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RE: The Paradox of Individuality

in Deep Dives4 months ago (edited)

On top of my previous comment, due to recent events within the last few years, the individuality and agency we thought was valid within the context of the collective of society became threatened through the cohesion of society and government as the two collectives made an unsanctimonious marriage. Within this, the agency we assumed would always be ours in a 'free thinking' society was deprived of us when we did not conform to the new cohesion thus illuminating the illusion of free will we had - these high and mighty thoughts of free will and agency without government while living in a privileged context. As a result of this new data, we must act smarter than ever before to be effective - including allowing fluidity and adaptability in our identity as much as possible.

The article is written from the perspective of someone that has spent their entire life indulging in the philosophy of individualism and using various spiritual ideologies to justify that indulgence - not seeing through the propaganda that I was raised within, this deliberately individualised societal conditioning.

I'm really not sure what to do from here. I suppose just living a life in a simple way is a good thing to do in the meantime. Creating more awareness where it is within my power to do so. But not doing anything so rash as to limit future effectivity - a kamikaze sacrifice is self-indulgent at best and its effectiveness would be muted efficiently.

It's a tight rope, a narrow path, a knife's edge kind of thing.

Collectives I shunned in the past may be necessary to align with for a more effective solution in the longrun - any ideas of having individual autonomy enough to conquer this predicament alone needs to be put in a box and in the archives of possible long-term propaganda conditioning deception.

At this stage, for an over individualised individual in an entitled society the best thing to do may be to tone it down and compromise in order to be more effective within the various groups that already exist that at least have a position.

It is stupidity to assume a position just because you can think it as an individual. This kind of entitled thinking I feel now is the conditioning of disempowerment which is the exact anti-thesis of what it claims.

We must be smarter.