You are viewing a single comment's thread from:


in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

UPDATED 2021/11/12 (2) edits today

quoted text from

Again, I see what you are doing and I respect it as well as you. I recently had to engage and let my voice be heard as silence can be a killer. The situation has emerged to be a ugly one. both parties have valid points and are not able to see eye to eye because of posts like these where both parties are displaying ugly attitudes and no solutions to a situation that I think can be solved in a healthier way. ie proposals, olive branches and not constantly shoving ugly stuff in people's faces. Yes, morals and ethics are important and holding others accountable is key in a civilized society but so is healthy solutions. I do not think this post reflects a healthy solution or approach at this point. I would appreciate having the tags removed for this post for dynamicgreentk, dynamicsteemians and dynamichivers as I am looking forward to a new post from you that steers the conversation past highlighting ugly statements by all parties. I appreciate you and your hardwork. Keep up the good fight to be the change you wish to see in the world!

reply below

what exactly do you believe are the "valid points" that are being presented by "both parties" ?

i'll settle for just your top 3 from each side


what specific part of my writing do you consider "ugly attitudes" ?


writing proposals is great - but only the oligarchs have the votes to actually pass any proposals - they've raised the bar specifically to shut-down anyone who opposes them.

what "ugly stuff" (please be specific) is "constantly" being "shoved" "in people's faces" ?


here's a "healthy solution" which i've been promulgating


the top earners are already doing quite well - they don't need any extra-gravy

burning the unspent reward-pool would still benefit the oligarchs MORE than anyone else (through dynamic deflation) - BUT - it would also benefit ALL STAKEHOLDERS proportional to their investment

the downvoting vigilantes already claim they don't do it for the money

so why not burn the unspent reward-pool ?

everyone absolutely loves a burn post


free movie of the week



@stoodkev - please consider reviewing your witness votes


UPVOTED the following post that includes this comment@stoodkev - i noticed that you


@stoodkev - @acidyo aka @ocd is spearheading a public campaign to drive AWAY any content creators whom they happen to disagree with politically



image.png@ura-soul has been heavily targeted

image.png@v4vapid - why are you apologizing to these bullies ?

there's a great scene in the first season of this show, where the bullies take over, and instead of beating the girl who defied their made-up "rules" - they instead make her publicly apologize for what she did "wrong"


Step one: scare all your critics into NOT VOTING (so nobody "opposes you")

Step two: convince people who might vote for lower ranked witnesses that they "don't understand" the technical aspects and or they need to do "more research"

Step three: vote for yourself and claim "the community supports me"


image.png@trostparadox -

NOT@trostparadox - maybe try voting for 30 witnesses that ARE DOWNVOTING @URA-SOUL ??

NOT diminish your WITNESS VOTE
image.png@trostparadox - delegating your hive-power does

hold on a second, are you renting a delegation from @theycallmedan ?

or is that a gift ?


UPDATED 2021/10/12 (2) edits today

acid responds to his self-votes -


i'm pretty certain it's NOT the stated mission of @ocd and @ocdb to protect @acidyo from downvotes

try curating some "high-quality-original-content" (not written by someone who controls the curation trail)

how many undiscovered writers missed out on that $27.00ish HIVE ?

whatever happened to your assertion that "downvotes are no big deal" and everyone should just stop complaining ?

see who has figured out how to use the MUTE function

see who is super proud of their first flag

link of the week - -

link of the week - -


more detail

UPDATED 2021/05/12 (3) edits today

reply to - @barge -

@barge, phenomenal reply by the way - a true masterpiece

"the person winning in monopoly is never the person flipping the board"

"the person winning in monopoly is never the person flipping the board"

when they say "stop talking about downvotes" -
a "safe archive spot" would be and or and or

@j85063 - please consider reviewing your witness votes - you retain all of your witness and proposal vote power - even if you delegate all your hive power to someone else - delegation does not give them your witness and proposal votes

please consider voting for these free-speech witnesses

@aizensou @altonos @bethalea @c0ff33a @cadawg @complexring @disregardfiat @drakos @earn.hive @enginewitty @fernandosoder @hagie @helo @jamzed @jedigeiss @kristall97 @lapingvino @liondani @mintrawa @oflyhigh @patrice @perfilbrasil @shmoogleosukami @steemychicken1 @tazi @techcoderx @thealliance @ura-soul @whiterosecoffee @yehey

BIG DOWNVOTERS@j85063 - you are currently voting for the following


first they came for the "flat-earthers", and i did not speak out - because the planet is obviously an oblate-spheroid...

then they came for the "conspiracy-theorists", and i did not speak out - because i really don't stick my neck out for "lunatics"

then they came for the "pro-VOLUNTARY-vaxxers", and i did not speak out - because i generally like to "stay out of politics" generally

by the time they came for the independent-minded-free-thinking-skeptics, there was nobody left - are you kidding me ? those free-thinkers never join anything or listen to anyone !!! - they're super easy to pick-off one by one.


UPDATED 2021/04/12






quoted text from - @ truthforce (who doesn't want to be tagged)

For the record, since you are slandering me now.

kenny and truthforce have the same attitude that azircon and acidyo have

No, I really don't. I have upvoted everything they have downvoted dozens maybe even a 100 times by now with our curation trail. Not even close.

"you better respect me because i control a big curation trail"

I have never said ANYTHING close to such a statement, anywhere. In fact, i've literaly never made the Informationwar about me at all. I don't make posts about how great I am or anything egotistical AT ALL about the effort. I'm extremely low key about the entire effort. If you respect what I have accomplished over 1000 hours of time spent on the project over 4 years that's fine, if you don't then I don't care. I don't care at all if you respect me one bit, or if anyone does. My accomplishments speak for themselves and I don't need anyone trying to inflate my sense of self worth.

i didn't "doxx" anyone - there was zero personal information in that conversation
i could have "paraphrased" the conversation - but why ?

There was personal information in the conversation, someone's private words written just to you, not to the public. If you want to make a private conversation public you need to ask for permission from the other party. It shows you had bad moral character by not doing so.

please explain exactly which part of the conversation in question violated some specific moral principle ?
please explain exactly what you think i "did wrong"

  • Violating privacy of someone.

  • Causing conflict with me and Kenny(long time direct supporter of IW) and other IW people, as I vouched for you by allowing you to join our discord and elevated you to a higher rank so you could participate in higher level discussions. You then abused that priveledge by making it all about yourself, everything you ever typed in our server was about you 100% of the time.

  • Mass messaging everyone on the Informationwar Discord, so that you can take screenshots of people's conversations and publicly post them for your personal vendetta and use it, while not even caring how that could get them targeted by whales or hurt the effort.

