The US elections are an identical reflection of Venezuela.

Smartmatic, the company in charge of the voting system in Venezuela, denounces & quot; manipulation & quot; in the election of the Constituent Assembly and the CNE denies it.
The US elections seem to be talking about Venezuela, in Venezuela we already have 20 years of experience, dealing with the issue of electoral fraud, electronic fraud, at a time Chávez boasted of saying that he It was the most democratic regime in the world, because they knew they could attend any number of elections, but of course this was only possible with an electoral council, with a fully trained electoral authority and totally dominated by Chavismo, but also with the scam that was done to Venezuelans by presenting them with the form of electronic voting with an efficient vote with a vote that was really fast and that was safe, then, along with having Chávez's electoral council, it fed companies such as smartmatic and Indra that were in charge to articulate all that are the logistical aspects of electronic fraud, so that people in a combination with the media and a campaign of massive disinformation, added to this some results that have been presented as incredible and that had to be accepted because in this way the fraud was configured in a totally practically unassailable way, unfortunately this was always reported in Venezuela, the elementary was always requested, the same thing that is happening now in the US but always in Venezuela the claim was sought against the elections organized by Chavismo, audits were requested asking that the manual vote be countered with the results of the electronic count, but this was never possible Any type of technical explanation was always argued to say that only doing a random sampling was enough and in these technicalities they were always unfortunately diluted.
Unfortunately in the case of Venezuela, the false opposition was always complacent with this, starting with Capriles Radonski, all the parties that have been part of that coalition of false opponents, always accepted the results of Indra and Smarmatic as a definitive truth, they never had the Willingness, the willingness to question to attack but simply had to accept these results, this has been the story in Venezuela, votes that never occurred, for example in people who have never had to vote, but ultimately all the irregularities that point to manual view they have been made in venezuela to this we would simply have to add to do an electronic fraud, when there are no guarantees, when there is no audit and when there is no control it is extremely easy, because it is enough simply to manipulate the software and that these machines produce the results that are presented as supposedly reliable results, then it is one way and with the argument nto that it is a highly sophisticated technological process, the result of scientific and statistical patterns, then well, the voters are presented with results that are not such; part of the discussion that should be raised and that what the US is experiencing at this time and we will have to face it in Venezuela in the need to return to manual voting.
The exercise of civil liberties cannot be under the protection of a supposed, a false comfort, you have to go to vote, it is the least that a citizen can do, go to participate in elections, go to put his face, identify himself, do the queue and vote and then that other citizen groups manually count in that vote.This is a system that was attacked because, for example, in the case of Venezuela, which has always been a state of parties, it was the parties that distributed the votes, but unfortunately we are in the face of the collaboration that in the US despite being a republic with a series of institutions that guarantee the balance of powers, because unfortunately there is a whole structure that has been distributed between the republican and democratic parties, who are counting the votes, in this particular case it has been denounced and the evidence has been presented, Rudy Giuliani who is the lawyer who chairs Donald Ttrump's legal team have presented the evidence, not sol Before the electoral fraud, the electronic fraud that has been perpetrated, the evidence has been presented of the number of votes that have been changed from Trump to Baiden, of votes that went to Trump that were practically annulled in an executive manner by the software, but It has also been explained that the company that handled this software in a convenient way, this company supposedly won the hiring or the bidding in the states that are dominated by Democratic administrations, remember that in the US there is no national electoral authority, each state organizes their own elections that had been chooses the company that is going to use this technology and the company that is going to do the whole vote counting process, curiously in the states dominated by the Democrats are those that have embarked with this company Domain loot system , a company that has, has had and currently maintains commercial and technological relationships with Smarmatic and Indra, then it has been exposed Note that the software used by Dominio botín system is the same software supplied, probably improved and with other types of devices added to it, that was supplied by smartmatic.
Smarmatic cleverly if you go to the website, they say that they have no direct relationship with the domain botin sistem and that I have no relationship with the US government well it is a technical way of lying, so that the lie of somehow I tire within the North American legal system, because they are saying something that is partially true, what they are not saying is that there is a triangulation that through a consortium of several companies, smarmatic, indra and other companies supplied the software that was used by domain botin system, they do not say for example that on their smartmatic website it says that they do not contract with the US government for any type of national election, that is true, what they do not say is that they have participated directly without intermediaries in elections, for example in the case of California, which on its website there is another press report where the same smartmatic boasts of the benefits of its software, so that we have soft of a company that is not new in the North American electoral market, we are talking about a company that since practically 2006, is providing services to several states we are talking about a company that was rejected by the Florida government, by the government of Texas, for the problems that the software presented, for the weakness due to the possibility of being hacked and for the lack of security mechanisms to guarantee the secrecy and integrity of the vote.
We are talking about a company that was founded by the Venezuelan regime through third parties, which was financed with money stolen and looted from Venezuela, they say they have never received, it is true, they will never have received money directly but Chavismo gave them all the contracts, supposedly gave them money for the life of financial aid and this smarmatic company controlled by Venezuelans who are Chavistas, are the same ones that articulated the elections in the last 20 years and who continue to act through other intermediaries in the electoral business in Venezuela, this company is the one that is acting and one of the main players in several states that are currently being questioned, for example, in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan specifically, while it is true this company has acted at the county level, it is also true that they cannot deny the fact of having sold and supplied the software with all the elements and the particulars. larities of the use of this software, which was the same one used in these states, the results of which are being questioned by the Donald Trump campaign, it seems that we are talking about an election that occurred in another country, not in the United States, when not speaking. only of people who were allowed to vote without having their identity document, dead people voting, change of votes, arbitrary annulment of votes for a specific candidate and when it is precisely about a result that they are now trying to present as final and that is not can be audited, we wait, I believe that the United States is a republic of laws, which is true, we have also commented that there are judges who have their party affiliation but the vast majority of judges are elected by the different communities, others by example of the supreme court of justice are selected by the president, this does not mean that they will make a decision to please Donald Trump, what we hope is that the judges evaluate the evidence that is being presented of the electronic fraud and the manual fraud that has been perpetrated and that the mechanisms of the United States republic can remedy and correct this situation.
Me: Let's find a transparent company to run elections.
Bureacrat in DC: I know a guy in Venezuela running shell companies.
So is! thanks for the support.
Interesting comparison and insight into the political situation in Venezuela. I am glad that this post was nominated to my latest upvote giveaway, it´s my pleasure to support it.
No! thanks to you for the support and the one who nominated me !!!
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