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RE: The Psychology Of The Takedown: Conclusion

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Thank you so much for this. We all have perceptual "flaws" it would seem, although nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists, so it's all good. I will reconsider the role I have been playing and get closer to the source.

In your previous post you mention the assemblies, and do not seem to think much of them. I had put some hopes in the assemblies, but now... It's easy to label many things as controlled opposition, how on earth are we to know?

Everything can be co-opted except what we carry within.

Just some musings. Again, thank you for your work.


For me, the way out all this lays within ..for ultimately this is a deeply personal journey. Stepping into our inner power and making even small and seemingly insignificant changes to our lives .. reclaiming our independence, little steps, that empower you .. as opposed to the crushing weight of responsibility upon our shoulders. Drop their tech, don't buy their crap .. we're the ones with all the power.

In terms of citizen assemblies I've been researching all this for years so I have a pretty to way of picking them out, the first clue is the uniform (template) name .. equally, if there is a non-local body running them, chances are they're part of the same system .. hiding behind the veneer of "grassroots" Actually, anyone that uses the term "grassroots" most probably isn't. Do some research into who is running the meetings (like I did and came up with funding connections to Google & Soros). These assemblies are there to subvert and usurp true community alliances/groups .. but there are genuine people out there, I've seen it within my own area ... check if your council/city/state are aligned with ICLEI.

Feel free to read my post below, it also details the methodologies that they use and has videos taken inside some of these meetings .. learn their techniques, and point out what they're doing. Once you get these people off-script .. they're not very good at thinking on their feet. Thanks again my friend .. oh and I remembered we spoke in the comments of my Agenda 2030 series .. part 3 is still coming.:)