  • Not caring the people that you hurt by doing this, you clearly don't care at all about who you hurt with your actions(you're hurting people by going about this the way you are going about it)

  • I've told you before what you are doing is making a target rich list for whales to downvote, they can see all those people you tagged and just open up their profiles and start downvoting them. You provided them on a silver platter a huge list they can use to blacklist not and add auto downvotes to.

Your approach is totally wrong because you are now hurting us, who you apparently "claim" as allies. We aren't your allies anymore. You caused us to lose HP support on curation trail and our upvote effort has now been diminished because you want to make everything about yourself and tag spam people daily.

reply to - @ truthforce (who doesn't want to be tagged)

saying you have the same attitude as acidyo and azircon is NOT slander
an attitude is not a crime
an attitude is not a belief system
you ARE being reactive and blaming me for kenny's reaction
kenny is blaming you for what i did
do you see how this is ridiculous ?

we are completely independent actors

we are not the same person

you are not responsible for my actions

i am not responsible for your actions

if you had a "problem" with what i was posting in informationwar -


i'm not a mind-reader

and you claim that "i only posted about myself" - please provide screenshots

i never talk about myself personally unless someone asks me a direct question

i always post what i am interested in

and your claim that i was "spamming" ALL your informationwar subscribers is verifiably FALSE

i sent friend requests to maybe five people who i recognized

and when maybe two people accepted the friend request - i sent them stuff

only one person asked me to stop sending stuff and i never bothered them again


AND - as far as creating a "target list" - my subscribers are already public knowledge and the people who upvoted this post are already public knowledge - so - i'm not sure what your point is

@acidyo and @azircon have already targeted you

their vendetta was not caused by me - i do not control them

AND - perhaps you and kenny never said the exact words - "you better respect me because i control a big curation trail"

you and kenny certainly act like you can make demands on me - as if i "owe" you something

which is pretty much what @usainvote said - "how ungrateful"

which is pretty much what kenny said to @tonysayers33

quoted text from - @barge

I can't call 'right' or 'wrong'. I can rewind and tell you what my feelings were at the time.@logiczombie

It had the feeling of a betrayal of trust – that's basically it. I generally dig KK's take on life/spirituality/pLandemic etc and I felt he was being open and even trusting with you – answering who the big delegator was etc, and stating why he didn't want to spend energy in a negative d/v campaign as suggested. I know that you consider everything you post to be for anyone to use freely and it felt as if you had applied that to the conversation with KK in a way that pushed it too far ie that you had taken advantage.

I take your point that the delegator is public info readily available. That had not occurred to me in the state of consciousness where I was dismayed that you'd do something like that and thinking how I might feel if that had happened to me.

It did feel a bit like an attack on KK – I think it's likely he will have taken it as such. Perhaps there are elements of KK (and TF?) having aspects of HivePOWER go to their heads in the sense of that being a motivation to action that serves Ego rather than Other – I don't know and can't say. But I have heard both speak out in support of stuff that aligns with me and haven't observed the kind of violence of approach that would make me wanna distance myself. It feels as if you are being harsh on them. I do respect your sense of purpose and although I better understand now where you are coming from, it still seems as if the content of the update was rather divisive in intent and effect.

You are right that you didn't doxx anyone and that there was no personal info. My initial reaction did move in that direction I have to admit, and KK's response ('disgusting') suggests the same. I do accept that that is/was an overreaction based on emotions and not logic :).

Ya, it's not black'n'white. I seem to remember you posting an exchange with Azircon but that came from a public server. Is that different? I think so and not because of the personalities involved. I admit I'm struggling to pinpoint what exactly it is that still feels uncomfy about screenshotting the DM convo without consent (indeed, as opposed to paraphrasing)...perhaps that it was clearly to be considered private (tacitly understood by both parties) – would you agree that such an understanding would be the default? And if so, then it is here that the violation takes place. I'd say that at the least – and perhaps no more than that – you disrespected KK through your action and this was not provoked or (to my eyes anyhow, even now upon re-reflection) justified.

There you have it bro!

reply to - @barge















UPDATED 2021/03/12


reply to - @barge


kenny and truthforce have the same attitude that azircon and acidyo have

"you better respect me because i control a big curation trail"

i didn't "doxx" anyone - there was zero personal information in that conversation

i could have "paraphrased" the conversation - but why ?

please explain exactly which part of the conversation in question violated some specific moral principle ?

please explain exactly what you think i "did wrong"

UPDATED 2021/02/12





@jamesc - please consider reviewing your witness votes - you retain all of your witness and proposal vote power - even if you delegate all your hive power to someone else - delegation does not give them your witness and proposal votes


@ctime - thank you for your proxy


@xeldal - please consider reviewing your witness votes - please also consider adding @drakos to your 29/30 witness votes - you retain all of your witness and proposal vote power - even if you delegate all your hive power to someone else - delegation does not give them your witness and proposal votes



UNUSED witness votes are de facto votes for the oligarchy - you retain all of your witness and proposal vote power - even if you delegate all your hive power to someone else - delegation does not give them your witness and proposal votes@enki - please consider reviewing your witness votes - each and every account has exactly 30 witness votes assigned -


UPDATED 2021/28/11






Comparison Video that Was Removed TWICE from YouTube

We all know Bernie Sanders is a cocksucker, please shit the fuck up now! @highimpactflix Why can’t I open the full live stream of this event on your page anymore?! It says downvoted by Dtube, is it removed from here now? I literally just signed up for this bullshit to upvote that fucking video! Goddamn liberal cunts, please correct me if I’m weong an I can still find the video I mean not libyards “politically correct” me j/s

how can you claim to be any different than Facebook, and the other CENSORSHIP sites?

The Disproportionate Power Balance with Downvotes





reply to @amaterasusolar - skip to 711 seconds



quoted text from @ dynamicgreentk · 2 hours ago

Ok, I guess I had to come back for more. Seeing as I perceive you as a intelligent person, I had to read the updates today for this I'm mad ass hell post...

There is a whole world of Hive DMs, secret projects, "ethical hackers" and I will go out on a limb and say Dan, Ned and Sun are still influencing big time. People wanna taunt Sun or brag about having more HP than @ned and even thinking @dan is busy working away on EOS and not influencing Hive still with secret accounts or posts about how we should stop accepting rewards on posts from the rewards pool:

Lastly, anyone building anything that results in economic profit and loss imposes tax consequences on their users. Tokens like Voice or Hive create tax events every time they change hands. This is why I decline rewards when I post on Hive, they are not worth the tax accounting. With the growing sophistication of the tax authorities and the loss of privacy, none of these token-based ecosystems / platforms stand a chance unless they automatically do all of the tax calculations and boil it down to a 1099. The only way to automate such calculations is to have full knowledge of every purchase price and sale price. Such things are not possible if users are trading on multiple exchanges in a decentralized manner.

