Source / Извор: Tucker on X
I was never a big fan of Alex Jones’ type of news reporting – but there are two elements because of which you have to have free access to this video…
For all those who still don’t know who Alex Jones is… Corporate media will tell you that he is poisonous media shill and a King of all conspiracy theorists. But they will not show you what he is really talking about. Instead, they have been censoring him wherever they could, and Jones was ordered to pay $1.5 billion (yes, BILLION) in damages last year to victims of the Sandy Hook shooting for falsely claiming it was a conspiracy theory.
The first element that makes me write this text is the fact that Alex Jones was often right in his slightly hysterical reports.
The second element is my endless contempt for censorship. I cannot stand it.
Although I rarely follow his InfoWars, I was happy with the announcement of Elon Musk who said he will reinstate InfoWars hosts Alex Jones to his X platform after 70% of respondents to a poll said they though he should be allowed back:
And then, in accordance with Musk’s promise, Tucker Carlson invited Alex Jones to his show on Xwiter, and talked with him for an hour and a half about the most interesting topics in today’s world. I don’t know if anyone will think of censoring this conversation again, but I will do what I can to prevent censorship, by posting links to this conversation on several platforms, two of which are centralized and two are – decentralized:
Tucker on X (Ep. 46) at Rumble. Duration: 1:31:56
In this episode: Alex Jones sits down with Tucker Carlson to discuss the real reason global elites are pushing for open borders, and more…
0:02:46 Alex Jones predictions
0:15:07 Deplatforming
0:21:59 Dividing us on race
0:25:37 The border
0:28:09 Austin
0:32:12 New World Order
0:42:09 Brian Stelter demon video
0:50:57 Depopulation
1:07:51 Food
1:13:51 Whiskey
1:16:22 Presidential election
Tucker on X (Ep. 46) at Bastyon. Duration: 1:31:56
Tucker on X (Ep. 46) at Telegram. Duration: 1:31:56
Have a share with your ‘conspiracy’ friends. Who knows what of all this tomorrow will be true…
Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
* * *
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