yes. this is correct.
It is history that they want to pretend didn't happen.
or want you to believe happened a certain way.
if they can control where you think you've been... then they control your perspective
limitations can be placed by showing the dangerous of certain activities, make people afraid of the most common and mundane things
i tested many of the ideas commonly held and found many to be lacking substance. one is i never wear sunglasses anymore. do animals go blind? who tells them not to look? you feel it doesn't feel good, so you stop. easy.
science will tell you that your body is a failure, and needs its help. if your thirsty you are already dehydrated .. lol .. so drink even when you don't think you are?? these people are nuts
bigger than all that is the convincing you that you are an accident of space and time, drifting aimlessly thru a universe so big it is impossible to fathom beyond conceptually. and it all started because why? oh, just because.
this is the greatest photoshop of all time.
to take our beautiful plane of existance.. cast it into the sea of space, devoid of God, devoid of life (except for the incredible lucky and fortunate accident here on earth and perhaps elsewhere, but chances are if they come they'll want to enslave and kill you, because well that is what people do here so they assume that is how everyone is.. just take and take..)
all to make you afraid, that somehow, someway.. .. well they give you very specific ways.. and movies depicting it!
something is gonna get you
that was out of your control
it is as if you believe the dream was real, and allow for situations that manifest that allow your to continue believing, until one day you get tired of it all.
and you want to walk away, even from life
it is in my noticing my death wish that I found my life wish
if i was to take my life, why not just do whatever the fuck i wanted anyway
so i did, and i stopped taking the same 'care' that i used to
but for me, that wasn't as bad as all that.. i drove too fast.. and kept driving faster not caring if I died
then I found that I was, in fact, amazing. and in dancing with death had become a very good motorcycle driver that could out maneuver most anyone I met. do I harbor delusions that I could compete at the race circuit level? sure, If I put in the practice and dedication necessary.. but also do I have the desire?
no, not really I don't care about winning. it is fun, but the effort required to be at the top is more than I usually care to put forth. they must give up everything else for it.
this I will not do. only God would I consider such a thing.
until that day I will continue to enjoy the world, and continue to shine a light on the bright bits that I find.
I love this post, I think it is an important point.
Here is documentation proving the ball earth theory should be dropped.
I hope you the time to read, and consider Eric DuBays book, the 200 proofs the earth is flat
my favorites..
suez canal 100 miles long -> expected: 100 feet of change -> reality: 6-8" inches
this connects two oceans
kansas is as flat as a pancake, when shrunk down to the size of a pancake
but wait, it gets better! kansas didn't like being called a pancake and found 6 other states flatter than kansas.
these are the kinds of facts I think are being overlooked, and the 200 other proofs are just as impossible to explain within ball earth theory.
nasa buys more helium than almost anyone
nasa has more cgi computers than pretty much anyone but hollywood
nasa founder left an epitaph (Wernher von Braun) that has a bible verse:
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Psalm 19:1
there has been nothing I have talked about on the internet that I have seen more misdirection, deliberate misinterpretation, or perhaps more easily understood as cognitive dissonance.
The monsters in the closet may be real, or they may not. If they are real then hiding under the covers won't protect you or anyone.
maybe, i feel the monsters are only allowed to exist in ignorance, and to that end allowed to fester in the likes of the deletion of history, life, and who and what we are. i think we agree somewhat.