant school dinner lady in England and greater Britain has, at law, more lawfuf authorative powers than a police officer.

  3. A police force officer needs your individual consent for him to police you … how many times have you heard on television or the radio or read in the newspapers, a senior police force officer announcing “We can only police [‘police’ is a military term for: control, regulate, rule] the people with the consent of the people” … ‘consent, being the operative word ... no freewill, uncoerced consent = no contract = no lawful police authority over a non-consenting law-abiding individual going about his lawful business and harming no one.

  4. Being a heavily tattooed thug with a criminal record, is no bar for becoming a police force officer.

  5. Everyone who applies to become a police force officer is psychologically accessed by a Tavistock Institute formula based on 274 bits [accurate at time when number acquired] of information on the applicant; the formula gives very accurate results on the IQ rating and temperament of the applicant:

    IQ Range (ratio IQ) IQ Classification
    175 and over Precocious
    150 - 174 Very superior
    125 - 149 Superior
    115 - 124 Very bright
    105 - 114 Bright
    95 - 104 Average
    85 - 94 Dull
    75 - 84 Borderline moron
    50 - 74 Morons
    25 - 49 Imbeciles
    0 - 24 Idiots

Close approximate IQ of the five major races

Oriental/Far East Race
Chinese, Japanese, khazars/ 110
/khazarians [Khazars/
/khazarians are of Mongol-
Chinese/Eastern Asiatic

Middle East Race
Indians, Iranians, Iraqis. 106

Eastern European Race
Caucasians 103

White Nation/Anglo-
Saxon/Western European
Germans, French, 101

Non-Arab Sub-Saharan 75
African race.

Of Interest

Non-communitarian anthropologists uncontaminated by the deadly marxist politically correct mind virus and who have examined hundreds of brains of all the major races, have independently observed that that average IQ is linked to the average size brain of each race, with the Chinese having the largest average brains and the non-Arab sub-Saharan African race having the smallest brains, being generally flatter, narrower, longer and with less convolutions than the average brains of the other four major races.

  1. Every successful applicant who is accepted into the police force has been chosen from upper borderline dull [IQ 92 – 94] to average intelligence [IQ 95 – 104] range.

  2. Having average intelligence [IQ 95 – 104] does not equate with being criminally bent, as the greater majority of people with average intelligence are decent, law-biding people with empathy for their fellow man.

  3. Any applicant having an IQ above 104 or showing empathy for his fellow man, nor will act against his conscience, cannot become a police force officer because the police force will only employ sociopaths with an IQ ranging from 92 to 104 ... the Vatican Crown needs police officers who will unquestioningly follow orders of their so-called ‘superior officers’, even when those orders are blatantly self-evidentially unlawful … as the famous political commentator and journalist, Henry Louise Menchen observed “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.”

  4. Every British police force officer you see has been psychologically profiled as a sociopath with average intelligence, with some assessed as ‘upper borderline dull’ … that is why when one attempts instructing most police officers, on law and what is not law, one can see a glazed, puzzled look in their eyes, similar to a blank television screen with no incoming signal.

  5. All so-called chief constables and all high echelon police force officers are highly dangerous psychopaths with little, if any, respect for the law of the land nor for the property and inherent, nonlienable, natural rights of the common man.

  6. Every police force officer operating in England and greater Britain is a terrorist and deadly enemy of the common people of England and greater Britain.

  7. Every police force officer has been brainwashed, indoctrinated and given training that people who assert their rights are enemies of the state.

  8. Every police force officer operating in England has signed a gagging contract known as the Crown Official Secrets Act.

  9. Every so-called chief constable also holds the admiralty/naval/marine/military titles: ‘Chief Constable of Admiralty Constabulary’ and ‘Chief Officer of [admiralty] Police.’

  10. Every so-called assistant chief constable holds the admiralty/naval/marine/military title: ‘Commander of Admiralty Constabulary.

  11. Every police force in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is under the admiralty/military command of the British Ministry of Defence, an agency of the Vatican Crown, not the English monarchic Crown.

  12. Every police force officer is an enforcer of policies of a genocidal foreign enemy power hostile to White Nation Race people of England and greater Britain … ‘police’ and ‘force’ being the operative words … a more accurate description of a police force officer is, a treasonous Vatican Crown corporation policy enforcer thug in an unpurged state of High Treason.’

