The Importance of Consciousness

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Truth and consciousness are intimately linked. Consciousness is awareness at the base. Awareness of reality or truth is fundamental. The more we observe, experience and come to know aspects of what ‘is’, the truth, the more our awareness of that which exists increases, and as a result our consciousness will expand. This amplifies the connectivity between existents; to recognize, correlate, compare and correspond the patterns and meaning to greater degrees and discover more to become aware of.


The increase in awareness increases consciousness. The correspondences paint a larger picture to understand reality and ourselves. This increase or expansion of awareness brings us to greater heights in comprehension and consciousness. This process of force of expansion to evolve consciousness can be called Love in its highest form or true essence.

Truth, what ‘is’, existence, reality, is what amplifies awareness and consciousness. We consume existence to expand consciousness. We can understand more about what is happening in the world and ourselves and act upon that knowledge. By understanding where we are and how we got here, we can develop the wisdom of right-action to correct the problems that are present. Defining the expansive force of consciousness as Love reveals Truth to be the source that makes that expansion possible. Truth is Love, Love is Truth.

The truth will indeed set us free. To be set free is to have freedom. Truth, and more specifically moral truth, will set us free from the progressive enslavement of those who exercise control over us. The degrees of slavery present in society is proportional to the degree of immorality that is. Conversely, the more moral a society is, the freer it is.

Raising, expanding or evolving consciousness is the solution to end the deception, manipulation and immorality of external control over our lives. Gaining the understanding of moral truth will evolve our consciousness and show us the true condition of the world. The degree to which we can see clearly is proportional to our level of consciousness. Lower consciousness is to be less able to accurately discern truth from falsity; to have lower awareness, less clarity/visibility and be wandering in the dark in some way.

The problems all boil down to us. We have to point the fingers at ourselves for what we have allowed to rise up through what we have accepted, supported or participated in. Wars? Do you think they fund themselves? Where does that money come from? Ultimately, it’s tax payers paying for it. The wars are being accepted and supported by the people. And so too are most of the enormous problems a result of our actions or inactions. Be it the crooked scammy banking system, or politics itself; we support them, we participate in them, we use them.

Our consciousness is the problem, and our consciousness is the solution. The problem has the seeds to its own solution. In order to stop engaging in behavior or support and participate in modalities of being or system that are against our betterment, we need to be aware of them. Our lower consciousness states of ignorance require the knowledge of quality truths to raise us to a higher state of consciousness. That’s how we get out of the mess we allowed to happen or helped to create.

A core part is to understand ourselves better, such as how we operate and what motives for our behavior. Understand what is taking place within us that culminates in the behaviors that produce this world requires examining our thoughts and emotions that leads to our actions. That is the trinity of consciousness: thought, emotion and action. This will help us understand why things are as they are, not only what, when, where and who is doing it. ‘Why’ is getting to the nature of a condition, situation, event or problem.


Hi there, nice post. Thanks! 100% & reblogged.
After i defended your post against some famous haters ;) here a thought i wanted to add:
The manifestation of creation:thought, words and deed/action compared to your
"That is the trinity of consciousness: thought, emotion and action."
You have probably more time than me to write, add words/vibrations to this topic and
let it grow....i think using our voice/sounds consciously e.g. with singing will make us
even more aware, plus our heart sounds can heal, like cats heal themselves with their own
grrrrrrrr-relax sounds :)
With 5G e.g. we are getting attacked vibrational, so we should "sing back" or also develop
other vibrational "Love weapons"

Thanks, glad you found some value in it. I find it best to ignore trolls who don't actually have anything of value to add to the content in question. Don't find value in my post? Don't like it? Think it's spam? Ok, good for you :P I do reply to valid criticism, but also don't want to spend my time to trying to debate or convince someone of something or "win" an argument with someone who objects to what I am sharing. They have their argument and I don't have to respond to it. I have other things I want to do than argue with people on a blog post. People will be jealous, haters gonna hate, and that's just that. Anyone is free to respond as they wish to anyone else, but don't expect them to be obliged to respond back or argue with you ;)

Singing is good for the psychological/consciousness state of well-being and evokes emotional states. People don't like feeling sad, but with music or singing, a sad song "feels good" you could say hehe. Not sure about the singing to combat potential 5g issues, but who knows ;)

Lol you go on and on about "not having time for trolls" because you're actually just trying to convince yourself that you're ok with your inability to construct a worthy rebuttal.


