What was the lockdown for? Why close down businesses? Why isolate people? Why social distance? To "flatten the curve", right?
Why did they want to flatten the curve? To keep cases low so that hospitals weren't overrun.
This implies a fear in a spike of cases, a high curve instead of a flat one. What happens when you lift the lockdowns? The curve will spike since more people are going to interact. So, they don't want to lift the lockdown, because then there will be a spike in the curve. This will allegedly overrun hospitals. Is that really the case?
Hospitals are barren in many places. In the US, field hospitals that cost $660 million to make aren't being used. Navel ships sent to provide relief weren't used. Lifting the lockdown and seeing a spike in the curve would not overrun care facilities.
People are dying because of not going to the hospital, as they were told not to go in some places like in the US. Or they had fear of contracting COVID-19 that was fear-hyped into a panic in the media. One third of deaths in England and Whales are due to this, as a recent publication in BMJ stated:
Only a third of the excess deaths seen in the community in England and Wales can be explained by covid-19, new data have shown.
care homes and other community settings had had to deal with a “staggering burden” of 30 000 more deaths than would normally be expected, as patients were moved out of hospitals that were anticipating high demand for beds.
The US Senate Hearing on COVID-19 had experts say similar about people dying from not being in hospitals where they should be to get help. Meanwhile, empty hospitals are laying off staff.
Given all that, the elderly, immune-compromised and disease-stricken were the most at risk people in any population. If there was a lockdown needed, only these people needed to be locked down and isolated from everyone else who should have continued to live life normally.
The data proves that everyone else's risk of dying is comparable to that of the flu. Even given the inflated death counts, and the lack of knowing the true higher numbers of people who are infected, which would drive down the death rate.
Here is the data on the US deaths by age that I gathered in early May from the CDC (data was up to April 25, flu data here).
Flu deaths
Reported COVID-19 deaths (no autopsies)
You can see that the death rate for COVID is akin to the flu for the age groups.
Now the COVID-19 death rate by age group (deaths as of May 15 from the CDC):
COVID-19 deaths by age
COVID-19 death rate by age
Those aged 55 and above account for 92% of the deaths. Those aged 45 and above account for 97% of the deaths.
The people who needed to be isolated were only the elderly. This was known months ago.
Thousands of deaths could have been avoided if policies were actually based on the reality of who was at risk. And this was known early on when it started. It's been known for years with respect to the flu. The elderly were always the at risk group.
This was talked about months ago. Yet, this was ignored in favor of locking down countries and isolating everyone. This has led to short- and long-term harm and forthcoming deaths that are expected to eclipse COVID-19 across the world.
In fact, in the most devastated place in the US, New York, Governor Cuomo decided to force nursing homes that care for the elderly to accept COVID-19 patients. Forced them. The result? Thousands of nursing home elderly dead. Way to go genius.
What has Cuomo said recently about his order to force nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients? He was wrong. he said the nursing homes didn't have to obey it, they could have challenged it. What a piece of shit. He's telling people that when he gives orders, you don't need to obey, after the fact. That they are just "suggestions". But when he makes them, he expects you to obey and that they aren't "suggestions".
This "leadership" decision was almost as if it was meant to produce more deaths and justify more government lockdowns and isolations. Either that, or he's a colossal idiot who doesn't have anyone with any brains advising him on these medical-based decisions. Just keep elderly COVID-19 patients with other elderly people in a place where all the elderly are grouped together. Nothing could go wrong there...
This "man" should be ashamed of himself, if he's capable of that, and step down from his position. Simply admitting you are "wrong" several weeks later for making a provably wrong decision at the time it was made, is a joke. It's all a joke on us.
The belief in authority is the biggest joke that most people are psychologically wrapped around and can't let go of. he evidence in reality is contrary to the need for the lockdown or isolation of whole population. Still they tell us we need months more of it, lest the fear of the sanctity of the "flattened curve" is violated. Still we obey.
On last thing to consider. Most of the people who are in politics, or are rich, powerful or considered part of the "elite", are over 50. Maybe some of them who think this is a real devastating threat fear it so much, that they fell the need to control all of society in order to feel safe. Rather than simply isolate themselves and leave everyone else alone. Maybe those who are in fear just want everyone else to suffer with them, rather than just them isolate. And maybe some of them know it's bullshit (or even helped create), and they use fear and authority to manipulate the others and the rest of us to accept the ever-increasing control over our lives.
