While Dealing With the Pain, Deal with the Scars too: Case study of the Death of Actors in Nigeria

in Deep Dives11 months ago


Nigeria one of the african countries popularly known as the giant of africa is one that is thriving with a lot of development in many areas which includes education, cultural and social cultural acts, several sorts of businesses to boost ones income, increase in some industrial aspects and also in the entertainment industry. Regardless of the fact what is needed to spread this to the whole world is not available at the moment but, they try their little way to make what they do to improve the welcoming developments in all other aspects be known firstly in the country and all other neighboring countries. Most especially africa but now they are going beyond africa which is a good sign of development and a positive thing to talk about in the country.

These aspects in the country that has been for ages has experienced a lot of development and of course their has been series of amendments done to remodel the whole process not just to be only an african thing but for it to go international. Because of these changes overtime, there has been a massive development and those into the said anchors of development are changing the culture of how things are done to a modern way, improve on the areas that needs to be and also add the needed taste that won't just make it stand the test of time of also marketable across the countries. A sector that has seen the above mentioned development much more is the entertainment industry.

The Odd Aspect


Because of all these welcomed developments and series of improvement in various areas of entertainment industry, their have been a serious shifting and relief of duties of various actors and actresses that can't cope or adjust to the pending needs that these development has caused and so they are either forced out of market by not being marketable in what they do in the entertainment industry or they join the bad wagon that pulls those that are updated with the trends and developments thereby being the bad eggs and black sheep. The most annoying aspect is that they wouldn't update themselves with the trends so as to be back to the market rather they turn to be a green snake in the green grass to bit and kill those off-guard so that only them would be chosen.

The fighting between actors and actresses has gone wild such that any slightest opportunity where which the trending actor or actress takes and been caught in an unguided hour, the rest would be history and the news would keep the record.

Another old aspect of this is that most of them wants to be bosses not necessarily that its their turn to be or something nor have they undergone the said processes and training to become boss but rather the main intent is just to come up with something that trends probably copied from somewhere and edited a bit and then boom, they attest themselves to be bosses and the try to ruin the whole system the other way round.

Another old aspect is that some of them that untimely became bosses don't have what and all it takes to be or keep the standard of being a boss and so they risk the lives of those that help them in the very process of making what they have in mind be it music, movies etc by providing them with quack and inferior materials which pose them with the risk of getting killed along the way of acting out their scripts and more.

The Tragedy


Owing to the above mentioned odd dealings, there have been an increased death of many actors not necessarily because it is their due time of death but because they are been fought and bitten by the green snakes in the green grass which are poisonous. The cause of their deaths being associated to the outline points above but it would be dealt with as an ill-health, an accident and more which of course aren't the main reason for their death but because that fighting them is too strong to be seen physically and the rate of betrayal being too much to be handled.

Of recent has up to 3 well known movie character representatives die in about 30days and this has continually cause a lot of downfall and downplay of movie roles . The odd part is that some of the actors that died has no replacement as to what they act because there weren't a space for the upbringing of actors that can fit into their roles when they are gone.

In addition to this, coming into the acting industry becomes more scary with the constant death of prominent actors so those that could have replaced the dead ones backs off as they treasure their lives much more.

In the next article on this, i would be highlighting the impact of this and my thought of bringing an end to the mess. Thanks for stopping by, do have a nice day.