  13. Every police force officer operating throughout England and Wales is a privately-hired fifth-columnist mercenary soldier in an unpurged criminal state of high treason because he has a secret contract with a foreign enemy power that has been, and still is, waging a centuries-old, undeclared, devious, deadly, asymmetrical/mixed genocidal loxic war against the people of England and greater Britain.

  14. All police force officers are useful idiot stooges too stupid [except the brightest sociopaths and psychopaths “in the know” most times due to Masonic and Illuminati membership … how am i doing so far, Tom ‘Illuminati’ Mason of Eley?] for figuring out they are treasonously enforcing foreign military war laws of occupation on the people of England … hence the necessity of the Vatican Crown to employ as police force officers, only those with low intellect, are ignorant of law, are devoid of critical, forensic thinking, lack empathy, have sociopathic and psychopathic mental disorders and unquestioningly follow orders conflicting with common sense.

  15. Police forces have no standing at Law, and even if they did have, being crypto soldiers they still have no right, at law, to be deployed on the streets of England, because deploying soldiers/troops on the streets of England during peacetime, is contrary to the law of the land and the written constitution of England.

  16. The British army is not a patriotic English national army. The British army is a foreign private army owned by the Vatican Crown, and every British soldier, whether a foot soldier, marine or airman, is a privately-hired mercenary soldier the Vatican Crown owes no loyalty to after a British soldier’s military service contract with the Vatican Crown expires.
    Rider: The reader needs to be aware the word ‘British’ does not indicate Englishness. ‘British’ indicates someone is a nomad, a foreign transient who resides in England or offspring of foreign transients living in England … e.g.,. a Pakistani born in England is rightly classed as a ‘British Pakistani’, but can never be classed as English no more than a German shepherd dog descended from twenty generations of German sheep dogs born in England can be called an English shepherd dog, or born in the same racehorse stable, can be called a racehorse.

  17. Every police force officer receives [supposedly unofficial] hours of special instructions on how to lie, how to produce damning false evidence, how to frame innocent people the Deep Shadow State judge to be dangerous to the Deep Shadow State’s hidden genocidal loxic agenda against the White Nation Race Gentiles, and how to ‘bury’ exculpatory evidence helpful to innocent people the Deep Shadow State judge to be dangerous to the Deep Shadow State’s hidden genocidal loxic agenda against the White Nation Race Gentiles … the vices of dishonesty and corruption are part of a police force officer’s job requirements and job description.

  18. Every police force officer receives [supposedly unofficial] hours of special instructions on how to, for Vatican Crown profit, create and escalate a non-event into a common law breach of the peace giving a police officer fraudulent plausible excuse to arrest his victim, then deescalate the situation once the victim is subdued to be hauled before a Vatican Crown Useful Idiot in a Vatican Crown so-called law court, where everyone financially gains, except the victim, … and if the victim is sent to prison, his Cestui Que Discretionary Trust account is plundered … one of the two most lucrative stock bonds traded on the international market, are Prisoner Bonds … Prisoner Bonds make obscene amounts of money for Vatican Crown officers, associates and agents.

  19. If the comatose people of England and greater Britain awaken and rise-up against their genocidal masters, and the police lose control of the cities, towns and villages, every police force officer in England and greater Britain, has been contracted to make his way to and protect the internationally recognized sovereign principality, the Vatican Crown corporation square mile City of London. The masters, associates and agents of the square mile of London are preppers like no other preppers, as they have cached, within the square mile, generators, water purification plants, huge stockpiles of medication, food, fuel, firearms and ammunition, for holding-out and defending their masters and themselves against a deliberately under-armed people, until the British army [which is the Vatican Crown’s secret army hidden in plain sight and unlawfully quartered on the land of England] quell the slaves back into servitude … one must ask one’s self, why have British police forces been buying .458 Winchester caliber rifles and thousands of .458 Winchester ammunition from one of the leading suppliers of firearms and ammunition in England, if not to hunt herds of elephants escaped from zoos and hiding in and gone feral in Epping Forest.

How to deal with corrupt police force officers looking for profitable trouble … ??? … is there any other type?