Hi there, you are right about them trolls, let's ignore them and go back to the topic...
I mentioned singing, because i'm convinced you can use your body as an "instrument"
and singing/using your voice would be one way of creating vibrations actively.
But Brother let me tell you, i wrote "Stop Spraying Chemtrails" for our Mother Earth,
and every time i sing it in a upright position and end the chorus with "...i got my blue sky back"
guess what happens with some clouds ;)
I think it has an effect, i also connect with the sun/light in a deep Love , that "they" are trying to block

Think Vibration to bring it back to your "The Importance of Consciousness"
Did you see "Kymatica"? Do you know that Love swings 5 times higher than fear? ;)
Enjoy your day with #geoengineering

Another excellent post, sir!
(I can't add to it, so won't even try! lol)

As far as I can tell, it's a few copy-pasted paragraphs from something else, and a photo downloaded from google, posted every day at the same time, 365 days a year, and a payout of $50 per post. Quite the formula! I consider it barely above the level of common spam. The funny part is, the author is talking about topics like intelligence, integrity, truth, consciousness, morality, and so on. Spam about philosophy! Good for a laugh : D

Yeah very good point.
It's so genetic without individual/personal opinion. At first I was impressed with this account and attempted dialogue. I challenging the narrative expressed in the post that made the claim that morality is objective truth. I argued that it is subjective truth (human construct).

The response was angry and completely denied that I made a valid point, despite the fact that the response itself was "morality is only for humans to discover" which is completely subjective.

The account never responded after that.
Likely realising the foolish and emotional response left them with egg on their face.

These posts aren't adding quality. It's so basic that I would be embarrassed to be there poster. So obviously those rewards are the ambition. Not to actually expand on knowledge.


When we dream for instance we are still experiencing/observing in the realm of consciousness and there is ABSOLUTELY NO LIMIT such as adhering to "truths" in that period/phase of our existence/experience as sentient beings.

The study of consciousness is actually detaching from materialism and physical models. There is no "thought" that lives in the brain. Our brains hold the 'key' to the "mind experience" in the same way we can carry the keys to our home but not be carrying around our actual home.

MIND is completely VIRTUAL.

I find that those who get constantly rewarded for whatever they post, don't grow and excel. There are exceptions of course.
Dreams are such an interesting phenomenon. They seem to be part fantasy, part emotion, part memory, part hope, part science, and part magic.
I think the poster will be along to say "I'm real", as they do respond to comments now and then :P

LOL I don't doubt that the poster are real but someone touching on those subjects should and does (in other platforms) enjoy getting into discussion. That's how we breakthrough. The topic of consciousness is really up for grabs for everyone. Science can't figure it out and there's so many great channels and blogs across the internet that are pushing new frontiers. Leaving academia behind to the point that there is now funding by reputable bodies to try understand the experience of psychedelics for example.

It's fascinating really and why I hoped that @krnel would get involved in deep discussion. That would be a great asset to Hive if that discussion was robust here. There's never really great comment engagement on here though and I see that as a real negative.

Anyway I agree with your view on DREAMS!
It's the beautiful free realm of consciousness.

Oh and you got muted simply for criticising.

You're a FAKE! What an embarrassment from you @krnel

This conscious blog's intellectual honesty is really shining through ;D

Ever heard about the law of attraction? Do you know what your hating ass is attracting? Scarcity.
Learn to wish well to others...that attracts fullness/prosperity ;)

I hope you appreciate the irony as much as I do!

You're a hypocrite.

Passive aggressiveness:

Your hating ass.

Refrain from derogatory terms when attempting to appear enlightened. you have links?

What is it you're confused about?

I'm not confused.
You stated something, and I asked you for the links to verify the claim.

What did I say that you can't find verification of, that can be solved by "links"?

Your inability to prove your assertions of 'copy paste?' know your way around a blockchain, but don't understand how links work? Seriously?

Thanks, glad you appreciate and value the content ;)

OK, if it so, why ppl lie?

Wars are indeed terrible and also the leaders behind them. Actually most of the times they reflect the mass mentality making ethical questioning interesting. Who is to blame for the terror when it is done in the name of authority? The ones who obeyed are as guilty as their leaders? How trully conscious are people when making choices under pressure? I think that one of the hardest things to achieve is to convince someone to tap into their own levels of consciousness and question their actions.