Ultimately, I can see the rewards pool being eliminated or morphed into something else as we become a more robust Chain that with each day outperforms Cardano and pretty much any web 3.0 competitor.

Not sure if we really do have 30 witnesses, if they do simply just vote on themselves to maintain ranking in top 30 or if they are out of date boomers blindly following orders from Dan and who totally slept on the NFT craze and now is sleeping on the metaverse with the exception of course of @aggroed and @dlux-io.

Ok, almost done with coffee and now why I really came here to say what I meant to say.

In my almost 4 years on Hive there has been two accounts I have kept my eyes on as I have been hyper critical of and they have proven to be some extremely solid people who is building communities and doing great things.

One was @neoxian, in 2018 when I created @ dynamicsteemians lots of people in my group was receiving loans from him. I was concerned because the price of Steem was volatile but his community is extremely rich now 3 years later and he has brought a lot out of poverty worldwide. Truly some cool shit that man has done for Hivians over the years and now. I have explored many many communities on Hive and Neoxian's is the most polite and loving community too.

The other person was @theycallmedan. I have been a houseboy (no not gay) for multi-millionaires, worked for them and have been their right hand man. Not often will you find a multi-millionaire take pride in pouring millions into an investment that was on a downturn in steem as it was crashing and Ned was selling off his steem for a buck.

TheycallmeDan was not a legacy investor and truly wanted to build on Steem/Hive. He really does have vision and a long term goal. He was screwed by Ned in my opinion, as Ned was driving down the price of Steem in order to sell to Sun so he can retreat to his Epstein island with his Epstein friends, who are the Steem legacy investors who were not international poker players. Theycallmedan will bring the investors that will further support the @deepdives community and overall anti-goberment content on Hive and somehow this man crafted a brilliant proposal and network to incentivize further support on memes and conspiracy content while paying mind to current trends like NFTs and blockchain gaming.

reply to @ dynamicgreentk


I'm NOT out to defame anyone or call anyone teh evilz or anything.

It's really extremely simple.

Sure, all of the top witnesses have done good things, we all know that.

but i REFUSE to vote for a witness that DOWNVOTES ME


@neoxian and @theycallmedan are off the list

@theycallmedan has downvoted me

this is not an opinion

this is a fact

@neoxian votes for @blocktrades and @guiltyparties and @ocd-witness

these accounts have downvoted me

this is not an opinion

this is a fact


UPDATED 2021/27/11



@holoz0r - please consider updating your witness votes


curangel = pharesim

massive downvotes on this simple, FACTUAL "downvote report" -

Leonis = Enforcer48

join freezepeach discord in one click - the only place to dispute downvotes

UPDATED 2021/26/11


isn't it a little strange that acidyo who controls the ocd curation trail, someone who NEVER comments on futuremind's posts or comments and who has NEVER commented on my posts or comments just happens to chime in when futuremind decides to switch their witness proxy.

it's a little like talking with a friend about voting for another senator and then hearing a knock at your door.

the same for usainvote - why do you think they broke their silence only when i started talking about witness votes ?










UPDATED 2021/25/11

comment of the week:







@ dynamicsteemians

@ dynamicgreentk
@ dynamichivers

@ fulltimegeek

@sharkthelion @khrom @ubani1 @netrixs @kyo-gaming @suntree @josemarcoscuba @kalikalejawp @rawbe @ecoinstant @carkoon @mistryboredom @lulin @ultravioletmag @zacherybinx @daveks @deepresearch @aagabriel @aancreatio @abbak7 @abojasim88 @active-truth @adncabrera @afril @agmoore @ailindigo @akumagai @alexzoid333 @alonsoescoto @alucian @amaterasusolar @amatom @amirl @anderssinho @andreikuleev @andrepol @andrewmarkmusic @angryman @anhvu @anjingkot @ankapolo @annalussiaa @anomaly @anthonyadavisii @antisocialist @apshamilton @aristak @arnob23 @arnoldg1 @artgrafiken @article61 @artisticscreech @aschatria @asimpleman @athomewithcraig @austras @badge-100421 @balamut2 @barge @battleaxe @beelzebubba @belimitless @bellelynn @bilpcoinrecords @bit-trader @blackman15 @blezyn @block-power @bluabaleno @bntcamelo @borjan @bozz @bradleyarrow @builderofcastles @cam1lo @captainquack22 @carlosadolfochac @celestin25 @cgicreator @chimerasong @chuckrick @churchoftheway @classic.canadian @classicalliberal @clyns @coininstant @conscude @criptonizer @crypt0tek @crypto.piotr @cryptoknight12 @cryptonia @cryptose @ctime @culgin @curx @cve3 @dailyhongkong @daltono @danya98 @darkflame @darruiz @darthgexe @davidlionfish @dayerlynmeza @dcp @ddn688 @debbie-ese @decentruth @deepdives @deirdyweirdy @denmarkguy @dickturpin @digital-fortress @discernente @disruptiveart @dknkyz @doglasslim @donaulied @dreemsteem @dr-frankenstein @dripdropp @droida @duckmast3r @dylanhobalart @dystopia2030 @ecoinstar @ecryptogi @edgargonzalez @emsonic @enchantrezz @enginewitty @escualos @eturnerx-dbuzz @euclidab @exittoeden @filosbonus1 @fracasgrimm @frankbacon @fredkese @freebornangel @frot @futuremind @garvofe @gastontrussi @gecata @ghazale64 @giantbear @gijog @gimp @globalgirl16 @globalschool @goldgrifin007 @gray00 @greatvideos @greencmetaha @greencross @habibur @handofzara @hillarypowers @hlezama @hone.heke @ianballantine @icosmart @impshum @independentpress @informationvaul @inigo-montoya-jr @intothewild @intrepidthinker @inuke @isci @iskafan @ismailhussein365 @ivancanas @j85063 @jacuzzi @jadams2k18 @jamzed @janyasai @javiersebastian @jaxsonmurph @jazeblack @jenyaret @jerrisity @jessica.queen @joe.public @johneyreacko @jorgedr0id @joseacabrerav @jsalvage @juanmolina @julescape @jurajurch @kabir88 @kalivankush @katerinhernandez @katou.kanga @keltickings @kennyroy @kharma.scribbles @kiwisteem @knight-writter @kooza @koxmicart @krevasilis @krnel @lastseen @legolasgreenleaf @lenaspiritual @leprechaun @lesliestarrohara @lighteye @livegamin @logick @lols @londonreal @longvu @lord-geraldi @lucylin @luegenbaron @lykencrypto @mackcrawford


