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RE: Mainstream Media is a 'Cancer and There is No Cure', Quotes MSNBC Producer Who Quit

in Deep Dives5 years ago

The cancer is socialism - the media being the PR extension of it.

When it dawns of people that is the foundation to all our ills, change will happen - rapidly. (starting with people understanding what Central banking really is - which is nothing more than socialism in drag)


I know you dislike socialism, but in reality self chosen socialism is where change for the better occurs. Seeing a neighbor in need and stepping forward if at all possible. Not forced socialism, but one where folks understand the honor in aiding another in hard times. Folks were more prone to do that when I was younger, and there was a cohesion in the localities back then to a degree that is lacking nowadays.

A book I read as a child called Futureshock predicted where we would be today because of the ways already present then promoting areas where people were strangers to one another and hence didn't look further than their own self interests.

Central banking is an interesting concept, its appeal allowing an agreed upon valuation provide a flow that negates moment by moment negotiation. Many have found this beneficial as it somewhat alleviates the burden of one side of a barter having the upper hand in many cases as it allows for there to be flow of goods in greater amounts which aids in the supply not strangling the needs of the user as much (unless artificially made scarce as we still see happen). The problem with central banks as we see now is they are used to pick winners and losers while enslaving most to pay back what can't be paid back. In the end, the question I ask is are most willing to accept the burden of making their own agreements in terms of commerce as they have been trained to let others make it for them. As one who spent many years living off flea markets/swap meats I enjoy it, but notice many who frequent them as customers either don't enjoy bartering or they try to act as though they always have the upper hand over the seller as though we are desperate. One of my early mentors taught me no matter how much I might need the money, always hold myself as though I don't and let the money walk. It creates a mindset that places one in a power position when selling.

I have no truck about communism - on micro scale. It can and does work.
It just never scales up - due to bureaucracies becoming an entity unto themselves.

Socialism on 'the bigger scale', is nothing but cancer

Political socialism has no great track record and violates rights of individuals in favor of collectivism at the hand of the state with a monopoly on violence. But voluntarily done, social cooperation is how you beat the statism and government tyrrany.