In the ‘War Series’ I have mentioned Hybrid War in the context of abuse of sports like another war frontline. Unfortunately, Hybrid War is designed for something much worse than an attack on individual states. It is a system for war against all mankind…
In short, Hybrid War involves a continuous war in every field. The goal of hybrid warfare is to break the will of the opponent. Hot war is only its most drastic expression, because it is being fought literally wherever you can imagine – it is fought as propaganda war, economic war, financial war, trade war, culture war, science war, biological war, chemical war, cyber war, neocortical war… You name it. PsyOps are one of its most effective tools, perfected in conflicts between states. Today, psychological operations are becoming the dominant way of managing and controlling the masses. How it works?
A Killing of the Mind
The trick in every PsyOp is to cause a mass psychosis. And it is not hard to do if you are controlling mass media. Joost Merlo wrote in his book ‘Rape of the Mind’: “It is simply a question of reorganizing and manipulating collective feelings in a proper way.” So, which is the most efficient ‘proper way’ of manipulation? As the Nazis have already demonstrated, it is – fear!

At this point you have to watch an excellent explanation of the mass psychosis creation, and compare it to the current situation and the manipulation done through monstrous corporate media mechanism to which we are all exposed:
How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL – Duration: 21:48
The part in the last five minutes of the video is especially useful, in which there are ways in which it is possible to break the mass psychosis. Unfortunately, it means that a sufficient number of people (critical mass) get acquainted with the applied manipulation and decide to oppose it. Prognosis of a collective madness is highly uncertain. History shows us that it never ends without mass suffering and a huge number of victims. Those who pretend to be the rulers of this World have made Coronavirus Hoax, but they will not end their manipulation with it. I suggest you watch ‘The Corbett Report’ from August 21st 2021, with the explanation how corporate media creates false reality constantly feeding new ficticious fears to the global population:
Duration: 1:41:39

This ‘Corbett Report’ is focused mainly to the Malthusian lie about the overpopulation and Club of Rome’s fearmongering in their document called ‘The Limits to Growth’ from 1972. You may count on new fears as you can count on death. The rulers are preparing and serving them without a breather, in which population could stop and think about the meaning of life in fear.
Fear is the Mind killer
Going back to the last five minutes of the Mass Psychosis video – there are listed several effective ways to counter totalitarianism and the fear it projects. I will add another which can also be effective – first throw your TV set out, and then repeat this until you are cleansed of fear:
Dune – LITANY AGAINST FEAR. Duration: 5:58
You know you can't live in fear, right?
Never forget that Julian Assange was one of those who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.
* * *
THE WAR — step by step:
Невидљиви рат (Serbian)
Revenge of the Empires or the Decentralized World
The Roots [eng/срп] Корени
AI Against Humanity
Creating a Fake Reality
Hypocrisy as a Prelude to a Hot War
USA: Falling Apart…
An American Gulag
THE WAR: Financing Terrorists [eng/срп] РАТ: Финансирање терориста
BITCOIN vs. Banking Cartel [eng/срп] БИТКОИН против банкарског картела
THE WAR: ‘Nuclear’ Option in a Trade War
THE WAR: Terrorism as a Tool II
THE WAR: How Corporate Media Hides the Truth
THE WAR: Terrorism as a Tool
THE WAR: Iran Crisis Q&A
THE WAR: United Corporations of America vs. Iran
THE WAR: Provoking a Great War
THE WAR: OPCW or Destruction of the International Law
THE WAR: Wrong Learned Lessons
THE WAR: Use of Sports in a Hybrid War
THE WAR: China Defends Sovereignty
TRADE WAR: Burning Down the Planet
THE WAR: Monkey Wrench Out of the U.S. Policy
TRADE WAR: The Law of Unintended Consequences
THE WAR: Cyber War
THE WAR: The Final Step — Attacking Iran
THE WAR: The Glory of the American Experiment
THE WAR: Nuclear Tripwire
THE WAR: India and Pakistan Adds to the Rising Chaos
THE WAR: Expansion
THE WAR: The Thucydides Trap
THE WAR: Defining the Battlefield
Eisenhower's military industrial complex speech
THE WAR: Corporate Media Wants Blood!
THE WAR: Peace is Not Good for Business!
THE WAR: Deadly Corporate Media Blindness!
THE WAR: Holding World a Hostage!
THE WAR: US vs China — Raising the Stakes!
THE WAR: US vs China — Trade War Retaliation!
THE WAR: US vs China — A Chances of HOT War!
THE WAR: US vs China — Trade War!
Empire of Everlasting War
* * *
Sport is Politics:
Football Leaks Affair
Novak Djokovic’s Blood Money
WORLD CUP: Sport IS Politics
Doping in Sports — Hiding the Truth Much Worse Than Doping Itself!
The Last Revolution (Part 5)
Olympism and Fascism
The Great Olympic Swindle

Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income

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Google detox starts here!

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But most of these "old dudes" who planned and organized this don't understand tech or the modern world.
First they estimated it would take the world 13 years to figure out what happened. We knew within 6 months and debunked the official story to hell with thousands of relevant facts.
Finally, in the modern world most people, even those without the capacity to understand whats really going on, call each other by the words "Brother or sister". That's true power, that's true Demoskratia and that's something we all need to learn from an early age. That is the Next level.
New World Freedom brothers and sisters. 🤠