@ informationwar

@ whatsup

@ truthforce

@ ninnu

@ wanderingmoon

@v4vapid @tribesteemup @jaki01 @deepdives @mes @antisocialist @anthonyadavisii @synrg @zyx066 @pishio @lighteye @steemflagrewards @freezepeach @frankbacon @barge @ausbitbank @operahoser @titusfrost @mysearchisover @firstamendment @wakeupnd @mammasitta @odillegogh @oivas @keys-defender @kobold-djawa @dylanhobalart @j85063 @article61 @ironshield @vempromundo @jasonliberty @aagabriel @phusionphil @taskmaster4450 @thoughts-in-time @primeradue @ctime @arcange @futuremind @angryman @penderis @empress-eremmy @digital-fortress @abundance.tribe @delver @rt395 @red-rose @steemvpn @dwinblood @new-world-steem @techken @revisesociology @eftnow @alchemage @icuz @tommyl33 @trucklife-family @amnlive @ura-soul @sift666 @sbi5 @kgakakillerg @marcocasario @valued-customer @nutritree @cuddlekitten @tracer-paulo @smartmeme @tribevibes @sunlit7 @cripto-kapital @palikari123 @dbroze @regenerette @zelegations @laruche @haccolong @beatzchain @timhorton @print3dpro @haleakala @hive-168088 @riskneutral @alex-rourke @nathanpieters @expire0 @hive-defender @canadianrenegade @reversehitler88 @maxsieg @hivecannabis @eaglespirit @thisismylife @hectorsanchez18 @zedikaredirect @automaton @active-truth @elamental @small1axe @risemultiversity @juansgalt @smokingfit @sterlinluxan @kennyskitchen @makinstuff @artemislives @mountainjewel @dlmmqb @hoaithu @likwid @fortrussnews @wearechange-co @californiacrypto @endracsho @commonlaw @colinhoward @kingneptune @clownworld @stevescoins @amatom @brofi @tfrenchy @elbuhoaular @he-index @admiralbot @amaterasusolar @wallee @homestead-guru @zelenicic @cerberus-dji @anhvu @artgrafiken @dinglehopper @srikandi @hive-vpn @careywedler @steemitboard @frankydoodle @jimbobbill @walterjay @flagawhale @whatamidoing @dannyshine @tftproject @nickhans @chicoduro @the.rocket.panda @aconsciousness @bobaphet @indigoocean @vibesforlife @celestialcow @insanityisfree @mannacurrency @fengchao @steelborne @sweecee @paradigmprospect @cleanplanet @build-it @solarsupermama @memepress @katou.kanga @goldstreet @promobot @fluidaffluence @antimedia @freebornsociety @rocknrolldm @steemsmarter @retard-gamer-de @news2share @holisticmom @anafae @tatou66 @heart-to-heart @thecontesttrain @cahlen @heskay @burntmd @unknownonline @catherinebleish @psycultureradio @fourfourfun @yayogerardo @mercmarg @radio-quebec @chuckrick @moxieme @agolasol @oratione @bia.birch @dfroberg @wonderlamp @nomad-magus @susie-saver @penned-bullshit @hempress @borrowedearth @joeyarnoldvn @sanderjansenart @jdc @truthabides @fenngen @firststeps @remenzer @warfeed @terrybrock @botvotes @reteem @hive-143869 @cribbio @cambridgeport90 @dogesrevni @truthseeker101 @hivelift @movingman @alixspot @kgswallet @mlgcrypto @haileyscomet @belleamie @raphaelle @bryandivisions @jasuly @anthonyadavisleo @zdigital222 @thepobgoblin @coffeedetective @limka @recruit2347 @larosa08 @sfr-treasury @toni.curation @gaottantacinque @key-defender @splinterbooster


Wow! I am really involved? My attitude is different. I just have complained about why they downvoted my post without proper reason. What wrong did I do to do this to me? I am just a very simple and small person here who wants a peaceful life.

hey hey i got in trouble doing this

Fuck the trouble, make it double!

The Double Edged Sword of Exclusivity, the social token paradox.

fukng with you

Ok, I guess I had to come back for more. Seeing as I perceive you as a intelligent person, I had to read the updates today for this I'm mad ass hell post...

There is a whole world of Hive DMs, secret projects, "ethical hackers" and I will go out on a limb and say Dan, Ned and Sun are still influencing big time. People wanna taunt Sun or brag about having more HP than @ned and even thinking @dan is busy working away on EOS and not influencing Hive still with secret accounts or posts about how we should stop accepting rewards on posts from the rewards pool:

Lastly, anyone building anything that results in economic profit and loss imposes tax consequences on their users. Tokens like Voice or Hive create tax events every time they change hands. This is why I decline rewards when I post on Hive, they are not worth the tax accounting. With the growing sophistication of the tax authorities and the loss of privacy, none of these token-based ecosystems / platforms stand a chance unless they automatically do all of the tax calculations and boil it down to a 1099. The only way to automate such calculations is to have full knowledge of every purchase price and sale price. Such things are not possible if users are trading on multiple exchanges in a decentralized manner.

Ultimately, I can see the rewards pool being eliminated or morphed into something else as we become a more robust Chain that with each day outperforms Cardano and pretty much any web 3.0 competitor.

Not sure if we really do have 30 witnesses, if they do simply just vote on themselves to maintain ranking in top 30 or if they are out of date boomers blindly following orders from Dan and who totally slept on the NFT craze and now is sleeping on the metaverse with the exception of course of @aggroed and @dlux-io.

Ok, almost done with coffee and now why I really came here to say what I meant to say.

In my almost 4 years on Hive there has been two accounts I have kept my eyes on as I have been hyper critical of and they have proven to be some extremely solid people who is building communities and doing great things.

One was @neoxian, in 2018 when I created @dynamicsteemians lots of people in my group was receiving loans from him. I was concerned because the price of Steem was volatile but his community is extremely rich now 3 years later and he has brought a lot out of poverty worldwide. Truly some cool shit that man has done for Hivians over the years and now. I have explored many many communities on Hive and Neoxian's is the most polite and loving community too.

The other person was @theycallmedan. I have been a houseboy (no not gay) for multi-millionaires, worked for them and have been their right hand man. Not often will you find a multi-millionaire take pride in pouring millions into an investment that was on a downturn in steem as it was crashing and Ned was selling off his steem for a buck.

TheycallmeDan was not a legacy investor and truly wanted to build on Steem/Hive. He really does have vision and a long term goal. He was screwed by Ned in my opinion, as Ned was driving down the price of Steem in order to sell to Sun so he can retreat to his Epstein island with his Epstein friends, who are the Steem legacy investors who were not international poker players. Theycallmedan will bring the investors that will further support the @deepdives community and overall anti-goberment content on Hive and somehow this man crafted a brilliant proposal and network to incentivize further support on memes and conspiracy content while paying mind to current trends like NFTs and blockchain gaming.

I see you keep tagging me through the edits which is fine. I appreciate your relentless fervor in standing up for what is right. You have noble intentions and really do care for others and Hive. It shows with how you stand up for others and hold other accountable for their actions.