One thing is pretty clear, the rich or big business aren't the ones getting hurt by the bullshit lockdown scamdemic. It's the rest of us that are getting hurt the most.
these should be the most relevant stats
Yup, that's a good way to look at it indeed ;)
Follow the money!
As always.
To me what is more alarming than the virus itself is how the evidence of the origins of all these characters (Fauci, Gates, Cuomo) and entities (WHO, CCP, CDC, FDA) and their crimes is right out in the open and people just ignore it and follow whatever narrative fits their identity politics.
It's a horrific mass psyop.
On so many levels.
I do feel that more people are 'waking up'.
There was an awakening that was rising before the virus psyop, maybe it was their desperate attempt to quell it.
Seems to be backfiring.
We need to flip that 'never let a good crisis go to waste' move and take advantage of the opportunity to unplug as many as we can.
Great post
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insights.
Yup, people don't think for themselves and go research whats going on. Chaos is a teacher, the negative is a teacher. These are good times for people to be shocked out of sleep and really look at why this is happening.
I have read most of your articles and voted and reblogged. One thing I have not seen anywhere (whether it is from you or some other source) is how convenient this was to dismantle the omni-bubble we had all across our economy. This is a mere hypothesis with no real backing. But think about it. Instead of the bubble popping as it should be, we all have a boogieman (COVID-19) that did the same thing as housing crash and dot com bubble pop. It's like a controlled demolition of the economy that was already a house of cards. The measures taken are the same as previous market crashes. The difference is that the cronies are safe from criticism. It wasn't them; it was COVID-19
It's been a house of cards for decades. The bubble keeps inflating bigger, and it only deflates slightly. It never actually pops to get us back to reality on the ground. The crash was created by the rich seeing a crisis for a pandemic or potentially knowing it would lead to a lockdown as per an agenda, and playing the psychology to sell off and cause an initial crash before the lockdown job losses. The rich have made over $200 billions in a 3 week period of the lockdown in April. They played the money magic gambling game and manipulated a sell off and bought low after.
Yep, a controlled demolition with insider trading and everything.
When I look at what's going on around me I have to give credit to the "Master Planners" for this one. They obviously learned a lot from...
COVID-1984 is Phase 2.
That's what I was thinking the second this all started going down...
"Hm... the elderly are at risk, and the elderly are in charge?"
"That's going to go well."
It's going very well so far isn't it? :P
I think we give those in power too much credit. These people are, and always ha e been terrible managers and terrible leaders. Could they really have planned a psyop?
They are all validation addicts.If they can scare you into thinking covid will kill us all, they can set themselves up as the saviors. Every meglomanic out there is trying to take advantage of covid. From Gates to Cuomo and the guy selling homemade hand sanitizer. Sadly they can play this game until covid disappears, and the plan to flatten the curve ensures it sticks around for quite awhile
No, they (the validation addicts) could not have planned this but the "ones" above them using the $100,000,000.00 Think Tanks are really good at this stuff.
The real "Powers That Be" want this "idiot firewall" between us and them. It keeps the masses thinking...
THAT right there provides all the cover "They" need.
Don't under estimate our opponent. They are playing for all the marbles.
War through deception.
Oh the leaders are the puppets. They are only around for terms. The real power lays behind that, like in the money masters or secret societies. Regardless, there are ppl who want to create fear to gain control, and the leaders are willing to go along with it as they like to gain power as well.
What I find interesting is that my daughter, who is is studying biology and chemistry at uni, with a bias towards health and medicine, keeps telling me that the reason they want to stop the spread is because the speed it spreads means that it is more likely to mutate faster and could mutate into an even more deadly strain. If this is accurate, then why aren't we hearing about this? So many are questioning why we need to be isolating when the effects are no different to flu, wouldn't this bit of information help them to convince people?
Seriously, the actions of our authorities make little sense to me. Either they're really not that bright, or they're insidious.
If you drag it out and let it slowly go from person to person, it has more chance to mutate than if more people got it from fewer sources by the time it ran its course.
Obviously, there's some really dark plan being played out by the elites... the virus was just the excuse to get it on motion. 🙄
Lets not be fast to conclude, the rich and the poor are feeling the hashness and pains of the Covid-19.
Lossing a loved one this period, will change your perspective about thinking the Elites are behind it.
