
No there was not a patent for covid 19 in 2019 and I highly doubt you can provide a link that proves otherwise.

You have not been looking.

Conspiracy sites, all the others debunk what you are saying and show the cause...a meme of a statement made with them then adding a statement relating it to covid 19.

Your reply only reiterates that you have nothing.

Did you see what CDC said a few days ago?

Are you deflecting away from your conspiracy?

You mean about the comorbidity? If so then yes. That doesn't mean the death rate is lower due to covid. What that means is that the eighty million Americans walking around with a terminal or chronic health issue still face more of a threat from covid, those who have died with diabetes, for example (because covid strikes down a lot of folks who are diabetic), would still be walking around if they hadn't gotten covid. They didn't die from diabetes they died from covid. That's all comorbidity really means, they had a pre existing condition but that pre existing condition didn't kill them.

Please don't go to the CDC website. Please use the word deflect again and please laugh at me. Please pretend that I am weirdo. Mister @SunLit7, don't think at all. STOP thinking about why Facebook would censor links to the CDC website. Pretend I'm MAKING IT UP. Yes. I made that up. That IS NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT happening. Please stop reading what I am writing. I am a professional liar. Bill Gates is Jesus. I am Satan. I suck so badly. I am a loser. Facebook did not censor CDC. No way. No way at all. You know I am full of bull. Please call CDC a liar. Globalists love you. Bill Gates wants to have sex with you.

I didn't go to the CDC website, it was plastered all over the news. People misinterpreted something and ran with it to fit a political agenda. I know what we are seriously up against in this election but it doesn't help if we play stupid tactic tricks like the democrats do. Once people figure out the truth you lose credibility with them.

....and that's Ms. Sunlit7.