  1. Every police force officer in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is bonded by a) a Commercial Bond, and b) a Public Officer Bond, and c) a Public Hazard Bond/Public Liability Indemnity Bond [public liability indemnity insurance cover] … these commercial instruments bind police force officers to act within the law of the land, not pseudo-law know as acts, statutes, etc.,. … see above.

  2. No one can operate as a police officer without a public hazard bond because a cop without such a bond leaves his pseudo-Chief Constable’s neck on the line, fully responsible and fully liable for any and all harm caused by a nonbonded cop under his command … the maxim of law, “a master is responsible for his servant” is just about all one needs knowing on master-servant, employer-employee relationships.

  3. Every police officer has a statutory duty to carry a business card with information of the hazard bonding company indemnifying him against liability for causing unlawful harm and unlawful loss to another. If a police officer in any way unlawfully harms someone then refuses to reveal the name of his Public Hazard Bonding company, when demand to by his victim, police officer adds to his wrongdoing, insurance fraud compounding his guilt.

  4. When stopped by a police officer always remain cool and polite and never shout nor swear even when a police officer tries baiting you into dishonour giving the cop plausible excuse for arresting you even though the cop initiated and escalated the situation, as he was taught to do in the Police Academy for deadbeats, dummies, traitors and useful idiot stooges.

  5. Remember, a police officer works for a private foreign corporation not for the people, so never give a police officer your name. There is no law requiring a man to reveal his name, but a police officer will, as he was taught by highly-paid psychopathic experts, try bluffing or coercing you into giving your name and your so-called ‘birth date’ [you were never ‘birthed’ … you do not own what you believe is your real name, i.e.,. Christian name(s) with so-called ‘surname’ attached … on behalf of the Vatican Crown, the British government Registrar-General owns/holds all proper [Christian] names with surnames attached, of everyone born and registered in Britain … if you want to know your real name, it is handwritten in common law English, in the third column from the left of your long birth certificate … the day you were born and your birth date are different times, not the same day … however, this is a highly interesting, important discussion for another time, but directly relates to the Fictitious Legal Person identity fraud daily perpetrated against all the common people of England].

  6. The first thing a police officer will attempt is enjoining with you, by asking you for your name and your date of your birth. Never give a police officer that information; counter his questions with your own questions … always remember all police officers are fifth-columnist mercenary troops of an alien army of an enemy foreign power waging a genocidal asymmetric loxic war against the White Nation race gentiles of England and greater Britain.

  7. The first maxim of commerce is “know who you deal with,” so when a police officer asks for your name and date of birth, ask the police officer for his full name and date of birth and his collar number … if the police officer claims to be, say for example, PC Smith, ask the cop, “is PC Smith your full name and is that name recorded on your long birth certificate?” [you want the police officer’s full name not his legal fiction title, and his collar/Vatican Crown admiralty enlistment number]. If the police officer refuses the required information, remind him he is [supposedly, ostensibly … but is not in reality] appointed as one of the people’s many servants, and the people have a right to know the full name of their servants. [never claim to be a ‘citizen,’ or a ‘person’ or a ‘member of the public’ … to do so, you will be well and truly on the way of unwittingly screwing thyself into foreign admiralty jurisdiction].

