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RE: Russia Wants to Nuke Your Country, But Also Wants You to Move to Russia. Here's Why.

in Deep Diveslast year

So here comes the part where you, who couldn't find Ukraine on a map"

Im from Europe the Netherlands but i cant point out Ukraine on the map?

and had never heard of it before 2022"

Yeah we Dutchies live in caves and never heard bout the hella corrupted Ukraine before 2022.

Not only are you obsessed with the usual stable of Putinite bullshit,"


Who brings up Putin? Yet im obsessed with Putin?

Its the lame argument over and over again that the NATO/EU critics are pro Putin influenced by Russian propaganda.

It was the EU who said Ukraine is hella corrupt despite the millions to fight corruption.

It was the Dutch intelligence who is claiming that the evidence points to Ukraine who were behind the Nord Stream.

It was the Dutch main stream media this week: According to our research it looks like Ukraine is behind the Nord Stream but we are not 100% sure.

It was western media who were making docus about nazi's in Ukraine and their far right sector.

You must be delusional to think this is all propanda coming from Putin and Hindu Times.


It's cute how you dodged the question.

Let's recap.
I said this.

, which is hilarious considering Europe had one of the warmest winters ever the following year, and there were entire cities where nobody bothered to turn on their gas once. Nobody froze due to not being able to obtain gas, and nobody is going to this winter either. Or next. Or the one after..."

You called this a lie.

Nice.. when he str8 up lies?

In fact, in your desperation for attention, you copied and pasted the same accusation as a reply on two different threads, praying to your father in Hell that someone would actually interact with your post and give your sad little life some approximation of meaning.
Well, it's your lucky day. You're welcome.
Meanwhile, I provided a link proving that the statement you called a "lie" is a documented fact on every meteorological record in the world.

And then you were quick to change the subject because your programmer didn't include "what to do when you're bitch-slapped by science" in the sample-language that your prompt-and-response algorithms were derived from. Run, run, little Putinite. Reality is closing in. It sucks when your attempt to dismiss anything you don't like as "lies" gets shot down by empirical facts, doesn't it?

lol love you 2 buddy

I admit i should have said that different. Its been a while but i think my point was; Warmest winter doesnt mean people were warm. Many people were strugglin to pay their gas bills. People lost their businesses, people even died due the high gasbils yet you act like Europe has a tropical climate now. Seen it with my own eyes how peeps were scared to put on the heater. Who cares about the warmest winter then... Of wait the Russia hating peeps ofcourse. Get a hobby.

Putinite ? lol. Its all over the Dutch news: the sanctions didnt work, Ukraine is losing, Ukraine;s economy is done, Ukraine is corrupt, EU cant produce enough ammo etc etc

But 2 years after you think this comes from "Putinites" ?😂