The social media side of things on the first layer as far as creating antigovernmental content and politically controversial content is not a reliable way to reach audiences in a proof of stake arena that anymore is a true reflection of society in general. Most that know the truth are quiet while the 80% are pro government and corporation. It is a beautiful mess. While I do not agree with the actions of some of these whales/witnesses some of these same whales really are feeding people in other countries with their upvotes and creating/supporting crucial Hive 3.0 projects away from the 1st layer social media rewards pool. Creating second layer communities that is walled off from Hive seems like a do-able reality but I have yet to see it be done without cross-posting to Hive where you will be gobbled up. Still yet and what @thecryptodrive is doing seems to be the ultimate solution for people like you and @ura-soul especially with emerging metaverse stuff

I personally have been having a better experience trying to focus on NFTs, @splinterlands and emerging projects on hive engine. Check out my NFT gallery at @nftshowroom...

The reality here is that it is only 2 or 3 individuals that are causing most of the problems out of a community of 30k+. Having a situation where 1 person can determine the reach of the posts of anyone who stands out is actually worse than what is occurring on Facebook, since at least FB has a large team doing the 'editing'. While this may seem to be a problem only for 'dissenting voices', the reality is that the principles being invoked by these people are so unethical that they will very likely continue to do this even if everyone on Hive agrees with the mainstream narrative - they'll just find another reason to dominate the activity.

I totally get your view point. Think about it though. The masses silence on the matter as well as the witnesses' kinda points to true governance. I think it is a great sign Hive is reflective of reality. As our reality morphs into a new age so will Hive, we will just have to ride out this controlled demolition of the systems put in place post civil war and ww2. As it is, in America we are close to having what is going on in Australia with door to door military round ups so it is a bit intense to speak on anything in fear of being put on the States radar.

People know the the truth they are just now accepting it. There is hope. I just hope individuals like yourself is well prepared via solar, food supplies, community outreach etc as they start to rug pull stuff.

I think things will dramatically change for Hive as old witness votes expire and we see a more diverse set of investors now plus METAVERSE!

There is no single reality beyond that we exist. Everyone has their own reality and they often don't resonate closely enough that the people feel good around each other. Ultimately, everyone has their own destiny. Hive is currently reflective of humanity in many ways, yes, just as the rest of the web is. The point for me is that Hive is based on principles that are intended to represent a more evolved set of values and it enables us to demonstrate our choosing of them. Sure, everyone is free to participate and not evolve or to even devolve, but when this impacts others, it's ideal for a community to work to resolve the issue instead of deny, stick head in the sand and carry on.

I honestly do not think what one may find on facebook, instagram and other algo ai dominated web 2 apps is what you would find here yes we will find a reflection/ripple of what users that still use those platforms bring here. Its the DARPA contagion.

I get where you are coming from 100% it is always the darkest before dawn.

The real problem is the central banks and anyone participating in crypto currently, some may argue against btc maximalist, is rejecting the scam of fiat. Web 3.0 is about to go parabolic. You will have greater flexibility to influence change in your community and on Hive as we start to evolve into more than a first layer rewards pool circle jerk thing.

Is there someway I can get untagged, I was sympathetic, but I'm over getting tagged on these mega messages with 25 links and scrolling through it to find what if anything has changed.

Pretty sure we're all just stuck in his tag-spamming vortex at this point :-/

I think they removed it! :)

I think what is happening is unfair, but also.. I don't want 25 notifications a day! lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Make War, Not Love. :-) Or something else so.

I called blocktrades out directly when we split from steem because i didn't like their behavior. they didn't "lean" on me at all and in fact there has been no retribution. I have had to contact them for support a few times regarding withdrawals and they responded immediately and resolved every issue. I think you're just being a classic schizo again. I really do think you suffer from schizophrenia. You seem very paranoid.

I've gotten into all-out days long arguments with blocktrades about COVID and related things - and he's never once downvoted me, threatened to, or anything similar. In fact, he still upvotes my content on occasion (the more mainstream crypto stuff of course)

I looked at your page...
You suffer from Gaming... You seem Very GAMMY.


@frankbacon You sound like someone who spends his life angry that anyone else can enjoy themselves.

As you know, I have posted about my discomfort with targeted downvoting campaigns against folk who are questioning, challenging and exposing the 'official' COVID narrative - both in the world at large and especially so, here on Hive.

After reading your latest update (2 Dec 21) and thinking about it quite late into the night with a couple of spliffs, I feel honour- and integrity-bound to similarly express my discomfort here.

This discomfort of mine is two-fold.

  1. making public what was (and is) considered private: this especially hurts coz KK appears to engage in the conversation in a manner that is open, frank and honest. Reading through I was hoping to see a line where you had got his agreement to go public but his response clearly says otherwise.
  2. seeking to use offensively, the same or similar kinds of weapons that have been used extensively against you and others (targeting a BIG downvoting account). In other words, looking for a solution in the same level of consciousness in which the problem itself arose - can't be done IMO and it just extends the zone of negativity in which all hell can break loose.

I struggle to understand why you did this in this manner LZ!

I have found your posts thought-provoking, your thinking stimulating and your strong, principled stance(s) admirable. I understand that the position you have found yourself in - unable to post, comment or otherwise engage in any manner on this blockchain without being targeted with d/vs and having everything zeroed out - is fucked up and frustrating. Yet you have found a few creative ways around it and I have been glad to still be able to listen to your voice.

But I fail to see any benefits in the content of this update.

I hope you can see the POV I'm trying to express. I do not wish to align myself with action that moves towards even greater division and separation - it feels heavy in the pit of my stomach and I need to speak my peace by expressing what I have over here.

I support the free expression of both your, and KK's voice. It is sad for me to see these voices turned on each other.

Please (re)consider this approach.


I can't call 'right' or 'wrong'. I can rewind and tell you what my feelings were at the time.@logiczombie

It had the feeling of a betrayal of trust – that's basically it. I generally dig KK's take on life/spirituality/pLandemic etc and I felt he was being open and even trusting with you – answering who the big delegator was etc, and stating why he didn't want to spend energy in a negative d/v campaign as suggested. I know that you consider everything you post to be for anyone to use freely and it felt as if you had applied that to the conversation with KK in a way that pushed it too far ie that you had taken advantage.

I take your point that the delegator is public info readily available. That had not occurred to me in the state of consciousness where I was dismayed that you'd do something like that and thinking how I might feel if that had happened to me.

It did feel a bit like an attack on KK – I think it's likely he will have taken it as such. Perhaps there are elements of KK (and TF?) having aspects of HivePOWER go to their heads in the sense of that being a motivation to action that serves Ego rather than Other – I don't know and can't say. But I have heard both speak out in support of stuff that aligns with me and haven't observed the kind of violence of approach that would make me wanna distance myself. It feels as if you are being harsh on them. I do respect your sense of purpose and although I better understand now where you are coming from, it still seems as if the content of the update was rather divisive in intent and effect.

