Scamdemic COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate is 0.02% to 0.4% (Like Flu), Reason to Get Off the Corona-Phobia Bandwagon Pt.7

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

The scamdemic is unraveling hard. That is, if you actually look at the data and reality. But for most people, they are fixated on the unreality pervaded by the mainstream, big pharma, their lackeys in the medical establishment, and governments.


For weeks, I've put out data to show how even in the US and Sweden as typical extremes to look at. One had almost no lockdown, while the other hard more lockdown. The population fatality rate was similar to each other, and with the flu from 2017-2018. The US was at 0.0204% on May 3rd, and Sweden at 0.0260%. The population death rate for the 2017-2018 flu was 0.0186%.

Bullshit MSM fatality rate

The reason I didn't look at the infected fatality or death rate (IFR), was because it was not accurate to calculate from the number of infected cases. The reason was because the number of cases was only based on the limited number of tests done (if they were even accurate).

The more cases you have, the lower your infected death rate is going to be. The lower the cases, the higher the death rate. Mainstream media has been running with the infected death rate because it suits the fear model. But it's not reality. It's bullshit, and whoever calculates that crap should know better than to actually use it.

Imagine only the people who died of COVID-19, who actually died of COVID-19 that is, were being tested and found to be positive. Do you know what the infected death rate would be in that case? It would be 100%. According to that bad data collection, anyone who would get infected, would be certain to die 100% of the time.

Does that make senses? No. And that's why you don't use the currently-tested positive cases to calculate an infected death rate. It's not realistic. If you could test the whole population, or extrapolate based on a sample size of randomly selected people, then that would give a better and more accurate picture of the real IFR.

To back this up, Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the University of Oxford says the number of cases can't be relied upon either:

... the number of cases should not even be presented as it is so reliant on the amount of testing being done.

She also had a competing model from Imperial College and Dr. Doomsday Neil Ferguson. But her model wasn't listened to. What did it say?

as much as 50% of the population may already have been infected and the true Infection Fatality Rate may be as low as 0.1%.

That is more accurate than the crap Ferguson peddled of a looming 3% death unless everyone adopted forms of draconian lockdowns like China.


Antibody tests for more accurate fatality rate

Dr. John Ioannidis and others had done random population sampling for antibody tests in different parts of the world. I covered this in April. The conclusion, was that the amount of people that are infected seems to be 50 and 80 times what it currently is for Santa Clara county, and 28 to 55 times larger than the current number of reported infected for L.A. county. Instead of 10% and 4% IFR, it's 0.3% and 0.13%. That's like the flu.

Even in Germany, a town called Gangelt was compared as the Wuhan of Germany. The IFR was 0.37% after calculating it based on antibody estimates of the actual population being infected. The number of infections could even be higher in all these places.

Review of global cases IFR between 0.02% and 0.4%.

Dr. John Ioannidis published another paper recently. This time it was a review of global cases.

Results : Twelve studies were identified with usable data to enter into calculations. Seroprevalence estimates ranged from 0.113% to 25.9% and adjusted seroprevalence estimates ranged from 0.309% to 33%. Infection fatality rates ranged from 0.03% to 0.50% and corrected values ranged from 0.02% to 0.40%

Yup. That's the reality of this scamdemic.

Inflated death counts

We know for a fact that in many countries the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 are inflated/bloated. It's happening in the US, Italy, UK and Canada that I know of. I'm pretty sure it's happening everywhere.

Paying hospitals for COVID-19 cases

Hospital administrators have been coaching doctors too. Diagnosing a regular pneumonia is $5,000, while COVID-19 pneumonia is $13,000, and if you use a ventilator is becomes $39,000. COVID-19 diagnoses seem to be a cash cow in the medical industry.

A former editors-in-chief of New England Journal of Medicine wrote about the corruption in the medical industry:

"The medical profession is bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of education and research. The academic institutions of this country allow themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it's shameful."

It's not much of a stretch to see how the death counts are inflated due to pressure to make more money from hospital admins.

When you have higher death counts, you have a higher IFR. It's clear, according to real data and proper calculations, that the IFR the mainstream media is using has never been accurate, and they gave everyone false information from the start. The COVID-19 death rate is very much like the flu. In some places not as bad as the flu, and in others only slightly worse, like having a more severe flu season.

