Could defunding and diffusing Police save our democratic structures?

in Deep Dives5 years ago

In recent weeks, it has been thoroughly discussed in the context of USA the perks of de-funding (instead abolishing) the police, to have police only respond to crime (yes most Police calls are non crime related for things like mental health issues, for which police is not trained, or criminalization of homeless). Police having in many areas in USA over 50% funding, can be redistributed then to mental health social workers, and affordable housing.

This does not apply though within the context of Europe (for us Europeans USA is a strange country). Yet a different issue caught my eye that seems to be a problem for both USA and Europe. The video below is a journalist among climate protestors, being arrested, while almost being executed by police.

In comparison we can see inaction by the police as third way (referring to 3rd Reich) right wing protestors marching uniformed through the streets (uniformed protests are illegal in Germany due to obvious historic reasons).

Similar differences can be seen in USA, where armed right wing protestors storm state government buildings, and police does nothing.

Meanwhile even journalists are not safe during left wing BLM protests, which are cracked down aggressively.

Journalists are an important clock wheel in our democracy, as they help voters make informed decisions during elections. Yet globally the work of being a police officer seems more appealing to people with right wing ideology (also in Germany there has been a crack down on right wing extremist police officers recently, that shared information with right wing terrorist groups, or even planned attacks themself). Though Vienna (first video) is not Germany, it is facing even greater problems with right wing institutions.

I can see why people with right wing view points might be more tempted to join the police force, as in their view point their culture is under attack from foreign cultural influences, and they consume media that focuses on foreign done crime. Yet as police officers they are bound by the duty to treat citizens equally by the law without prejudice. As otherwise people vulnerable and socially stigmatized can be affected severely. Here a homeless person being arrested, for being homeless, with a bag over his head.

Though he is homeless he is still a person who by our fundamental law is meant to be treated with dignity and respect. Not like an alkaida terrorist in Guantanamo bay. He has the right to exist, and if structures and circumstances, in our lobbyistic government, don't allow him to have a house, arresting him and trashing his tent will not make him disappear. Meanwhile him being in jail will cost the tax payer much more than just giving him financial assistance and help to find a job that fits his possible disability.

Why are 5 police officers needed for a homeless person in handcuffs not resisting arrest? Meanwhile there is no police in the border regions of Germany where actually Polish robber gangs break into houses (including several neighbours of my home village).

Defund or Diffuse the police. They are needed elsewhere.

PS: Though BLM is an issue in Germany, the background is very different as in the past an overwhelming majority of slaves in Germany were Jewish, not so much black (though that does not justify the discrimination of Palestinians). Though Germany did attempt slavery in Ghana, selling slaves to the Americas briefly, and the first concentration camps in Namibia against the Harero tribe, slavery was seen as unprofitable and hence Germany owes most of its historic debt to its neighbours and survivors of the holocaust.

Refugees no matter of colour are protected though most of the times by our Geneva convention and are welcome (unless our government illegally deports Afghans again). It is important giving them a fair circumstance for them to find root and integrate into Germany, if problems in their country do not resolve (for protection), or if they simply want to contribute to our country by joining our labour force (which I encourage you to do either way). Yet our system is not ideal, but perks like free education and healthcare and affordable medication could make it attractive for even US education or economic migrants (possibly fleeing from systemic racism) to join us. Please bring the sign from the statue of liberty on your way here:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


quick response: no

not what i meant...

just kidding bro, no pb