Media Freaking Out Over More COVID Cases, Yet 80-90% Drop in Deaths from April High

in Deep Dives5 years ago

It's pretty idiotic to see the news freaking out over the number of new COVID-19 cases. They just can't seem to think properly. Or rather, they can think properly, but they purposely put out fake news to continue to hype up the fear-panic mindset in the masses to keep the manufactured crisis going.


The above is an image from the COVID Tracking Project. As you can see from the light orange bars, daily testing has gone up a lot over the past weeks and months. The dark organge bars show the amount of positive tests.

Do you see what's going on?

What happens when you test more people? You're probably going to find more cases. Let's say th average positive test results are 5% of the total tests done in a day. I don't know if that's accurate. If you test 100 people, you will find 5 positives. If you test 1,000 you will find 50 positives. If you test 100,000 you will get 5,000 positives.

Looking at the US Historical Data, you can see that the daily testing has continued to rise. There were over 500,00 per day starting from June 18. On June 25, there were over 600,000 per day. Yesterday on June 30, there were 648,838 tests.

They show 2,621,831 alleged positives to date, compared to 2,577,473 from the previous day on June 29. That means 44,358 new positives in a day.

Ok, over 44,000 allegedly positive test results. We don't know when these tests were done that came back as positive and added to the total. Maybe it was two weeks ago, maybe 1 week, maybe 3 weeks.

But look at the alleged "COVID-19 deaths", which we know are inflated but forget about that for now. June 30 showed 120,326 deaths, compared to 119,750 on June 29. That's 576 deaths between each day. But again, we don't know which days those were. The data could comes in from weeks ago.

How bad is that? Well, in April, there was the peak death counts. Allegedly 2,693 people died on the April 21 count.

Yes, let that sink in.

OMG FREAK OUT TIME!!! The second wave is here! Lockdown the country! Get back inside! You're all killing grandmas!!!

2,693 vs 576. Deaths are at 21% of the former high as the death rate keeps falling. That's an 80% drop. Last week there was a day with 267 deaths, which accounts for a 90% drop.

As you can see, deaths are falling, and have been since April as the trend line shows. But the news won't let that affect how they report the data. MORE NEW CASES (because more peopel are being tested)!!! Politicians are warning corona might be out of control now... lol.

In the end, the more cases the better as I see it, because it just keeps lowering the infection fatality rate. The media was all about an unrealistic and high IFR when there were not as many people tested. Now they are silent on that and instead focus on new cases as if it's horrible, when it isn't.


I think this coronavirus is like a flu. People easily recovered from this in 14 days. Only those people dies which are having other severe health issue related to heart, kidney or lung. if you see graph of india; the recovery rate is more than 60% and out of 5,00,000 effected people only 10,000 deaths.
People's are not dying from coronavirus but dying from unemployment, loss of their job, depression.

Like the flu in some ways, but not completely. It's a bit more deadly (even with worldwide lockdown we've lost about as many people as from a bad flu). It's also more contagious than the flu (very hard to avoid getting it). There are also complications like permanent damage to organs, but more research is needed on that. But yeah I agree with where you're going with that.

Agree with you completely here. Bottom line is much more research needs to be done on the long term effects of the virus and to jump to conclusions one way or another can be very harmful.

Still around 4.7k deaths every day worldwide. That isn't coming down at the moment and we might not of seen the full impact of easing lock downs yet. When this Covid-19 outbreak is over, it will look far worse than the flu. There's obviously still a long way to go.

Yeah, years of it! But still a long way for the flu to go, too.

Check this out:

If you look at when COVID was first detected, and when it first started to climb fast weeks later, you should also look at when the "life-saving" lockdowns were put in place (the quick climb started when the lockdown went into effect)

Yeah I tend to agree.

"Cases" should be called "positives or assumed positives". But they prefer "cases" because it suits them.

Cases are rising, sure. But global daily deaths are basically flat, despite the reopen which started several weeks ago.

And check this out:

If most people who had it don't show positive for antibody tests, then Sweden's positive antibody testing of "only" 20% or so actually might mean the entire country has already had it!!

Sweden may be the correct model to follow!

Which would explain why the American media demonizes their approach so heavily.

Sweden is losing barely anyone anymore. Most of their deaths are in the past. Their economy is alive, their health care system is fine, they didn't have a lockdown.

Yup, many people have non-anti-body immunity, like from T cells, apparently 40-60% of people. The only failure Sweden did was like elsewhere: not focus on the elderly in nursing homes. That's where most of their deaths come from.

Yeah, true. Did they also send infected elderly out into nursing homes to cause a sudden spike in deaths, as seems to have been done in other countries?

Sweden has 532 deaths per million population, compared to 395 for the US. Compare them to their neighbour, Norway, with only 46 deaths per million and I don't see how Sweden's strategy has been good? Norway has very few deaths now too.

Are you sure that all national statistics are comparable to all others? Are all 532 proven by autopsy as monocausally died FROM Covid 19? What about Italy, Spain, France and UK?

Sweden's outbreak is now in the past, Norway locked down and still has a ways to go, maybe years. In the end, everybody gets exposed, no matter how you try to delay it. So all that matters is how quickly. Sweden took everything at once, and survived. Now they're through it, with their economy intact, and even so, already doing better than Belgium, UK, etc.

