Part 1 - PROPAGANDA of my 'Top 5 Mass Mind Control Techniques used by the Elite (5 Part Series)'. Here are a few excerpts from it that can supplement your post (including Carl Bernstein, as you also mentioned):Very nice work @richq11. I've also touched upon the subject in
One of the best illustrations of how they have infiltrated the mass media is how the CIA have planted "assets" throughout the news media (no only in the United States, but around the world, and particularly in Europe; here is a prime example of how they operate as per one of their whistleblowers Udo Ulfkotte who explained their MO (Modus Operandi, or way of working) from an RT interview a few years back:
Listen to it! You will learn how they manipulate the news to create propaganda in its place to deceive the masses.
Also, former Washington Post star reporter penned a (highly detailed and sourced) wonderful piece a while back which appeared in Rolling Stone Magazine entitled THE CIA AND THE MEDIA which demonstrates the extent to which this nefarious spy agency has spread its tentacles across the news media spectrum to influence and help brainwash the masses into wars and other atrocities offer the decades.
Thanks! What I really would like to do is a post focusing on the history, from the East India Company, then the Rothschilds to the "company" (Cecil Rhodes) that was described by Conrad in Heart of Darkness. Then to how the think tanks/NGOs were integrated.
I was afraid if I got too wrapped up in that part the thing would have been as long as Bernstein's article (25,000 words). My publisher told me when I started 300-500 words... my articles are typically 2000-3000. I'm trying to learn brevity. (with very little luck)
I know exactly what you mean.
At first, for my current series expose, I thought I could fit it all in one post. But as I was typing it, I got to the beginning of the second part (the CDC) and the system told my I had already exceeded the allowable word count. Hence, I knew thenceforth I would have to segregate it into many parts.
Even in Part 6 on the Rockefellers (my longest part), I had to split it in two! LOL
I think we opt for lengthy instead of brevity because we want to make sure that everything we know of is exposed (and recorded for posterity) even though we risk losing eyeballs that have better things to do.
Bad habits die hard?