Being able to make up your own mind on matters of any significance is an important ability to have. I would say it's a necessity. Without that capacity, you simply adopt the conclusions of others. Freedom of the individual and the preservation of our rights requires us to be vigilant and not simply believe what we are told to believe. We need to be able to go look into things ourselves, tdo our own research.
But for a Forbes Senior Contributor named Ethan Siegel, you aren't supposed to go look deeper yourself. You aren't supposed to do your own research. That's dangerous. Because you're too stupid to do that.
I recently wrote about The Conversation putting out a similar argument to justify censorship. They don't want to allow both sides of an argument. They want one side of the mainstream agenda put forth so that people will only have that side to adopt as the possibl reality.
And to prevent optimism bias, we also need to avoid presenting “both sides of the argument” in the messaging - the science tells us that there’s only one side.
Siegel repeats a similar argument. Science is too confusing for your simpleton mind to be able to comprehend and properly evaluate what the priestly experts are presenting:
“Research both sides and make up your own mind.” It’s simple, straightforward, common sense advice. And when it comes to issues like vaccinations, climate change, and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, it can be dangerous, destructive, and even deadly. The techniques that most of us use to navigate most of our decisions in life — gathering information, evaluating it based on what we know, and choosing a course of action — can lead to spectacular failures when it comes to a scientific matter.
You, according to Siegel, don't have what it takes to evaluate science on your own. You need to leave it to the experts to tell you what the science says. Only appeals to authority will be able to grant you a glimpse of what science is allegedly discovering.
The reason is simple: most of us, even those of us who are scientists ourselves, lack the relevant scientific expertise needed to adequately evaluate that research on our own. In our own fields, we are aware of the full suite of data, of how those puzzle pieces fit together, and what the frontiers of our knowledge is. When laypersons espouse opinions on those matters, it’s immediately clear to us where the gaps in their understanding are and where they’ve misled themselves in their reasoning. When they take up the arguments of a contrarian scientist, we recognize what they’re overlooking, misinterpreting, or omitting. Unless we start valuing the actual expertise that legitimate experts have spent lifetimes developing, “doing our own research” could lead to immeasurable, unnecessary suffering.
I first heard of this nonsense article from The High Wire last week. And Corbett Report recently did a video as well. So I decided I should post about it as well.
The hubris of this author is astounding. Siegel attempts to justify his argument by pointing out how people do their own research on water fluoridation and come to allegedly false conclusions about it's health risk. This choice to demonstrate their point failed. Instead, it demonstrates the authors own failure to do their own research properly and only accepts the conclusions of "experts" and "authorities" in the complete safety of water fluoridation.
Siegel admits excessive amounts can be problematic. But somehow, they believe that fluoridation is done with precise measurements to only add the exact quantities in the water supply that reaches people's homes in the intended dosage. That this is a safe medically helpful process, and not some toxic waste substance that was repurposed to essentially dumb us down.
Those who haven't done their own research to come to their own conclusions, would also accept the status quo position of water fluoridation is safe. But those who do, will be exposed to different argument and experts who tell a different and alarming story about fluoride in our water. A trial against the the EPA is underway.
For those interested, check out Derrick Broze who has been covering the fluoride trial. You can find his reports here. More information can be found at Fluoride Alert. That is, if you want to think for yourself and not simply accept the conclusions paraded in the mainstream.
The Catholic Church did this with parishioners. For centuries lay people were not to read the Bible on their own. It was written on the intro pages of older Catholic Bibles. This inspired logic was latter omitted from printing as policies, soft spoken of, changed to compete with growing personal Bible study of everyday denominational church people. The Catholic church controlled the political and private narrative on daily affairs. This over reach is the very reason people left Europe for a new continent in the Americas.
Yeah, that's a good way to control people, not let them read something themselves, keep the power in a special cast of people that only they can deliver the truth to the masses. The intermediaries that hold the truth and others must simply accept.
Reminds me of this classic piece of propaganda...
-CNN Chris Cuomo
(emphasis added)
AKA - don't look at the raw data and come to your own conclusions. Wait until Corporate news has sanitized it for your consumption and outlined the approved opinions about the contents.
For the not so bright out there - it's not illegal to read about US/NATO war crimes. On top of that, it wasn't a hack, it was a leak from within the DNC.
Yeah that douche Cuomo, him and his brother are criminals to humanity.
Phew, thank god. Here I was thinking I'd have to think for myself.
Seriously though, who says a thing like that? That kinda' reminds me of when CNN said it was illegal to read the emails yourself so you had to get all the info from them. Silliness
Settled down with all that thinking :P
Orwell's 1984 was a manual.
Know their methods, or be a slave to them.
Thinking for yourself is dangerous.
Yes it is.