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RE: Correlation Between 5G and COVID-19 Cases Analyzed in Study

in Deep Dives5 years ago

The analysis concludes that the is a " clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location."

This is obviously a commissioned analysis, with no value whatsoever. The main problems:

  1. Only the correlation between the 5G network and the number of infected was taken into account. Like there was a vacuum around them with no other possible causes.
  2. The stats of number of cases are taken as a fact, and they are not.
  3. If there is a correlation, then South Korea should be devastated, because it has the highest density 5G per population. It is not so. Therefore, the authors of this ‘analysis’ do not show the same maps like in case of Italy or Spain.
  4. If you would have the numbers of any seasonal flu, it would show the most cases where the population is most dense, ie. big cities… where, by some curious coincidence, ALL NEW TECHNOLOGY IS INSTALLED FIRST.

This ‘analysis’ really couldn’t be more ridiculous… and it’s not your fault, @krnel.