You are right that you didn't doxx anyone and that there was no personal info. My initial reaction did move in that direction I have to admit, and KK's response ('disgusting') suggests the same. I do accept that that is/was an overreaction based on emotions and not logic :).

Ya, it's not black'n'white. I seem to remember you posting an exchange with Azircon but that came from a public server. Is that different? I think so and not because of the personalities involved. I admit I'm struggling to pinpoint what exactly it is that still feels uncomfy about screenshotting the DM convo without consent (indeed, as opposed to paraphrasing)...perhaps that it was clearly to be considered private (tacitly understood by both parties) – would you agree that such an understanding would be the default? And if so, then it is here that the violation takes place. I'd say that at the least – and perhaps no more than that – you disrespected KK through your action and this was not provoked or (to my eyes anyhow, even now upon re-reflection) justified.

There you have it bro!


Man, I really think you are crossing lines here by publicly displaying full private conversations with @kennysgaminglife. I have had many conversations about downvotes with him. While, especially at the time, I disagreed in large part towards his views, I understand them and respect them. In fact anymore I understand them for reasons he mentioned in your chat with him and to not be blind to the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that the masses will let you down with their silence no matter if it is here on HIVE or next door with the person you have known your whole life.

I have a specific memory of being flag by multiple witness for a post being critical about them. Only to be flagged because I edited a few times with 50 of them tagged.

I get it especially now as you are going on a weird loop trying to prove a point that is only isolating you further from the community. Just I want to see you anyone else succeed.

Why not go full ham in support @thecryptodrive and his metaverse thing with blurt and splinterlands and polygon? Seems there will be real healthy opportunities to thrive in the web 3.0 world outside of just HIVE.


first they came for the "flat-earthers", and i did not speak out - because the planet is obviously an oblate-spheroid...

Always knew I'd be first in line for the "quarantine their thinking" camps. Believe the earth is "sort of a pear shape" or else! Much love!

We can debate over stale bread as to whether or not pear shape is the correct terminology since we are thinking outside of the preapproved narrative(s). I say that because we think the earth is mostly made up of water that it is tear drop shaped.

If it is tear dropped shaped, then we need to determine which direction it points. Gravitational law would suggest bulbous side down, but then again there is no gravity in space we're told.

I'm afraid this debate might take a while.

Debate is good, but not over stale bread - if that's all we have to eat, that means while we were debating, the enemy came and stole all our food. Doesn't matter who wins the debate when we're both dead from starvation.

That's what I call next level thinking 😉👍

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

My friend, It's getting difficult to continue to follow this post. Also, I reckon it's just a matter of time before Hive is DNS'd by the UN now that they are actively disabling DNS access to websites that do not present the oligarchy's narrative in lockstep, which Hive can never do.

Folks that care about their stake need to get it out, or Peakd, Hive Keychain, and Crypto exchanges need to be usable via Tor, which may enable them to remain operative.

Give it thought.

Don't stop fighting. If Hive folds, I won't. But I'll be where I can still speak, likely on Tor.

You're right, just saw a thing about it. jeez.

Good thing there is ENS! Ethereum Name Service :)

Unstoppable domains? Can you provide necessary information to enable me to use what can avail us of speech when DNS does not, please?



The standard is original content everytime.
Source content not original, including pics.

why would you take what someone said in a private DM and immediately post it? that's messed up.

You can please remove me and @truthforce from this going forward.


Hey morning from Las Vegas. I saw you updated also your profile picture. Is that a real pic of you? Anyways, the tagging when updating this post over and over again is taking away the substance of the post and is becoming scattered and hard to follow. I get what you are doing but couldn't you make some new posts referencing this post so that the points you are trying to make are more clear?

Any new post/comment by LZ gets nuked. It'd mean walking thru Hivetown with sniper rifles on him. ATM the updates seem to be a way of discussing the issue and seeing what gives.

It does seem as though the downvotes were removed but not before the damage was done?

Go back a month or so on his profile and you'll see they're still all zeroed out. Most comments too.

I was just referring to this post. There are bigger issues at play in regards to DVs way beyond holding those people within the truth community accountable. I have watched tribe/kenny support very good content and people for years. He takes extreme pride in helping others. In fact in real life, a lot of my friends look up to him because of his efforts with feeding people and want to work with him as some kind of goal. It is way cool. I discussed these downvotes with him on the phone and on messenger. Just as Truthforce mentioned the flags are concentrated on a very small amount of content and the reality is that not much can be done when a @ura-soul gets a $200+ downvote for well written informative content that is well sourced and non confrontational not too mention anti-centralization. Kenny's his main concern is doing what he can to support good content and help people without causing undue suffering. He wants to see people eat and survive and especially off Hive. Dude is in it to win it with Hive and wants lift people up in the process.

While Kenny and Truth do have power within the Hive community, right now they are all we have as far as significant staked support for truth centered content well there is v4vapid, enki and xeldal of course.

We are a decentralized community and here because we don't trust centralized governments and organizations that have no interest in representing it constituents, while stealing our resources and limiting our rights as individuals. It should not come as a surprise when people like logic start to react to DVs as they seem restricting of freedom of speech, which is a US constitution thing and not a UN human rights thing. My issues with the DVs is that there is no clear way to understand why they happen. In this case yeah people gonna get mad being tagged over and over again and have to comb through this post to follow the point. It gets to be mind numbing reading the same thing over and over again. But in my world tagging me is welcomed. So when someone tags me it is like ok cool someone cares.

I have tagged these Downvoters. Some do not answer, some do. I was actually surprised when @altleft and I had a fairly decent conversation or when @gtg gave me an honest response. Can we not ask the Downvoters directly what the issue is and how we can mitigate the DVs? I mean if that is really the issue then lets try to have healthy and productive conversations with people like @themarkymark and @acidyo. Although Acid was pretty clear with his message in the post and I haven't seen him flag ura which anymore is my main concern. Ura is a very solid dude making incredible content. Acid by the way was one of my biggest supporters on Steem. Lots of support from him. He honestly is a picky curator and I can understand downvoting a post like this from his perspective as he has made his perspective clear over the past year in regards to curation.

There has to be a healthy way to start a conversation and bring dissenting parties together in order to create a more healthier environment on chain.

Maybe since the Witnesses represent all of us with consensus voting, run these nodes/servers which are scattered all over the world presumably and since it is not clear who actually owns content here as I pointed out to @guiltyparties and he couldnt really answer who actually owns the content, that perhaps there is concerns over liability and pressures from goberments/ISP providers.

