Cool, I will check out the video! As always, I appreciate your thorough and thoughtful response. Fascinating stuff! I definitely want to learn more about this topic. But I think it starts from within and by claiming your sovereignty.
And yes, considering how much the system has taken from me, I'm all for taking back at least a piece of my share or at least find ways to prevent it from taking more! Sometimes it's actually quite simple. I grew up being one of those people who played by the rules and feared the consequences of not playing by them, but more and more I'm seeing how the whole thing is really one big game. The other day, I was opening a new bank account, and the woman said I had to pay a $2,000 peso "insurance fee." I simply said I couldn't pay it, and she didn't even bat an eye, just kept handing me forms and eventually opened my account!
Here ya go:
Awesome, thanks!