The Jesus Movement, New Age and Occupy Wall Street| Millennial Kingdom Satans Season #shortseason

in Deep Dives8 months ago

#jesusmovement #millennialkingdom #shortseason Thank you for liking, sharing, commenting and subscribing. It all helps so much. Links for my fiction books to purchase Novelettes: The Greatest Fight Series: Virtue (non Amazon stores)- Novella: Exiled: The Harvest in paperback and ebook form

Find my free story updates on Substack, Wattpad, My website, Please support my work on Buy me a coffee Patreon Ko-fi The Jesus Movement, New Age and Occupy Wall Street. These movements became significant leading movements during times or upheaval and turmoil (or misleading movements, depending on how you view it). There are surprisingly many similarities in these movements. Here I concentrate on the importance of the Jesus Movement and how it appears to focus on the second coming of Christ in the near future. All church's failed and have since failed to contemplate the idea we are existing in Satan's season Revelation 20. To me, this means all church's are on a script provided to them by the state, their funders.