The killing of a modern day saint - part 4/6

in Deep Dives3 years ago

“Suppose if I am here and somebody kills me, and if you do not protest, is it a very good business? People will be surprised that “So many (students) are there, and this man is being killed, and nobody do anything?”
(Swami Bhaktivedanta - May 1975 from a lecture on S.BH4:10:27)

It is here dear reader, that my murder mystery and plot to kill a modern day saint gets to the details of the event itself. It involves, perhaps not surprisingly, the CIA. They allegedly used some of their assets to infiltrate the swami’s school, disguised as sincere students.

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Swami Bhaktivedanta arrives in America

They also used a now infamous Indian as one of their other assets. His name was Chandra Swami. In the 1990s this Chandra Swami was also said to be involved in the assassination of the Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi. So this is not a minor player on the world stage of espionage and intrigue.

In fact this Chandra Swami was discovered to be a weapons smuggler and spy for the CIA. He worked with another CIA asset named Adnan Khashoggi, who was involved in the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s, where he acted as middle man in the “arms-for-hostages” exchange. He worked there with an Iranian arms dealer named Manucher Ghorbanifar, with Saudi and US backing.
Now the name Khashoggi may be more familiar with those readers who follow world politics because Adnan had a nephew named Jamal Khashoggi, who just s few years ago was allegedly murdered by the Saudi government in their embassy in Turkey.

Jamal had become an outspoken critic of the Saudi regime, and was a writer for the Washington Post, or some such prominent USA newspaper. He was seen in surveillance camera footage entering the embassy but never exiting. And his body was never found. Some say he was tortured and killed and then cut up into pieces and stuffed down a well hole in the Saudi embassy grounds on Turkish soil. These are the rumors of course, but it sheds a bit more light on just who we are dealing with here when it comes to the CIA and their underworld activities.

Adnan Khashoggi also coincidentally happens to be the uncle of Dodi Fayed, the lover of Princess Diana, who was killed along with her in the fatal engineered car crash in Paris, an event that scarred the psyche of humanity for a generation or two. Such is the nature of the dragon and its minions who live among us. This is not mere speculation because after the assassination of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the Indian government conducted serious investigations.

In a raid on the ashram of Chandra Swami, they uncovered original documents of payments to Adnan Khashoggi of around $11 million. He was also caught illegally sending huge sums of money to the CIA asset who was behind the Iran-Contra scandal, and apparently also involved in funding the assassination of Prime Minister Gandhi.

Chandra Swami fr DailyMail.jpg
Alleged assassin Chandra Swami from Daily Mail newspaper

It is a historical fact that the Jain Commission that investigated the Rajiv Gandhi assassination dedicated an entire volume of their report to the involvement of Chandra Swami. Apparently throughout the 1990s Indian TV news was filled with reports of his scandals and criminal activities. And it is this same Chandra Swami that appears to be involved with another CIA asset in providing the poison that was used to kill Swami Bhaktivedanta, the modern day saint and scholar around whom my story revolves.
Swami Bhaktivedanta honored in India on a postage stamp

It is mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit texts, and Swami Bhaktivedanta said it himself, that something great and pure cannot be defeated from outside but can only be defeated from within. For example, I have read in the Bhagavat Purana that when Krishna appeared on the planet five thousand years ago, he did so to rid the earth of the build-up of unscrupulous kings and their armies and thereby protect the earth and her inhabitants.

Yet having achieved this goal, he saw that now only his own kingdom remained, but that even they had become a burden to the earth and so they also had to be eradicated. However, with no forces to oppose them, he had to engineer that they themselves destroy each other from within. This is how Krishna and his family and associates left the planet, they fought among themselves and wiped each other out.

Curiously Swami Bhaktivedanta used this concept when talking about his international school and organization, saying that no external force could destroy it, and that the only way it could be destroyed was from within. And he appears to have been correct. The international organization still lives on of course, but the mystery of his death suggests, at least to some, that his close personal entourage was infiltrated and he was poisoned by one of his own students.

Similarly the international organization – or so some are suggesting – was infiltrated by unscrupulous men with ulterior motives, and that those men and a woman, have since gone on to edit the Swami’s writings, change some of his core tenets, put themselves in the position of shining lights and leaders, changed his book Trust fund that he set up to continue the publication of his books and basically run his International school and organization into the ground.

In the next chapter I will name the very agents who infiltrated the Swami’s inner circle and reveal still more details of their alleged murder via poison.

More to follow, and here is a reference with much that I have not even touched on in this tale:


I’ve been missing the conspiracy theory content on other platforms. Thanks for delivering this interesting read. I think that’s the fate all organized religions face eventually.

Yes that's a good point that you make. I will make an effort to bring more controversial stories to the blog site. Many thanks for your positive feedback.

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