The recent protests developed from the continued initiation of police aggression and violence. The case of George Floyd is yet again another police action that led to manslaughter.
Police behavior needs to be held accountable, but it hardly ever is. Cops do something wrong, and they hardly get a slap on the wrist. The same would have happened to the pig who killed Floyd, were it not for protests. At first, he was only fired. No charges were to be laid.
As the protests turned to riots, charges were to be brought forth against the killer cop. The protests were righteous. They sought justice. People have enough of being bullied by authoritarians who think they can do what they want and get away with it.
There is also the psychological and physical coercion from government due to their overblown reaction to COVID-19. People were ready to rally around a cause and voice their protest against the authorities.
But soon after the protests started, riots developed. There is evidence of instigation from agent provocateurs who could have turned to protests into riots. Many were all too willing to go along with it, like Antifa aggressors are prone to do.
Antifa was even caught spray painting "BLM" onto buildings to paint BLM as vandalizers. Black people caught them and told them to stop.
It continued as stacks of bricks are placed in the street to welcome the aggression of rioters. Stores and cars are vandalized and broken into. Things are stolen. Fires are set. The message for justice has been erased as the message of violence is pushed forth.
The rioters killed the focus of the non-violent protests to get justice and reform of the authoritarians. The rioters are giving government the excuse to crack down on the populace and impose control and more violence against the people.
It's problem, reaction, solution. Create a riot. People react against the violence and want the government to stop it. The government says ok, you rioters force us to exercise more control now, here we come.
Trump has initiated an end to riots and lawlessness by bringing in the military and live fire rounds. That's more violence in the streets. The rioters only made things worse. And the media stokes the flames of racial divides. The real divide is between people and the authoritarians who think they have more rights than others, be they police or other government employees.
The voice of the real protesters is dead. Curfews are being enacted to silence activity. Marital law follows. No more protests. Reform is gone. Change is gone. The result is more authority, more control and more violence against free people.
Antifa is shit, but now Trump has designated them a "terrorist group". How long before any other "group" of people get labeled terrorists. Protesters will become "domestic terrorists" under the deluded eyes of the government. While the real terrorists are the police who shoot up innocent people in cars and raid their homes and murder them while they sleep. Government is the head terrorist that coerces us and has us live under constant duress if we dare to fight back against their violence.
Support the protests, not the riots.
Good people support justice and freedom, and they oppose immoral actions no matter who does it. Law and order is not freedom and justice. Law and order is the repeated justification used by authoritarian regimes in history to use violence and oppress people.
If you're in support of police aggression, violence or murder of people, then you're not a good person.
If you're in support of rioters vandalizing or stealing from others, then you're not a good person.
From the scamdemic COVID lockdown to riot martial law, we are being conditioned to accept a lockdown society.
To hear more of this type of reasoning, listen to the recently made videos below:
I am very happy to see that Ben Swann posted those images of cops unloading bricks. It is what we protest. It is covert, seeks to censor and oppress, a lie like any propaganda, and could only be undertaken by enemies of the American people, whether enemies of freedom, mercenary criminals, or idiots without understanding of the consequences of their acts.
It is the cops leaving pallets of bricks for protesters to throw at them.
Never, and for no cause more than this, has revolution and the elimination of tyranny been more necessary. The state is deliberately fanning the flames of revolution, so they can seize totalitarian oppressive power and enslave us all beyond our comprehension. Something that proves we don't understand the slavery we are intended to suffer is this: Bill Gates proposes mandatory injection with DNA altering 'vaccines', that will literally turn human beings into GMOs. This is part of the motivation for those putting these cops to this task, one of the reasons it's being done, one - just one - of the goals this cabal is pursuing today by stocking riots with pallets of bricks.
The media, our elected representatives, our financial institutions and wealthiest citizens are allied in the effort to reduce us to property and subject us to brutal, violent oppression: murder, rape, and robbery without any prospect of justice. Elimination of human rights - because genetically modified organisms can't be classed as sovereign human beings. The cops placing bricks are part of a plan to reduce us to property, to be disposed of at will of the owners thereof.
Sadly, it is necessary to oblige them IMHO. However, it is a bit puerile to employ their piles of bricks to do so. Clearly, street violence is what they seek, so that should be the thing we most avoid.
What should we do? What is most productive of disempowering them, and of avoiding triggering their lust for violent oppression?
Well, what I have always advocated: making your own shit, and not buying what they're selling, paying them to oppress you, or providing a convenient target for their attacks. Seize the means of production most convenient and profitable for you presently, and expand your private independence of economic means to the degree possible.
Working for fiat grants fiat value: your work traded for it. Barter instead. Barter, conveniently, isn't practically taxable. Assuming your labor is just as valuable when bartered for as when purchased with fiat, you give yourself a raise equivalent to your tax bracket when you do. Also, without fiat you won't have any need for banks. Win/win there IMHO.
Decentralization is the death of centralization. Centralization is tyranny, decentralization is freedom. These fundamental principles should guide us in the revolution... evolution of society we now must embark upon.
Are we George Floyd, to be killed on the streets? Or, are we founding fathers of a free nation, prosperous sovereigns composed of inherent rights as much as any other thing? What we do next will decide who we are.