Just some clarification would be cool. Being nice does go a long way sometimes, not that I am some sort of example for that. Its just at a certain point these DVs gotta equal love on some level and maybe it is more than just random bully behavior. Maybe they care enough to respond.

I dig what you say. Here are three of my shots at understanding (1. 2, 3)

Yo, love how well articulated you are and clear with your points. This community needs content like this or rather content creators such as yourself! Hopefully, we find solutions to create a stronger community that will move past relying on mysterious large stakers to manage the downvotes for content while not providing a way to downvote for other DPoS protocols by the community as a whole.

" be outrageous is to be jumped say something that goes against the grain of their absolute moral certainties is something that will immediately be the cause for a major reaction..."
"...yes humans are fallible but there's something to be rejoiced in being outrageous..."
"....let's talk with people we fundamentally disagree with then we can work out this thing called the Human Condition together"

Great points, thanks for sharing :)

Yeah Russell is the man. Love his take on things. I liked that video more so for the first few minutes where that guest really nails it when he says, "if the location of power looks obvious, then it is probably not there."

Do not mistake my playing devils advocate in order to point out the good while acknowledging your/our grievances, as a way to entice you to change your opinion or votes for any reason. Heck, I removed my votes for all witnesses recently due to their silence on the downvotes and how some were coming from witnesses. But choose to transcend the downvote situation and fully support Crim/PAL by following her witness votes via proxy.

Is there really a moral high ground in this financial world where the masses are either out for upvotes to sustain their Hive presence or hold statist views that are contradictory to the concept of Cryptocurrency/blockchain tech, unless you are of course a BTC maximalist. The Splinterlands/Blockchain gaming community is a clear exception to this although I got tired of Marky aimlessly flagging my Chinese homie lolz.

My mental health is not 100% especially as this world further attacks men, family and becomes insanely racist in a real ignorant manner. That is not to mention I have history of vaxx adverse effects and life long msg allergies as a result. Accepting the situation and understanding that the trend is for high APRs and decentralization from the new generation of non millennials, I can better start to not feel the need to spread awareness. These new kids get it. They want quality NFTs, blockchain gaming content, air drops and high aprs. Cool! I am in! So much happier curating art and chasing High APRs than trying to help or bring awareness to people who will, historically speaking, let me down.

Yeah @ecency is about to loose my support if i dont get some answers about why I cant use their points they marketed to me in their app...

Is there bug that you reported and we missed to address, you cannot use your points?

Yeah, haven't been able to use my points in months now, unless you have a problem with me talking about my interest in the vaccine and what factors I think contribute to my decision to get vaccination for covid 19 the I don't know why it hasn't worked.

Is vaccine hesitancy an issue on ecency or am I allowed to question the CDCs narrative on this platform?

You can talk about anything you want and we haven't had any reports of points service having issues. Did you try to promote your content and it is not showing? Or you are referring to boosting, if so boosting has more strict review process done manually by our curators and they give priority to new content and more unique authors. Try boosting your content when they are fresh and make sure content and boosting amount is reasonable because human reviewer takes that into account as well.

Maybe I overlooked your policy on points. Is the above statement about curation being 100% up to the curator and not ecency when using points to boost posts stated somewhere on ecency before using the points to boost posts?

Our curators are selectively chosen and we get fresh curators every month to make sure there is honest commitment to grow ecosystem. Boosts are reviewed manually and Points are used for boosting or promoting content. Hope it answers your questions.

Great Comment and Info!

So you definitely know the Plight... and I definitely Honor your way of dancing between the raindrops.
I always expected my Account and Artwork to be a sort of NFT to begin with... I called it an ENF... meaning IT's Good ENOUGH for my book!

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 5.10.10 PM.png
Kind regards!

Even the lefty Technocrats are starting to wake up and understand that they are on the wrong side of history by thumbing down anti-government content that makes them look like Pro-fiat whales; leaving many to speculate if we have some elitist trust fund kids mindlessly playing games. But I think there is more to it and much more complicated than anyone may understand who doesnt have a massive stake where just one 100% upvote can cause hiccups with the stability of the currency. Probably half of why the upvotes are having greater weight to them now and days while downvotes are become less as people want to stake more and when selling HIVE you run the risk of not being able to get it back unless at a higher price.

Just because Ned and Dan got away with some SEC compliancy issues
(and I don't think they did, I think they Bribed the right guy, but who knows)
Doesn't mean that someone with a High Enough stake is absolved of Securities Issues.
Striking an individual is one thing, but these elites are going to get Invitations soon to come CLEAN on their Tactics. Worst part for them is where they live. International Cyber/Banking laws and Citizens who are ACTIVELY breaking Laws based on Securities is going to be up to Other STATE sources to Decide. Maybe I don't get Financial Justice this way, but Certain Parties ARE identified for State Agencies to decide what to do.

You know anymore the more I look into it really does seem hive-engine and dex's like that, that are not anywhere near SEC approval or standards has some risk towards regulation. I think fake decentralized currencies like ama/cardano or competitors to the looming fed coin ledger like xrp will be the threat the SEC goes after. It does not help at all having an active lawsuit with Hive-engine at the center of it that mentions the SEC and server manipulation of game assets being pushed forward. Not saying its credible but def wont help HIVE.

Still, it seems HIVE is truly decentralized on the first layer and most likely will be ok since we actually own our keys and crypto. We will see as the goberment will do whatever but often incapable of doing anything.

Reading through today's update, I can't help thinking about Our wealth and how, without money of any kind (with free energy so We don't have to account for Ours), all such issues will be gone.

Also... Taxes? Stop consenting to that system and You're not in its jurisdiction. Haha!

Well you are saying about flat earth or another things.
Iam studyinf med in 5th year, and still some of my relatives think the covid_19 is a fake thing to make the economy bad😂
Well the economy absulotly got down but not because the virus is fake.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Well the economy absulotly got down but not because the virus is fake.

Right, the economy was destroyed by organized crime syndicates forcibly shutting down most of the world's businesses, with the 2019-2020 flu season as their excuse.


You put hard work on this post.
Good for you❤

Neoxian city wasn't nice to me.
Somebody slandered me their discord, and I happened to randomly catch it, and when I confronted them I got booted from the conversation, sooo,...not so nice to me.

Thanks for the tag... I guess?
What's the point of tagging people that have nothing to do with any of this? 90% of my notices are about this post.

Thanks for the tag... I guess?

I guess (:) that you're either following LZ or you upvoted this post when it first came out (back in the midst of time lol). As you may know, he's currently being zeroed out anywhere he sets foot on this chain and so one way of keeping folk in the LZ loop of current events on the blockchain seems to be editing an older post in order to add new info.

Hope this makes things a bit clearer. The updates have dates on them, most recent ones first (top of post).

What's the point of tagging people that have nothing to do with any of this?

