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RE: Technocracy Rising - Palantir Rapidly Merging with Military Industrial Complex

in Deep Dives5 years ago

Very nice write up.
Maybe you question; what will consciousness become?
Or maybe not, but I wonder, are you familiar with 'Bicameralism'?
I mean we are already experiencing the birth bangs of another bicameral system in my opinion, but this will bring it to the next level, the next phase, age, etc..
The Bicameral mind. Proposed by Julian Jaynes. If you haven't read his book 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind', I'd highly recommend it. You'd obviously get it, and if you want to dig into multiple sub-levels of metaphor that can be learned, it is amazing. However, more important is the 'system'. Everyone is connected to....something. Like our grid, for example, would be perfect for such a system.
When is the switch going to be flipped?
Has it already been, and we won't know?

Overview of Julian Jaynes’s Theory of Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind

Anyways, great write up thank you.


Thanks for taking the time to reply.
I'll be honest, I've never heard of 'Bicameralism' before but you've definitely piqued my interest. So, I cannot really comment on it at the moment.
Since, the lockdowns I've been making more time to be offline and read as much as I can so I'll add this to my list. Much appreciated, thank you.