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RE: Full Recovery was possible (for me)

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the great feedback! 😊

Ah... I've been sharing this stuff for nearly four years now and people read it... rarely comment or engage because there's SO much stigma around this stuff... still! ... and don't even share it as again... stigma.

My first response would be that my gender is a far greater problem here than my certification is.

History dictates that, after sharing this, I'll now have to spend a few weeks showing people that I am, in fact, sane and coherent and believable. 😁

Because gender-bias. deeply ingrained. Insidious. We all have it whether we're aware of it or not yet. And my country is particularly old school patriarchal.

Women are inherently believed to be (yes, still to this day and I'd invite anyone reading this response to sit for a bit and observe their initial thoughts curiously):

... believed to be: untrustworthy, overly emotional, dramatic, dishonest, emotionally unstable, "crazy" and more...

Still very prevalent in our society and it is what it is. One has to try and work around it.

I've come to learn people believe what is most comfortable or beneficial for them to believe. Not necessarily the "facts". (see the Australia isn't real community).

I've sat in front of people who have (mis-)diagnosed me with a "chronic condition that would need medication for life" fully recovered and they still can't accept what is sitting in right in front of them.

They would have too much to lose to accept it you see.



It's okay though. I don't do this for the likes or the accolade. If I did I would have quit ages ago and focused on content that generates that kind of thing.

This I consider "service". And activism. My dad and mom were both into these and instilled in us, at an early age, to "fight the good fight" if we saw the need.

Also... what I have learned about activism is that it's a thankless and brutal arena. I've had the good fortune to meet folks doing it full time and fuck are they resilient and tough. And perpetually broke and exhausted. It's a calling. Not for financial gain or popularity. I've never met a rich activist who was liked by everyone 😁 Because there aren't any.

Most of us end up doing this "work" because we can't not do it.

I keep trying to stop and focus on art and profitable work again but really... I read an article about more shit the medical industry is up to and I have to speak up. *sigh

So now I just pace myself. It's a marathon and not a race.

I'm most definitely not gonna kick ass (but thank you for your support ❤️) because it takes ages for things to shift and the changes we desperately need are the same as I speak of above... ALL the topics and conversations that we humans are terrified to engage with mostly.

Gender stereotyping, family violence, abuse, corruption, racism (and all the isms), privilege... all the topics we really should be addressing to heal our society but which are also really scary, awkward, embaressing and difficult to discuss.

Everyone is terrified of being targeted for their opinions. Or their situations and struggles. And most people are desperately treading water themselves and trying to survive.

So it's okay. I don't take anything personally anymore.

Because here's the thing...

When I first began to share my findings and views on mental health and addiction in 2019 everyone laughed at me... or called me crazy... or just ignored me.

This used to make me so angry and frustrated.

Until I understood more about how activism "works", how to pace myself and also... until I dealt with my own personal triggers regarding being unheard / unseen / ignored etc.

It was a pretty interesting journey of learning but you know what happened?

Over the years, the stuff I was sharing (that I thought nobody was reading or engaging with) began to make it's way back to me!

Some of the people who accused me of being "crazy" have even subsequently asked me if I've seen some of the work I was sharing way back then. 😁

It's pretty funny but I just nod and smile and say, "Yeah! That [whatever professional or theory] is pretty incredible, huh?" Because again... in it because it's important and I have kids who I want to protect, right?

But... I have seen the change myself over time. It works... even if it seems like it isn't working!

Information shared that is initially considered offbeat, "crazy out there" or even plain old rubbish... over time... becomes mainstream. IF it is solid.

And this work is solid! I know it is because I've done it personally :)

And a trauma informed approach to these issues is now becoming more popular at last.

The more "normal" this perspective becomes the more it gets shared around... and the more we share it... the more it grows, the more voices join the movement and the more things change.

So I'm not too fussed about the reaction or response anymore.

And I don't do this for the bucks... although the goal was a free program of education and support for the kids with funds made. But mainstream wasn't ready for that. Yet.

And it doesn't matter again.

I'm seeing the stuff I've been trying to share in various forms regularly on social media now. Things are changing.

And no. Of course I don't think it's just me!

It's me, you, and everyone else who has been curious enough to ask "why"? And to share their personal experience, findings or thoughts even though they may not be popular opinion. Yet ;)

And even though it makes them vulnerable because of the ongoing misunderstanding (and outright misdirection) about what these challenges are.


Thanks for your courage to engage!


Really. It shows a great deal about your character and self confidence. And your open-mindedness and curiosity as well.

These are the characteristics that help us to have meaningful conversations, as a species, to progress. 🚀



Keep being curious and remember we used to think the sun revolved around the earth! 😉


I haven't heard of it.

I'll check it out.

Thank for taking the time to engage ,comment and share. 👍

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