  8. Without giving the police officer time to think, ask him “are you a constable?” … if he says “yes” he is lying and has cornered himself because the next thing you say to the police officer is, “A constable must produce his constable’s promissory oath when asked to by one of his employers, and i am one of your many employers, and i need to see your constable’s promissory oath right now to ensure you are not someone unlawfully masquerading as a constable.” If the police officer cop demurs keep pressuring him ‘til he produces something … whatever the police officer produces, i assure you it won’t be a constable’s promissory oath … it will be a piece of plastic sporting his mugshot, monika and the words “Police Officer,” not ‘constable’ nor ‘police constable’ … point out to the police officer “this is a body-tag identifying you as a police officer, not a constable … officer you know the maxim of law “the expression of one thing, is the exclusion of all others.” … the chance of a cop knowing this maxim is on par with a cop becoming a brain surgeon or someone honest and decent and willing to defend your property and your inherent, nonlienable, natural rights acknowledged, recognised and protected by the written constitution of England, fragmented as it is. If the police officer flashes anything sporting the word ‘warrant’ tell him “That’s an admiralty warrant officer’s warrant card, not a constable’s promissory oath … officer, i’m not in your navy … you have no lawful jurisdiction over i … i do not give you consent to police i [for an explanation of use of lowercase ‘i’ instead of ‘me,’ google: Karl Lentz 84 - the use of ‘i' in letters … video is amusing, instructive and about ninety-seconds long]” … if the police officer tries being cute by saying he is a police officer, tell him “i asked if you are a constable, not if you are a police officer ... clearly, by your own admission, you are not a constable and your admiralty warrant card evidences you are a military warrant officer of admiralty, therefore you have no lawful right being deployed on the streets of England because the unrepeallable 1689 English Bill of Rights established soldiers are not to be deployed on the streets of England during peacetime, and that you are a mercenary soldier of a genocidal foreign enemy power, and you are operating on the streets of England, administering and enforcing foreign enemy military codes and policies of occupation on the people of England and greater Britain, elevates your administrative lawlessness to the capital crime, high treason.” The two most important documents to demand and go after, when a police officer is acting unlawfully [just by being a fifth-columnist mercenary trooper police officer, a man is acting treasonously unlawfully before he opens his mouth], is his constable’s promissory oath and his public hazard bond … the former document the police officer cop never have, and the latter the cop does have and will do everything not to show you, because he knows you can, by way of an affidavit and without you involving anyone from the legal profession, personally make a straight claim for damages against him for any harm or loss he causes you.

  9. The public hazard bonding company has a statutory duty to pay you your full amount you claim for compensation and damages [‘compensation’ and ‘damages’ are not the same … you could do worse by not having a Black’s Law Dictionary no later than 6th edition, as later editions have been dumbed-down, some by an editor named Bryan Garner … the 4th edition is the one to have] within sixty days of receiving your claim backed by affidavit.

  10. If your claim is based on a criminal act committed by a police officer, the public hazard bonding company has a statutory duty to bring criminal charges against the police officer.

  11. If three claims are made against a police officer’s public hazard bond, for negligence or unintentional harm, the police officer is automatically disbarred from holding public office, for life. If a police officer unlawfully causes deliberate harm or/and deliberate loss, it is possible, by the common law non-judicial commercial lien process, to max-out the police officer’s public hazard bond and financially wipe him out for life … house(s), private pension(s), private goods except wedding rings, personal photos and person journals and diaries, all gone.

  12. If a police officer refuses producing his public hazard bond, request it, by written notice sent by Royal Mail special guarantee delivery service, to his chief constable; in the notice give the chief constable a maximum of ten days for him to respond. If the chief constable fails responding after sending him three notices sent as per advised, it’s off to the High Court [better still, to he people’s Court of Queen’s Bench proper] and require a law judge to issue court writs of discovery to be served on both the police officer and his chief constable … the latter Crown clown having failed to act as a chief constable, is now party to wrongdoing, so a claim can also be made against this clown’s public hazard bonding company.

  13. The reasoning for sending three notices is a judge will consider the first failure to respond, as an ‘accident,’ the second failure a ‘coincidence,[ and third failure an established pattern, and all three efforts you made for resolving the matter, though a failure, were honourably and you “acted with clean-hands” trying to resolve the matter … and accords with the ancient Sicilian maxim “first time, accident; second time, coincidence; third time, enemy action.”

  14. The Vatican Crown is both a registered corporation and an actively hostile foreign enemy power that has been waging a centuries-old, devious, undeclared, international, genocidal, asymmetric, loxic mixed-war on sovereign nations peoples, especially on the White Nation race people the Deep Shadow State masters of the Vatican Crown view as their main competitors to be completely eliminated by all available means, from the face of the Earth. If the reader opines i am wrong, then study how the Vatican Inner London City Crown treated the First Nation Peoples of Canada, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands, Africa, Ireland, India, China, Tibet, Palestine, Iraq, Syria … between the two World Wars Churchill sanctioned the RAF to conduct a deadly chemical war against Indian hill tribesmen, after the Vatican Crown British army had failed, for decades, to subdue and conquer them by conventional warfare.

  15. Information on the coronavirus/covid-19 legislation.
    All Vatican Crown British government acts, statutes, rules, regulations, requisitions, codes, orders, ordinances, mandates, policies and guidance are legislation, and legislation is pseudo-law only legally-binding on legislation creators [Members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords] and on all other officers, associates and agents of the Vatican Crown corporation British government, to wit: judges, magistrates, court officers, lawyers, barristers, BAR association members, privy councillors, solicitors, police officers, prison officers, state nurses, state doctors, state dentists, members of the British armed services, and on bank officers [the money handlers, money processors, counter staff, tellers … not bank chars and bank cleaners] whether employed by Lloyds, HSBC, Westminster, Barclay, Coutts, etc.,.