There's an ideological CLASH taking place. It's the Macrocosm in our Microcosm (censorship of eg. pLandemic material which is spun as being 'for the good of everyone/Hive'). Even if these words be dramatic sounding, if you are personally uncomfy with the onward-march of the Control System in the world-at-large, well the same dynamics have their representation on this CHAIN and much may be at stake (pun ha ha :). We don't have to wade in with our opinions if we don't wish to, or if we fear reprisals etc, and totally fair enuff. One of the beauties of Hive is that all transactions are visible, it just takes time and some repetition for images to start appearing (puhlenty of echo-chambers too of course)...but in any case, I think we'd do well to be informed of the kind of shit that's taking place - the looming, ominous clouds; the clamouring for ORDER of a sinister and repressive nature; the axing and ostracising of voices (like our host, the OP :) who describe to the world what they see in visible short stories that purport to expose the hidden underbelly and thus raise the ire of the beast who WOULD NOT be challenged!

It's about that ragged ol' beggar called 'FREESPEECH'- always present in fore/background at some high level amongst all the drama.

I support voices that have the courage to speak Truth to whatever be the 'powers that be', real or metaphorical; HivePowered or whatever. These voices are usually the first to get shot down when ORDER begins to be imposed by those who think such is their 'duty', or who are brainwashed by this or that songOfEgo. If a concept is sound it'll stand up by itself. If one has ulterior motives governing action (conscious or not) then arguments using pseudo-logic to cover this fact and present this or that justification will simply not stand up. Thus there is a pattern that may be discerned whereby some of those proposing ORDER refuse (on key issues) to engage at an honest and intellectual level, for to do so would be to reveal the logical and (IMO) moral weakness of the position. Additionally, in order to strengthen the 'appearence' of the position which adhominems and generalisations are not strong enuff to defend, it is very useful to silence opposition and any other budding speakers of Truth to Power. Intimidation works well and there have been many 'examples' made of folk on Hive (many of them now left or just hovering in the b/g).

I hope I've laid it out well enough for you to decide for yourself whether it does or doesn't have anything to do with you.


Again, I see what you are doing and I respect it as well as you. I recently had to engage and let my voice be heard as silence can be a killer. The situation has emerged to be a ugly one. both parties have valid points and are not able to see eye to eye because of posts like these where both parties are displaying ugly attitudes and no solutions to a situation that I think can be solved in a healthier way. ie proposals, olive branches and not constantly shoving ugly stuff in people's faces. Yes, morals and ethics are important and holding others accountable is key in a civilized society but so is healthy solutions. I do not think this post reflects a healthy solution or approach at this point. I would appreciate having the tags removed for this post for dynamicgreentk, dynamicsteemians and dynamichivers as I am looking forward to a new post from you that steers the conversation past highlighting ugly statements by all parties. I appreciate you and your hardwork. Keep up the good fight to be the change you wish to see in the world!

From the rant above:

kenny is blaming you for what i did

Nope, you are the only person that I hold responsible for your disrespectful, dangerous, and dishonest actions.

What I read from TF in that quote was that he feels some responsibility for your actions by way of vouching for you and giving you access to certain places (and thus people.)

I think you misread the part where he says that you're causing conflict with him, me, and others to mean that conflict is between us - that's not what he meant. You are the one creating conflict with your sketchy attempts at dragging us into a flag war.

From TF's comment below:

Causing conflict with me and Kenny(long time direct supporter of IW) and other IW people, as I vouched for you by allowing you to join our discord and elevated you to a higher rank so you could participate in higher level discussions. You then abused that priveledge by making it all about yourself, everything you ever typed in our server was about you 100% of the time.


Logiczombie is:

  • Creating conflict with others by messaging them, and so far has screenshotted what Kenny said without Kenny's consent. Violating privacy.

  • Creating conflict messaging multiple people in the IW discord, and then since LZ has already screenshotted and posted private conversations publicly it can be assumed he will do the same with the other people he is talking to.

  • Creating conflict personally with me, because I have to deal with the situation he created in our discord and had to apologize to multiple people. I elevated LZ's rank to a higher level than most people so he could participate in the downvote discussions, only for LZ to later start tag spamming people giving whales a target to downvote and taking what Kenny said and publicly posting it. That caused a stir with the other people who also privately messaged LZ, now we can't trust that our DMs will be kept private.

  • Making private things public has caused backlash for Kenny, and all of us in the IW have to assume our chat will be made public when LZ feels like torpedoing us. All in the name of his personal vendetta, of which we actually were previously upvoting so he wouldn't be censored.

  • I don't blame Kenny for anything, he doesn't blame me for anything. I blame myself for elevating LZ's rank because now it has caused massive amounts of drama, whethere he intended to or not.

  • Ultimately, through his own efforts, losing more and more allies with each day.

i disagree.

Well, LZ upvoted that comment so I guess they agree. Anyways, my comment just listed the facts of what happened in our discord. You were not there and did not see the chaos LZ caused.

I believe Discord to be the Chaos...

If you knew what I knew about data maps and machine learning with a high degree of predictive accuracy,

then you might believe the same.

Not defending LZ, because I don't believe it needs defending from something that has happened to me and continues to happen in general. Discord antics ... is sucking off Bezos.

I'm in HIVE for the Open Source... and nitwits jump behind curtains to fuck it all up again...

there is a war in cyberspace that too many muggs take personal and make THEIR business...
I try to MIND MY Business.


For the record:


It's this shit I have a problem with.

Totally agreed. Which is why Deep Dives will be coming out soon thanks to v4vapid. A layer 2 token community

There simply isn't enough hours in a night. Day. Week. Month. LOL. You should have gone into writing books.


Kindly remove me from this post. 🐾

Please remove my name from your list of mentions. Thanks!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

New folks coming in to make more money doesn't mean things get better... just that there's more folks throwing around their stake.

You know finally we are seeing Hive web 3.0 evolve into something more than just social media posting to earn money. This will be a beautiful experience as we see the Metaverse evolve and more blockchain games come here thanks to @splinterlands! People like you help move us in a positive direction.

Your support has been awesome and much appreciated! Thank you!

I think there will be more big institutions, businesses, blockchain gamers and content creators that will help morph Hive past just a rewards pool chain. Proposals for Hive might start to get interesting in 2022 as Metaverse and blockchain gaming pushes us to the top of the web 3.0 world.

I love this post

@logiczombie has IT fingered out!

Myth...... that is what makes and has made the world go round....they, the PTB, have created and are creating the world for us to live in.... As long as the masses stay asleep and eat the "bollucks" being fed them, they allow the myth to continue......The world has ample proof that masks are a "woobie blanket" and "the jab" is ineffective...... What else? Oppression and suppression of "free speech"..... Who made you KING?

I am King Neptune....... and you will obey..... LOL!!!!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  Reveal Comment