Fauci's Remdesivir 'COVID' Study a Sham, False Control Group Rigged with Poison

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

A drug being touted as promising to treat COVID-19 patients in 11 days (rather than the normal 15 days) has a trial being conducted. It's called remdesivir, and the great Antony Fauci is pormoting this drug as a potential way to treat COVID-19. In fact, the NIAID, which Fauci heads, is the sponsor of the drug trial.

Meanwhile, Fauci denies hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatment that can remedy COVID-19 in 2-5 days. Fauci says HCQ doesn't have clinical proof that it works, that it's not proven safe. Yet, he wants to promote the untested remdesivir, without a problem and won't do a proper trial for HCQ.

Fauci also claims they need a drug that's 95% effective to deal with COVID-19 in order to return to life as normal. Yet, our immune system is already 95% percent effective int he population tot deal with COVID-19. But that's not good enough for him. Though, it's good enough to deal with the flu which has a similar death rate in the population.

The study has issues. One issue is that they removed 5 of the 8 categories for rating the drug. Originally, checking for deaths was an important part of the study. That makes sense, since you want to know if something is safe and is not killing people. Why would you remove death as a category to look for in a drug trial? That's insane.

Another more serious issue, is the placebo control group. Fauci touts this trial as using the gold standard of a placebo control study.

But the reality is different. Look at the ingredients in the "placebo" they are going to inject in participants:

Yes, you read that right, it's hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide:

Hydrochloric acid is a clear, poisonous liquid

Sodium hydroxide is very corrosive

Rather than give them a saline solution as a placebo, which is supposed to be something that has no effect on the human body, they are going to be giving people poison.

It gets more weird, as they say they will give regular saline if they run out of their toxic placebo supply:

This is pretty nuts that this "study" is even being allowed. But hey, it's the godfather of the US medical system, Anthony Fauci. He's a hero. He's a trusted authority and expert. Yet, he's approved a trial that is going to poison the control group to make the drug look better if it causes harm, and not look at deaths as a category.

This study is a sham. Two other studies were already done, and concluded remdesivir doesn't statistically have clinical benefits for COVID-19 treatment. Fauci claimed the opposite while pushing this drug trial.

HCQ is cheap. Big pharma can't make tons of money. Pushing remdesivir will allow big pharma to charge more and make more money if it's paraded as a treatment for COVID-19. The medical establishment is a sham.

Check out Del Bigtree go over this madness.


HCQ is going to be treated like an underground quack drug, while they push their ineffective, expensive pharma crap.

LOl, yup , sounds about right ;)

Waooo how they play with people's health, what sadness all this gives me, friend, that should not be allowed, if studies indicate that these drugs are not tolerable by humans, because they are going to allow that, God, just because that person has a reputation.
At first glance it is seen that everything is a trade and it is the pockets of these people that are filled, without taking into account the risk of mortality that this can cause. This is very sad. For real.

Indeed, money rules.

Yeah of course the little Jesuit Keebler Elf is lying.
dr fauci.jpg

REMDESIVIR is the official cure that even other country like Japan already bought for their people. Their warning is, do not inject to the people who has no symptoms of COVID. That is the last hope of the hard headed people of the USA! COVID is not a joke like the other people of the USA thinking!

Dr. Fauci should speak with Dr. Cardillo the vid is less than 2 min.

American Doctors Having Success Treating Covid-19 https://esteem.app/hive-125125/@kushfreeman/american-doctors-having-success-treating-covid-19