Don't get wrong with this word,
The care for truth, the love for truth, especially moral truth, is going to divide us from our families and friends who don’t want to change their ways as we have.
The meaning of that according to Jesus Christ was the people who will follow him. According again to the Bible, the word that came to the mouth of Jesus are not from him but from his Father. 😊
Very nice article but missing of explanations. I saw some many points but I can't explain it one by one.
I will not make it long but I would like you to understand that here on earth, God create us to please him this is our purpose on earth why we create us.
How to please God?
By doing his commandments. By doing good things only. But the people is weak because of the flesh... God knows that and he can understand our weakness. According to the Bible, as long that the mistake or sin is not intention, you did not make any sin because of you are innocent of your action.
To get all those knowledge and to be save, you need to be baptize in a real Church whos teaching the pure Word of God. The name of the Chuch according to the Bibe was the "CHURCH OF GOD". We don't need to make a new Church, we just need to join them.
I hope you can get it but if you did not? I am inviting you to watch the THE OLD PATH that you can found in YouTube especially in the SPOTIFY. Listen to Brother Eli Sorriano and you can ask anything Live via Zoom International. It's a pure doctrines of God.
Thanks be to God.