  16. The House of Commons and the House of Lords are registered private for-profit business corporations, and all Members of House of Commons and all members of the House of Lords are contracted/bonded officers of their respective ‘Houses.’

  17. Corporations, societies, associations and organization are legal fiction constructs under which bodies of people with an agreed common objective governed by a set of agreed rules. To be a member or officer of a corporation, society, association or organization, one either applies or is invited to join; and one must agree to the rules before joining a corporation, etc.,. … if you are not a member of any of these legal fiction constructs, their rules do not apply to you.


At law, what force can one use to stop a constable or police force officer or anyone else from acting outside the law?

All necessary force up to and including lethal force of arms, as confirmed, at law, by King v Hopkins Hugget, at Court of King’s Bench, 1665, 1 Kel 59; and Queen v Tooley, at Court of Queen’s Bench, 1709. Though nearly forty-five years apart, both these cases established a passerby can lawfully kill a lawman and any assisting lawman acting above the law … both cases involved the wrongful arrest of someone … one case involved a passerby who rescued a woman who lawmen had unlawful restrained of her liberty … the other was the unlawful arrest of a man going about his lawful business … in both cases a passerby challenged the lawman making the unlawful arrest, and in each case the lawman pulled a bladed weapon to discourage the passerby ...

...fortunately, in both incidents, the intervening passerby was exercising his inherent, nonlienable, natural right to carry a weapon for his defence and for upholding and maintaining the law, and was far handier with a steel blade than the lawman; the lawmen, in each separate incident, being fatally run-through in the ensuing swift action. Then there is the case of Kenneth Noye, a notorious criminal with the ideal vices and criminal convictions making Noye the perfect candidate for becoming a present-day pseudo-Chief Constable; in January 1985, Noye fatally stabbed a police officer sporting a balaclava and military garb, and was trespassing on Noye’s property; remarkably, during December 1985, a jury determined Noye had lawfully killed the trespassing police officer … a just verdict police officers, to this day, refuse accepting ... unlike every pseudo-Chief Constable and every other police force officer however named or of whatever legal fiction status rank, whether still serving or retired, in England and greater Britain, Noye has never committed the capital crime of High Treason. Every serving and retired Vatican Crown British police force officer is in an unpurged state of High Treason, and a deadly enemy of the common man who knows and exercises his inherent, nonlienable, natural rights.

Note: Anyone, however named or of whatever legal fiction status, in an unpurged state of High Treason, is an outlaw; an outlaw is someone outside the law of the land, therefore an outlaw is not protected by law the law of the land, meaning anyone can kill, with impunity, anyone in an unpurged state of High Treason, especially fifth-columnist mercenary troopers conducting a foreign enemy war against their own nation people. Now you can comprehend why British politicians and British police officers and everyone in the so-called “British justice system” don’t want the common man being armed, as it is the common man’s inherent, nonlienable, natural right to be armed, if he so wishes, for any and all lawful purposes, including shooting high treasoners wherever found or run to ground.

Never forget, an oath-bound constable of law is a righteous lawman who works for you, and a police force officer is high treasoning, parasitical, racketeering, two-legged cockroach who works for the Khazarian pseudo-jew, Jacob Rothchild, the so-called “King of the Jews.”

Following are some salutary wise words of warnings by intelligent, well-informed, forensic, critical thinkers ‘in the know.’

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually
doing, is far worse than you imagine." ~ William Blum, political journalist, historian, U.S. foreign policy
critic, author.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind, simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst … it rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” ~ John Edgar Hoover, first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1956.

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”
~ Marshall McCluhan ~ Canadian professor, public intellectual, and philosopher.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
~ George Orwell

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
~ Donald James Wheal [aka Dresden James] ~ English political commentator, scriptwriter, and novelist - 1931-2008.


The essence of the text seems to be that ruthless gangs have, and continue to, managed to afflict humanity with criminal abuses and violence in order to parasitize their wealth, which is true.