It’s interesting how intensely people are going nuts over 2,693 deaths in a single day, in a country of 329 million people..

Numbers time, that’s .00081854% of the population. More people probably died of old age or cancer than that in a day.

Let’s use the 576 deaths now. That’s .00017508% of the population. I wonder if more people died in car accidents.

The media blows it up so that it's all people can think about. They also don't talk about the non-COVID-19 deaths that are the result of lockdowns and hospital services being closed, or people afraid to go to a hospital for treatment and dying at home.

The vulnerable should be protected, but everyone else should be allowed to resume their lives. The best to get this behind us is herd immunity. In the US, as testing has increased many states are seeing a growing number of positive tests for Covid-19, but the actual cases are much less severe. The actual number of Covid-19 ICU patients and deaths are not going up.

Yeah, actual care in hospitals is down, severity is down, deaths are down, but the media just wants to keep the fear of the CVD alive. Nothing will be learned about the real failures and actual treatments that were ignored, just keep going in the wrong technocratic direction.

I am not a fan of herd immunity for the most part but in this instance I am ALL IN! The sooner EVERYONE comes down with this bullshit the sooner we can get the world back to some semblance of order. If a person is potentially going to die from the flu then they need to stay home. If not then LIVE YOUR DAMN LIVES!

True that man! The only way this farce will end is just to let people get it.

I agree that what they want is for there to be panic with the disease. It is true that we have to take care of ourselves but I have seen that in the last month the cases have decreased. God protects us

Yes when there is panic, people do not think with their brains, they think with their emotions. Panic also is bad for the immune system, which is another reason they want people scared, the stress ruins their immunity. The best thing we can do is not be angry or scared, think about things and just do what we normally do when we can, if not make some minor adjustments to it.

Seems like a good idea but the death numbers would probably be huge without social distancing. Many people think they're healthy but have something wrong that hasn't been diagnosed, so we don't know if this could potentially kill us. Lots of young healthy people have been hit hard by Covid-19, the death numbers don't show that. I think if we ignored it, people would soon stop acting normally, when friends or family got seriously ill. I wish we could all do what works well in some countries, that have manged to keep deaths low, without closing everything down. Why is it so difficult to do that?

Yup, most people will likely get it, and it's needed. They just won't even realize they got it as their T cells beat it or got such mild symptoms.

Stay out of where?

the red zone (active hivean from vienna)

The title says it all "media freaking out". Yes, it is all from the media. Like if that freaks out, all should follow. If you see a crazy sheep running around on the streets it doesn't mean you have to follow. Few people realise this. Or maybe that changes with the media bombarding transforming all into sheeps. Then maybe yeah, all will be running around like crazy on the streets. Although it is funny already because the reality is kinda clear, it is tragic because of the majority who thinks otherwise.

"media freaking out"

Yes, it is the mainstream media. I believe that is why we need decentralized social media.

Your post (comment) is great.

Yeah ppl aren't seeing reality, and haven't for most of their lives sadly.

Fuck this mainstream fear-based propaganda. There are no viruses that can hurt us worse than TV.

LOL that's generally accurate ;)

This is happening in India too, we are doing around 200,000 tests per say and we are getting around 20000 positives everyday, that is around 10% of the tests done. But the problem here is the medical facility, and it's getting worse day by day

What about the number of hospitalised cases? All the rest does not matter.

About the corona virus continous rise and anticipation of the second wave with all the politics being played around it, Hmmm.....i just have my own opinion about it and it think the challenges this pandemic poses on countries differ. But, if we are to talk about the politics being played about the results and deaths first of all i still think it will be absurd if countries are actually spiking the number of positive cases or deaths as i don't know how it benefits that country. The economy of every country being hit by this virus has seen a drastic decline and massive loss on all sectors of the economy so i really want to understand while there's a believe that some countries are spiking the result because i really don't see the benefits.
About the second wave of the pandemic's only natural that since countries have choosen to save the economy against human life which i feel it's quite understandable for me and most sectors of the economy are now open including the aviation sector and there's movement of people, i think it's natural that there will be reinfection and redistribution of the virus as there's no known vaccine yet.

The CDC and Birx herself admit to inflating the death counts

Wow! Then countries are crazy, because i really don't see the benefits in doing so

It can take a long time from infection to death. There are better treatments now and maybe the most vulnerable are already dead, so the death rate is likely to be lower but don't be surprised if it starts going up again. I don't think it should be all about the death rate though. We have no idea how damaged people that end up on oxygen or on a ventilator are going to be. This is a new virus, it can damage the lungs and vital organs and does strange things to blood. Hopefully people can fully recover but there are already reports of permanent lung scaring, so I still think this virus is best avoided.

@krnel If it continues, it will kill unemployment, depression and lack of money, not coronavirus.

We don't know what is true or not on this pandemic.

I see where you're coming from for the most part, but I do think this prepares us for something much worse that will inevitably hit.

I consider this to be a much needed wake up call to how little we as a community are prepared for shit hitting the fan. People were hoarding toilet paper for God sakes. Fingers crossed, when we get through this, we won't forget to properly prepare ourselves for "the big one."

Here in Canada we have had a steady decline.