This is the most important reason for people to wake up and get the fuck off the corona-phobia scamdemic bandwagon.



Dude, the fatality rate doesn't have anything to do with labeling an infectious disease as a pandemic (or not)...geez!

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "people") is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. Widespread endemic diseases with a stable number of infected people such as recurrences of seasonal influenza are generally excluded as they occur simultaneously in large regions of the globe rather than being spread worldwide.

Exactly. It is kind of bullshit fact twisting miss information that pisses me off. People doing mental gymnastics to make their point look factual.

It's a pandemic because of how infectious it is. the fact that it pretty much spreads like wildfire.

Also as the UK would say you can't talk about death rate until AFTER the whole thing is dealt with, cause then you can look at excess deaths over the whole period.

this right here.
You can also say
R>1 and thats about it.

Right, that's why the flu has been a pandemic each year, and the world went crazy. Right... Every year the flu is a pandemic, but it's not hyped up, is it? It's hyped up in the media for a purpose. I used the wrong word. I should just have stuck to my usual scamdemic term for what has been happening. Have a good one.

The problem with using terms that are not accurate is that people will not take you seriously...with good reason.

I was talking about some of this stuff today, too. Good info here, thanks!

I disagree.

If we look at the number of infected with the number of deaths we get around a 6% mortality rate. And that number can be anywhere from 2 - 6% simply because we don't know how many people are actually infected.

The flu kills anywhere from 24K to 60K in the US yearly. While covid19 has killed roughly 100K in what, 2 months? Deadlier than the flu.

As for hospitals getting paid. In your own image there. Medicare is paying for those amounts for those that are on Medicare. So that's the elderly and those without insurance. That money is being used to treat people for Covid19. Not if they die. Death counts are not inflated. If anything was to be inflated it would be treatment counts. Also if you have insurance then insurance covers your treatments. So not every patient gets a hospital money from the government.

you do realize the distortion of death statistics - how countless doctors have spoken out regarding how there's been numerous cases where CV was listed as cause of death even though they weren't even tested positive, countless cases where other preexisting conditions were clearly the cause but if they had CV in their system, that was listed, how medical mismanagment had been a huge factor, the monetary incentivization for hospitals to list CV as death and political pressures to do so in spite of having to have no actual positive test results, etc, etc, etc?

In my country the number of deaths by COVID-19 is under-reported. Instead we have an increased number of deaths labled as "atypical pneumonia". When comparing the normal number of deaths to the ones from previous years there is a significant difference but the government wants to pretend that things are under control...they are not.

Keep in mind that the incentives for how things are managed in the health care sector are different from country to country and you can't generalize a conclusion from data that comes from one country...even if it's an important one like the UK or the US.

You need the actual number of cases of infected in a population. Testing some people that go to hospitals doesn't tell you who in the whole population is infected. 2-6% is bullshit. The CDC even reported on the infected death rate which I will post about later.

It is some sort a pandemic as it's spreading at a very fast rate

No, there's a pandemic, now sell me all your bitcoin very cheap! lol

Although if you add those who have Corona to those who have regular flu, the number is huge, its not about fatality rate..

It’s a scam. I am pretty much going about my ordinary day. No issues.

Whatever the death rate is fact is that only the elderly and weak or obesed people died. In hindsight it was not correct to lock down any economy for this. Many people with cancer/strokes/transplants could not be helped or did not go to the hospital themselves. We have (In Netherlands) 50% less seicures (?) and cancer suspected visits in last months . Estimates are that these caused or will cause extra deaths as well.

Whatever the death rate is fact is that only the elderly and weak or obesed people died

WAT? There has been plenty of perfectly healthy people dying from this disease...

Lockdown was really the only option to prevent health services getting destroyed by a virus that spread like wildfire.

Either way some surgery's and treatments would have been disrupted.
Hospitals overrun by sudden uncontrolled outbreak? Nearly all treatments would be stopped.

A government - how harsh it may sound - should protect the whole society and not just one small group. check the graphs . In ethics there are 2 respected visiosn: Kafkaians who count each individual and Utilists who say the whole society must benefit.

Yesir, it's a Scamdemic/Plandemic.
Keep on exposing it.
Thank you!
100% & reblogged