Source / Извор: TCN
I can't put my finger on the moment when Jeffrey Sacks had a conscience visit, but he is now saying things very similar to those described by John Perkins in his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man…
Did he saw the light? Was he prompted to save himself from the imminent collapse of the Evil Empire? Did he try to save his soul by telling the truth in the ocean of media lies? Whatever, you have to see this interview:
Sachs interview – at YouTube. Duration / Трајање: 1:57:06
Sachs interview – at TCN. Duration / Трајање: 1:57:02
[0:00:00] The Regime Change in Syria
[0:08:48] What Is Greater Israel?
[0:21:45] Were Americans Involved in the Overthrowing of Assad?
[0:34:26] War With China by 2027
[0:40:22] Biden’s Attempt to Sabotage Trump
[0:46:10] The Attempted Coup of South Korea
[0:51:20] Jeffrey Sachs' Warning to Trump of Potential Nuclear War
[0:55:18] Will We See the Declassification of the 9/11 Documents?
[1:07:11] Will Trump Pardon Snowden and Assange?
[1:16:43] The Most Important Appointment of Trump’s Cabinet
[1:26:29] Biden’s Attempt to Kill Putin
[1:35:58] Can Trump Bring Peace?
[1:45:44] Is War With Iran Inevitable?
[1:51:21] Why Corporate Media Hates Jeffrey Sachs
Whether you believe him or not, it will be interesting to see how accurate is his projection of the future…
* * *
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