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RE: Astra Zeneca Vaccine Withdrawn : Choose Your Truth

in Deep Dives10 months ago

Devils advocate:

The lawsuit protection actually makes sense to me. In the past big farma had to pay record amounts of money to the victims.. The judge said we can not find rock solide proof that your kids were sick due vaccinations(before corona) however its too much of a coincidence that yall kids get sick right after the vax.

So then we ask the same farma producers to make a new vax... Well even i would ask for protection since even without evidence the judge can find you guilty.

To be clear i dont trust the vacines but the argument about lawsuit-protection means nothing to me.


Yeah I’m not buying that reasoning. It’s made the companies completely not care about product and caused more harm then any good. I understand ur just playing devils advocate, but seeing the damage it’s caused it beyond any positive measure. They (big pharmaceutical) have shown they try will put out literal shit 💩 to make money.