Eight Billion lies later… [eng/срп] После осам милијарди лажи…

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

As all members of Hive know, I have been writing about the Coronavirus Hoax from the very beginning, since March 2nd, 2020, this whole monstrous scam has been presented as a danger to the survival of the human species. Well, let’s take a look at the statistics for these two years…

On January 22, 2021, in the text titled “Manipulation with numbers and data”, I first sent statistical evidence of a criminal Coronavirus Hoax. The stats looked like this:

Као што је свим члановима Хајва познато, о коронапревари пишем од самог почетка, од 2. марта 2020. Читава та чудовишна превара представљена је као опасност за опстанак људске врсте. Па, да погледамо статистику за ове две године…

Дана 21. јануара 2021, у тексту под насловом „‘Добровољна вакцинација’ и одузимање слободе“ први пут сам послао статистички доказ злочиначке коронапреваре. Он је изгледао овако:

7.840.000.000 (World Population) / 1.826.917 (Deaths) = 4291,38
One out of 4291 persons or / 0,0233%

7.840.000.000 (Становништво) / 1.826.917 (умрло) = 4291,38
Једна од 4291 особе или 0,0233%

After almost three years of the corona theater, on November 15th, 2022, we receive a statistical report that the population of planet Earth has reached 8 billion (cover image). So, since my initial report, and despite the ‘deadly pandemic’, the population has grown on all continents by at least 160 million…

После готово три године корона театра, 15. новембра 2022, добијамо статистички извештај да је становништво планете Земље достигло број од 8 милијарди (насловна слика). Дакле, становништво је, од оног мог извештаја, упркос ‘смртоносној пандемији’ порасло на свим континентима за бар 160 милиона…

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

So, dear readers, after this it is quite clear that the criminal clique lied, blackmailed, robbed, imprisoned, beat, arrested, fired and experimentally killed people all over the planet for no reason and – without results. But if you were hoping that after the crime was discovered, the criminals themselves would retreat, you are sorely mistaken. Eight billion lies is just a phase in their satanic plan, and they continue it. At the G20 meeting in Bali, the criminal gang of the World Economic Forum, with Klaus Schwab at the head, had the status of honored guests, and the Minister of Health of Indonesia spoke about the need to introduce digital health passports with the aim of movement restrictions!

Дакле, драги читаоци, после овога сасвим је јасно да је злочиначка клика лагала, уцењивала, пљачкала, затварала, тукла, хапсила, отпуштала и експерименталним средством убијала људе широм планете без разлога и – без резултата. Али ако сте се понадали да ће се после откривања злочина сами злочинци повући, грдно се варате. Осам милијарди лажи само је фаза у њиховом сатанистичком плану, и они га настављају. На састанку G20 на Балију, злочиначка екипа Светског Економског Форума, са Клаусом Швабом на челу, имала је статус почасних гостију, а министар здравља Индонезије говорио је о потреби да се уведу дигитални здравствени пасоши ради ограничења кретања!

Source / Извор: Penny Butler

WEF minions continue to get most of the corporate media focus:

Следбеници ВЕФ-а и даље добијају највећи део фокуса корпоративних медија:

Supreme Horror Show. Source / Извор: Pepe Escobar

So what can be expected? Remember, they will not give up until they are arrested and punished. Therefore, you can expect that this data will also be used to create a new fear of overpopulation of the planet. So then it will extend to the fear of climate change. Then, to the fear of war… And so on indefinitely, as long as you allow and let that criminal gang shape your destiny.

What will we do then? Revolution or consent to another billion of lies?

Шта се онда може очекивати? Сећате се, они неће одустати док не буду похапшени и кажњени. Зато можете очекивати да ће и овај податак бити искоришћен за стварање новг страха од пренасељености планете. Па ће се онда то продужити на страх од климатских промена. Па на страх од рата… И тако у недоглед, све док будете пристајали да вам та злочиначка банда кроји судбину.

Шта ћемо онда? Револуцију или пристанак на још милијарду лажи?

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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No matter how much they try they will fail.

Nije Sloba kriv, mi smo govna!

Није да Цобе не сноси добар део кривице за ово што нам се данас дешава, али то не оправдава стравичну апатију, поводљивост и кукавичлук садашње генерације…

Upravo tako, to sam citirao liniju iz filma Profesionalac, nije problem u vladarima već u apatičnim podanicima. Uvjek će biti zlih koje čovjeku pokušavaju oduzeti Bogom danu slobodu.

Indeed, it was complete lies. But... I do differ from You on the solution. Strip Them of Their power tool, money.

So You Want to Have Revenge…: https://peakd.com/informationwar/@amaterasusolar/so-you-want-to-have-revenge

Then, They will have no more power than You or Me or anyOne else.

Strip Them of Their power tool, money.

That is a necessary step, you are right @amaterasusolar, but they also cannot be let of the hook for the crimer, plunder and murders they have done so far.

Well... I have no issues having Them brought to Ethical trial, and locked away for life if found guilty of breaking the three Laws of Ethics. But I do suspect that stripping Them of the power They lust for will be very agonizing in and of itself. No more power to pay toadies to do the dirty work.

My step dad was saying that the last couple years who he gets his new insurance cards for the year he also gets a card he's suppose to carry called a travel pass. His travel days are pretty much done with outside of visiting relatives down the road in other cities but the same counties so he hasn't the slightest idea why they issue it to him.

I don't think they ever intended the pandemic to cause mass extinctions of people more so than a slow progressive plan to rid the world of several million of the elderly population who stand in the way of political change in countries. You can altar the left to right and right to left political diagram by merely seeing the deaths of two, three million elderly in any given country over a short but slow process of elimination. That's what happened in Germany. They had it figured out a reduction of something like 2 percent of the elderly population and they did with with 1.4 percent or something similarly low.

I think if they can manage to keep the vaccines in play that the intent may be over the long haul the move away from trying to cure disease to eliminating disease. Since these vaccines appear to do the most harm in the three most costly burdens on society, heart, cancer and diabetes we could see in the future if given to enough kids at a young age more deaths earlier on than expected in their lifetime. People predisposed through heritage, people who live unhealthy lifestyles would all be on the chopping block as economically a burden on society rather than an economical gain. All the billions spent on curing disease they figure could be better spent on prolonging the lives of the healthiest among us, those individuals bring productively and financial feasibility into the equation So the vaccines could actually be designed toward children who inherit diseases that if given enough of the vaccines over their lifetime would result in a detrimental effect of an early death long before they become a financial burden on society. No one would ever be the wiser because they'd never relate it to like a slow poisoning of society so to speak because most would think the vaccine couldn't have ever been the cause because the person had been being injected with it for years. Like they've spoken, this whole transition of society will take years to come to fruition. Like Trump said, "one day the world will see the great accomplishment of the Trump administration", since we now know or I guess assume it's not the life saving ability of the vaccine because there really isn't any so it has to be something else, like the slow progression to get rid of the people predisposed to disease, and those who they will tell because of unhealthy choices made in their lifetime they are vulnerable to covid and need to take the shots to protect themselves.

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