Has it had any effect on your repository system, i.e. more or less colds and/or flus? Compare you before you started wearing and after wearing the mask AND you now compared to a "normal" person.
Do you clean it regularly?
I would be interested to hear any comments on long term use from an experienced user?
Sorry if anything comes across like a demand, it's not. I'm just super curious and you have direct experience with something that BILLIONS of people are currently interested in.
Not to put any pressure on you or anything.
p.s. You deciding to wear a mask because "it's cool" is "normal". Being forced to wear a face mask because of a 0.03% chance of death is not "normal".
Any positive cases will prompt staff to the N95 type but it is subject to availability and distribution. I find these single use paper masks uncomfortable and slightly restrictive in breathing but necessary compared to my personal masks which are designed more to keep road moisture, dust and particles from my face as I ride my bike in rush hour traffic. I clean them in soapy lukewarm water.
And finally I wear my leather masks as my alter ego ~ The Bloody Raven, Silver Pirate. I wear 'the mask' more for commuting by bike from my work place. I also work as a nurse to be precise. I consider this Covid19 exercise as medical overkill as I'd me more likely be killed in a Traffic accident than die from this virus, I do so wear the masks and various other PPE supplied by my Unit to protect the patients under my care, some are aged and they are the most vulnerable according to the viral profile. I also wear 'The Mask' as to conceal my identity as a Member of Hive's #silvergoldstackers group and I have a fortune of Precious metals in my possession. And therefore reduce my being recognized by people in my hometown who may be tempted to find and target my home. My leather masks are not even close to N95 ISO 9002 standards and are altered for freer breathing. The medical masks I use in my profession are standard Paper single use. They are merely a physical barrier of limited effectiveness and used often in conjunction with other PPE if any patient I have tests positive, and so far none have. I know the statistics.
Thank you for the detailed response. I much appreciate it.
I too feel that...
I use to ride a motorcycle, I know just how dirty your face gets and the danger of a simple 15 minute ride to the store. I have seen with my own eyes motorcycle accidents that caused death. Almost been killed many times on my bike or or in my car myself.
But I have yet to come across or know anyone with or dead from this "virus that shut down the world"
I hope you own some or all of the tonnes of precious metals in your posession. Hold on tight to it because we are in for one hell of a WILD ride in both precious metals and fiat. But you know that already, stacker.
I'm not a fan of masks in general. I've been wearing a paper bag over my head with glasses when I go shopping. Both in protest of the "mask mandate" and shame of all the sheeple.
Again, Thank you.
p.s. Anyone who has read to the end of this reply, I want you to know that today...
July 29, 2020 the "Spot Gold" price closed at a World Record High of $1971.90 USD!
If you don't currently HOLD any of it as of right now, in 6 months you will wish you had bought some back when it was just $2000.00.
However an even better bet would be to buy silver.
The bus is leaving the station...
Don't miss it.
Already got my golden tickets at around $1300 USD/oz and wishing I could afford more.