Herd immunity is what happens when everyone becomes immune to some illness. The way it's worked for a long time, is that the illness-causing factor spreads in a population and eventually everyone gets it so that it can;t infect new people and fades away. It can even lead to everyone becoming immune from it in the future, or at least for a certain period of time. Vaccines are another alleged way herd immunity can happen, and are touted as the best way to go about it.

COVID-19 is the current illness that everyone is worried about. The causing factor is the allegedly the SARS-CoV-2 virus that has never been properly isolated and identified to cause what's referred to as COVID-19. Vaccines are looked at as the only solution to bring an end to this illness. The only way we are getting back to normal is with a vaccine, so we are told.
But we have treatments that work. The most suppressed and vilainized is hydroxychloroquine. Despite doctors having used it and zinc to treat people for months with great success, about 95-97% success and recovery, there are maleficent agents working to make it appear harmful.

From bogus studies and fraudulent data, to media spin and ignoring the evidence of it's efficiency, people are being denied a cheap drug that can save their lives. It's been around for decades, and used to treat lupus and arthritis, in addition to it's original use as a treatment for malaria. And all of a sudden, it's now dangerous. But it actually helps people recover from COVID-19.
If HCQ was used with zinc to treat people, people could be essentially worry free from getting COVID-19. Herd immunity would spread and the illness would pass, maybe. Maybe, because it might mutate. But previous SARS illnesses, like the one from 2003, died out. MERS hasn't, but it hasn't spread everyone either. Anyways, this would all have gone differently if the anti-HCQ hysteria was not there.
Even just nutrients to boost the immune system, like zinc, and documented effects of vitamin D to help people beat COVID-19 in the elderly, there are also doctors treating people with vitamin A and C. Simply using nutrients as a preventative measure or an immune booster to fight off the alleged virus quicker and with less symptoms would help bring on herd immunity without people being in a false-fear for their lives.
The media and government has been against HCQ, against letting people get treated with an effective drug along with zinc. They have hyped up the deaths as a result of preventing people from getting treated. Death counts are inflated, admittedly, due to how anyone with COVID or suspected of having COVID, who died, becomes part of the COVID death count. Even people who die of dehydration from nursing home neglect get whitewashed into a COVID death.
With deaths falling, cases of COVID rising as testing increased was the new fear hype to get people to be controlled by the government again. And it worked as more places are ramping up measure, like forcing everyone to wear a mask. Masks were said to be useless in March and April. Yet now they are mandatory. It's a joke, and we are the butt of it.
More people are infected? Great. Bring on the herd immunity. Let people live. Let them heal with nutrients and HCQ if needed. Don't deny it to them only to make them die to keep people in fear and under the government's thumb and ushering in the next era of technocratic surveillance society.
A very big percentage of the general population is still not aware of the success rate of hydroxychloroquine even though the facts about it success is out there everywhere. Also many are not aware of the ineffectiveness of those cloth masks that many are wearing. While many people are waking up and understanding the new information being reveal about the “so call virus”, it disturbing to see people everyday walking and running all alone in the park wearing a mask.
In my community TV and radio ads are continually promoting the wearing of masks and encouraging everyone to stay home. I believe these propaganda ads are very effective as many are driving alone with their windows up wearing a mask.
Same here, wearing a mask is all the hype on radio ads.
We have possibly already achieved herd immunity, or at least have reached the point where it will be. Thank you for helping to bring more attention to this. Re-blogging.
Well maybe in some places like Sweden. The alleged new cases puts that into question in the US and elsewhere :P
Yes. The cases are rising because of testing. As more cases are 'known'/'shown', but the deaths do not rise in accordance, then there is more to look at. If you haven't seen Ben Swann's report about it, check this out:
Even now state/ central governments are imposing lockdowns, containment zones, making masks mandatory, the 2m distancing rules.
I mean what is the point of all this madness at this point for the pandemic?
How are you really containing the spread?
All this measures were excellent during initial stages of pandemic but imposing at this point is causing more damage and frustration for people.
Instead governments should have pushed for immunity boosters, proper nutrition and good hygiene.
I am in total support for herd immunity and treating severe symptoms with traditional medicines.
Control is what its about.
It's all about that money man! Can't have inexpensive things work now can we? What would the purpose be of those billion dollar labs that employ hundreds of really smart people (with tunnel vision, unfortunately) if a simple, dirt cheap pill suffices?
Yup, money rules.
Reality Check | Coronavirus Cases Surging but Deaths are Not, Here's Why
One can independently check the veracity of this by comparing the number of infections to deaths for various locations around the world via this website. The numbers tell the story.
Yup I wrote about it recently. Cases up, so what, without deaths up it doesn't matter. And tell us, who are the dead? Where? Old people? In nursing homes? Go figure... lock everyone down again!
It is incompetence, but something nefarious might be creeping in.
okay. now everyone talking about herd immunity. because at this moment, we dont have any other option.
I was talking about it in April.
Donald Trump said he uses HCQ even after the warnings about the drug.
HCQ has not been proven to change the course of the disease. If you compare syndromic management with the management with HCQ there is hardly a difference.
HCQ like every other drug has its side effects, the heart problems that develope after its use outweigh the relief it gives. It would not make sense for a person who has a cardiomyopathy to survive the virus and die of a heart problem later. It would also not make sense for someone who has hypertension to develop a heart problem after using the drug.
The drug is supposed to be taken for malaria, lupus and arthritis. Those who had lupus had to suffer the change in cost over time when there were speculations that the drug treated Corona.
After saying all this you will probably try and prove that I'm a sheep. I have no problem with that I asked that you listen to everyone who is speaking about the issue and not just the people you want to listen to.
the herd immunity, it's something that really won't be the solution. As I understand it for the covid, it only lasts a few months. Which means it's a very short time to be effective. But the medicine thing is interesting.
Yeah? It only lasts a few months? A population has gotten herd immunity for a few months already to show this? Oh woops, no that hasnt happened...
Let's see, the pandemic started in China at the end of 2019, since then it has been 7 months and has spread all over the world. If I'm telling you that the antibodies disappear in short periods ... there was more than enough time for this to be detected. I think it's too early to know what really works and what doesn't, this is something that will affect our daily lives for a while longer.
Here is an article that talks about people who lost their immunity
Many believe that we will only achieve immunity until some effective vaccine is found.this is a race that many seek to win.
Go0d effort