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RE: Russia Wants to Nuke Your Country, But Also Wants You to Move to Russia. Here's Why.

in Deep Diveslast year

, which is hilarious considering Europe had one of the warmest winters ever the following year, and there were entire cities where nobody bothered to turn on their gas once.
Nobody froze due to not being able to obtain gas, and nobody is going to this winter either. Or next. Or the one after..."

Couldnt be more further from the truth.


"Couldn't be more further from the truth."
"More further?" Well we see your education level on display, so it would be logical to dismiss you right then and there, but I'm a bit of a sadist when it comes to rhetoric, and like to watch my debate victims suffer from the humiliation of having a global spotlight shined on their ignorance, so I think I'll kick you around a little more before sending you scurrying off.

To start with, I spit in your face and defy you to cite one single source for your argument, which seems to be best summed up as "NUH-UH!!! NYEH!!" My source has already been listed...

...but here are a few more.

So, show me which little conspiracy theorist website with articles by basement-dwelling flat-Earthers you want to put forth as a rebuttal.


I think my English is better then your Dutch.

You are taling bullshit about Europe. Source: i live here you little monkey

The fact you wanna frame me into a flat earth thinker says enough who really the conspiracy theorist is.


So your best rebuttal was a non-sequitur, a lame claim that your residence matters accompanied by no attempt to refute the stack of documented scientific data (and by the way Dipshit McDumfuksi, talKing has a "K" in it), and then you turned tail and ran. Damn, dude. Your cranial capacity is what's "nether" about the Netherlands. I'm glad most of the folks I met in Rotterdam were a little sharper than you. The only thing in your entire half-witted diatribe that even has enough of what kind-of-sort-of passingly quasi-resembles substance in it to take aim at is the "I live in Europe" line, to which I reply "yeah, so does every meteorologist in every link I cited." You're seriously trying to deny a documented and confirmed weather event that was recorded worldwide? Yeah, I do call you a Flat-Earther. Now pick up your crackpipe, child; and scurry along back to your search for the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and your credibility. Let's see which one you find first.

I'd say "checkmate" but that would require explaining chess to someone who is busy getting his ass kicked at tic-tac-toe.