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RE: It's not normal for people this young to be this sick.

in Deep Diveslast year

Are these people slated to go through life with weak immunity? Premature death? More prone to ailment?

Vaccination has been doing this to us since its inception. I believe that is its true function, to make us sick, send us to doctors, insurance companies, and medical facilities. Vaccination is market development.

Health should be the norm. It isn't. As we get older, more and more of our friends are on prescription drugs, and having sadistic diagnostic tests done regularly to search for more reasons to get them on more prescription drugs. It's all phony.

Do not use western medical services. They poison you every time you go.

Colds and what we call viruses could be the body detoxifying from collected poisonings. They happen in the months during which we are somewhat confined to the inside, food is less fresh. I think this makes a great deal of sense, and, whenever I do get sick, I use that understanding of what is happening to get well: support detoxification. I'm 68, and am never sick for very long, have not had lasting complications of any kind since I stopped using western medications as treatment. If this type of illness is from poisoning, it makes no sense at all to put even more poisons in the body.

Another thought - are there a lot of chemtrails in Romania? That would be a handy mode to poison us and make us sick. I've noticed that, whenever there has been a covid case spike, it was preceded by chemtrail criss-crossed skies. Some are now saying that what we have called viruses for centuries might actually have been poisonings by the ruling class.

We've been lead to believe that we must use western medical services to be well, but the opposite is true.


Yes to what you said about getting older and subscribing to this whole sadistic system! For some, it seems like a veritable rite of passage. Like you're an adult now, better start checking regularly for shit not bothering you in the first place!

Also, what you said about colds is really cool . It could certainly be. It's possible that our body is reacting to extreme temperatures, and it's just that, but how well or how poorly we react to those temperatures is certainly a sign of the level of poison in our system.

As for chemtrails, I'd say so. It's hard to tell, I find, in Bucharest, but I think so and have heard others comment on the presence of chem trails, so... funny, I remember the first time I heard about them, I thought it was a bit out there, you know? It was before the pandemic. Now though, it seems to make perfect sense...

They've made us think we are not taking care of ourselves unless we submit our bodies to what is essentially medical experimentation. They guess about what you have, then they guess about what to do about it.

Nothing is too out there to be believed. I think this is where predictive programming comes in. If they show it to us on the big screen, we think it is fantasy, impossible. So when it happens we can't even see it. Chemtrails look like cloud grids or striped in the sky, from horizon to horizon. Many will scoff and say they are jet streams. But the next day will be totally free of any stripes or grids, so what happened? All the jets were grounded for those beautiful blue sky days? Not a single one, anywhere, all day, when the previous day the sky was covered. Look up every single clear day, they can be seen on slightly overcast days too, and on clear nights.

So very well said. You keep hearing about all sorts of groups being used for experiments, yet somehow, we maintain this denial that it couldn't also be us. Right.

If they show it to us on the big screen, we think it is fantasy, impossible.

Can't tell you how much that bugs me. We'll believe anything so readily in fiction, yet when it comes to our real world, we say "no, that can't be". Really? Then why were you so eager to buy it when it was on the TV?

Look up every single clear day, they can be seen on slightly overcast days too, and on clear nights.

Oh, I look. :)

I must have misunderstood your comment above. I thought you weren't familiar with chemtrails. As always, I am delighted to know you!

Colds and what we call viruses could be the body detoxifying from collected poisonings. They happen in the months during which we are somewhat confined to the inside, food is less fresh. I think this makes a great deal of sense, and, whenever I do get sick, I use that understanding of what is happening to get well: support detoxification. I'm 68, and am never sick for very long, have not had lasting complications of any kind since I stopped using western medications as treatment. If this type of illness is from poisoning, it makes no sense at all to put even more poisons in the body.

That's what it is exactly my old friend. Very well written.