Truly, it seems like a well planned game, but no game can be too perfect. People all over the world are losing their lives by the minutes, mass burials carried out daily, the old, young, rich and poor are no exception to this horrible "Scamdemic". The authorities have nothing in the play book for this virus, its now a matter of observation, hope to guess right and follow the reasonable steps in front of us.
We should learn to appreciate life and be Thankful for every seconds of our lives, I believe the Grace of God is sufficient for us all and at the end of it all, we shall all put it behind us.
God bless, Shalom.
mass burials?! daily?! Interesting..
in your own words, explain to me what happened in Wuhan, Italy, Spain, New york and so on...
Tell me the joy in that.
Feel free to check out my videos on 3speak, my favorite are the 2 or 3 empty hospital videos of Madrid General De La Paz from April 3rd (I was also in there on March 19th but sadly I hadnt seen the news at that time "To know what's going on" 😉)
A good opportunity, can't let that go to waste :P
Agenda21 and agenda 2030 if you didnt already know about it 😉
Great article, very well put together, expect to see this on #STWT show 138.
Thanks, glad you like it :)
Hi @krnel,
Long time no see. I finally am able to login and post on Hive.blog (hive.blog/@libertyacademy) and really hope to get more exposure here than back on Steemit.com
This is my very first comment here on Hive. And I look forward to following all your amazing work and hope you can support little 'ol me in any way you can too, if possible.
Merci mon ami.
Peace my friend.
Heyo, welcome to Hive! Steem seems pretty dead :P
We've made ourselves sheep and as a result soon the wolves wil eat us ...
Yup, we've been sheep for thousands of years though :P We still survive, they need us.
Agree, they need us, at least of lot of us. But masses of "useless" older people already had to clear the field.
Our "generous friend" Mr. Gates and his buddies must be laughing up their sleeves by now.
@krnl IMO they will keep the majority of us around until they have Robots that can "feed them and wipe their asses". Once they have that support system in place, they don't "need" us anymore, then all bets are off.
@movingman Anyone who doesn't know what Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are all about needs to do some homework.
When you know what the "Agendas end game" is, it's much easier to guess what/when the next turn in the road will be. As always, you can usually take many different paths to get to your destination. But when you know the destination, it's allot easier to see the various paths.
When you see "someone" (them/they/those) taking a certain road and you know where that road leads. It's hard to say they "just didn't know" when they had MANY ROAD SIGNS, Rest Stops, and turn offs they COULD have taken but didn't.
Probably the best account of the
Scarademic I have read!
Excellent job on the homework,
Good to have some charts, I have been saying this all along - "Not" worse than the flu...
Thank you :)
Very Good Post!
I Liked the next one too!
May God help the masses .
Thanks@krnel I think I really support your point here.so many black spot with the COVID 19. So many people are dead right now.and I find it hard to believe the Foreign Countries who have the best Pharmaceutical companies cannot invent a vaccine very fast for the COVID 19. It looks as if it was planned and well executed and as if they have a target population to deal with.
Most definitely a Scamdemic!
Greetings ;)
mismanagement after mismanagement on higher level which has led to this day and they blame common public for this well what a great sarcasm level
....it will be interesting to see the long term fall out of this psi -op...
Trust in the 'authorities good intentions' ' may be seriously damaged - for a long time...(wooohooo)
I wish! Our inept prime minister, who has been nearly everyone's least favourite person since he was put in place, has suddenly started becoming more popular for his handling of this "crisis". Either that or the media is just trying to convince us he is...
Don't get me wrong - the sheeples obedience in this affair has been desperately depressing...
I'm talking about afterwards...and the next 'crisis'...
Sadly I'm always reminded of Einstein's definition of insanity when it comes to most people. Keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and hoping for a different result. It's like the school system. Apparently the western school system has a high percentage of kids way down on literacy and science. So the solution to this failing system? More of it. Excuse me while I go bang my head against a brick wall.
2 points.
Yes I agree, but maybe the psi-op will not sanity back into peoples heads....
....Secondly (and far more importantly) - how do you do the really small letters thingy? lol
🤣 sorry, serious face. 🤓 It's markdown. Sub puts it at the bottom and sup at the top.
You probably already know this, but you just write what you want small between them. Hope that makes sense.
Honestly? I never knew...lol.
I always trust the masters. They know best.