I have heard some folks have taken truckloads of the free ammunition.. err, bricks, and used them to build things in their communities.
That is just what we should be doing, with all our might.
Yup, there was a black dude on a foreign news channel (I think Asian) who said to buy Bitcoin to stop using their money.
Absolutely, the state is stoking violence so they can reframe the narrative of what is transpiring in the streets right now. Legacy media will turn the street looting into a spectacle (as they always do) and focus on the criminality of the working class. Conveniently, they have paid no attention to the MASSIVE looting of the US Treasury by the mafia state politicians who gifted trillions to their corporate financial backer on Wall Street - the single greatest upward wealth transfer in the history of the US. The criminal ruling class needs to be removed and huge systemic changes are necessary is America is to survive.
We are America. If we are to survive as human beings we must possess the sovereign right to remain unmodified genetically.
The stakes have never been higher, the consequences of failure more dire. Mere slavery, as I have endured for years as a captive, is merely inconvenient in comparison to what is being done to America today.
To remain human we must not fail to successfully prevent overlords from continuing to parasitize our production. Only by becoming wealthy, by possessing independent means of production, will we survive and deliver human rights to our posterity.
I have three sons. I would much rather die than see them enslaved and dehumanized. Nothing, nor anyone, could pay me, in bricks or otherwise, to sell them out. America hangs in the balance.
Let us weigh on the scales.
Well said, I fully agree with you we need to become our own masters and escape this neo-feudalism, and authoritarian rule that stares us in the face. This is an opportunity to take the power back and I hope people do not let themselves be deceived yet again.
In this kind of situation, there are a lot of people trying to fish in a river that's choppy. While it is true that people have the right to protest, that does not give them the right to destroy everything in their path. My rights end where others' begin. Violence cannot be the weapon to end violence. As the saying goes: an eye for an eye and we will be blind. Thank you for your objective opinion! Greetings
Completely agree, you can't fight violence with violence and nor can you fight racism with racism.
Yeah, provoking the government to respond with violence isn't going to work out well. There are other paths to take first before getting there. And if you get there, you need more ppl on your side to go up against the tyranny of the state. Riots just turn ppl against you.
This happens everywhere, for police brutality, you come to the street to demand justice but once the riots turn violent the actual cause goes away, and thus police have to be more strict to stop the riots, and thus police are to be blamed again.
THey don't have to turn into that. The police were already doing it, and now the think they are justified to hit camera people and media, and protesters, while letting people break windows, or mark graffiti, or they even break windows themselves the state gang thugs.
Its perfect for them to instigate violence and riots, all part of the mission. I would love to think that free thinkers are already creating groups and actually doing something ready to relocate to create an alternative to living in citys and getting shafted by the government. But sadly I know that not many would actually change lifestyle and would rather give energy to staying deep in the society
I love this concept from @dbroze on freedomcells.
I am in neutral... But to destroying the property and harming innocent people that do not make you a good person! Protest in the right way without harming and destroying properties! I am against these people who abusing the situation! Then what? They will be stealing in the shops! Old style and abusive people in the US. That attitude will create chaos in the country! -My Opinion-
Yup they are just using the protest as an excuse to steal.
Thanks! That's exactly my point!
It's a terrible, painful, and unfair act that befall George Floyd, a black man in the hands of a white cop. I condemn such murderous acts of innocent folks by the authorities. Personally, I desire to see the police in place exercising its duty of keeping law and order but that should be done fairly in a well-regulated manner.
People need to always be reminded that the authorities and the common man are all human beings that have feelings; these can be hurt in case of any negative selfish behavior of any party.
I love and support peace and freedom for all humanity in this world. Peaceful protests are a good thing that I encourage people to do when they are against any unfair policies and misconduct of the authorities. The problem comes in when peaceful protests turn into riots where some people go extreme and hurt others. That eventually spoils the entire thing.
I was grieved by the unfair killing of George Floyd but I am more grieved to see rioters stealing people's properties and destroying lots of valuable assets of the nation. The government should, therefore, do whatever it takes to bring back peace and order in the nation.
Thanks for sharing.
Well said. We all should be outraged at the murder of George Floyd, not just because he was a black man but because he was a human who had his life taken away for no good reason.
Unfortunately, these riots have resulted in more loss of life despite the protests initially being aimed at saving lives in the future. What's worse is that it appears in some areas, it is the African American community who are now suffering the most by having their businesses and housing tarnished and destroyed.
This issue has surely moved people. I hope that there would be justice to everyone who had been maltreated because of their skin color and that it would not happen again. Zero tolerance for racism!
Yeah the riots and violence are totally staged. I purposely tune out of all of it now except for a post here and there I read from your posts.
Some of the best rejection of it all is to stop giving it attention. Just watched the latest Corbett episode today that was nice, it’s about creating attention to keep the focus on something and make you think it’s a big deal.
The media here in the UK has been covering the riots in the USA extensively and have done nothing but try to downplay the violence. One ITV News segment had the reporter stating that the protest had been peaceful but you could feel the anger...while buildings were up in flames behind him.
Peacefully protest, that's everyone's right. But the violence, riots and lies from the MSM are all undermining the genuine injustice that I'm certain 99.9% of people are, rightly, outraged about.
A lot of it is staged, and a lot of ppl have bad beliefs motivating their actions.