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in Deep Dives3 years ago

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Out of another, I get a lovely view of the bay and a little private wharf belonging to the estate. There is a beautiful shaded lane that runs down there from the house. I always fancy I see people walking in these numerous paths and arbors, but John has cautioned me not to give way to fancy in the least. He says that with my imaginative power and habit of story-making a nervous weakness like mine is sure to lead to all manner of excited fancies and that I ought to use my will and good sense to check the tendency. So I try.

Don't forget that gifts often come with costs that go beyond their purchase price. When you purchase a child the latest smartphone, you're also committing to a monthly phone bill. When you purchase the latest gaming system, you're likely not going to be satisfied with the games that come with it for long and want to purchase new titles to play. When you buy gifts it's important to remember that some come with additional costs down the road that can be much more expensive than the initial gift itself.

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You are very right,
But sadly it's a rare gem this guy you talked about.

We as a species got far off-road when it comes to health.
The layers of total bs theory in this field of research is huge.
(and it has to be that way from the enslaver perspective)

For one to be at ease with this study, one need first to be at ease with the idea of death, to then have a quiet mind to build a solid foundation of knowledge upon.

And as you know, in this fear base system, it is quiet rare to find someone at ease with this.

For one to be at ease with this study, one need first to be at ease with the idea of death, to then have a quiet mind to build a solid foundation of knowledge upon.

Thats the crux right there. In this fear based society they have ingrained in us the fear of needing to think/face death...they do so with all these padding comforts they shove down our throats, or with the environment where death is not thought about. Perhaps they do so by constantly diverting our attention so we have no time to be still (once we are still, we are confronted with the flaws of the system, and they dont want us to see the details).

Whats the situation on your side btw? I heard the water problem in France is a motherfucker.

From a selfish perspective I manage to go through this peculiar dry episode.
I had to use water from the grid (witch in my place worked, poisoned as everywhere else, but it worked).

On a larger scale here in Brittany witch is a big agricultural and livestock place the situation is real bad.
This kind of very dry climate is real unusual here therefore no system are in place to water the fields so the harvest are bad.
Most of the herders I know struggled to feed the animals, they had to use most of their winter stock because all the grass is fried in the fields.
And this winter will be difficult because they will have to buy food, but because of the dry weather harvest are bad.
Some already couldn't afford to pay for the food so they send them to slaughter. (witch made the meat price fall, viscous circle)

They where already in a bad situation (totally dependent on chemical/pharmaceutical/financial institution) and babysitted by the government.
It's only getting worse. (lot of suicide already, more to come…)

If I had to bet, I think the real hardship will come this winter.
(coupled with the energy shortage crap)

And for the naive out there, this is no accident, it's all done by design.
This is godsend for agenda 2030…

As you said, NWO is here and now !