It seems that many commentators have have misunderstood where this is really coming from, and what it actually means. There is a lot of coded commentary in this other than what may seem the obvious to some. Most cant understand the angle that I wrote this from, but a handful will understand it a lot more deeply than what it seems on the surface. A few will understand it extremely well, but they will be the few odd exceptions. Not everything in this post is meant to be taken in the literal sense of the words. And no, this is not just about "flagging", as some people seem to think or suggest. It is about a lot more than that. It is about authoritative abuse in multiple forms.
As for the more obvious parts to the majority of readers, this is not a new phenomena in general and I obviously know that. I am not suggesting that this is a new phenomena or that I already didn't understand how this blockchain works or has worked from it's inception. I didn't just suddenly work this out now....not even close. I also didn't just realise that the decentralisation aspect is a cheap gimmick to sell to the masses as a way to get them to join their circle-jerk party.
It was just a spontaneous need to write for mainly personal reasons, and to send a message to the disgusting serial abusers both on the blockchain and even more so, on discord - which in many ways is an even more dangerous control mechanism, and perfect hideout for the abusers. It is their little "safe-haven", where they can congregate discreetly in the shadows of darkness.
I care not for all the ass licking turds, who will try and throw mud and mock me in public about this. Those people are all just desperate to take the "easy" road of group thuggery, or are desperate for a few votes from the very people who enable this show to roll on. They are all a bunch of cucks, who shake in their boots and submit to the extremely effective fear model.
That's all for now.
I read your post as if you were rapping it...maybe put it to music if so inclined!? :)
Yeah, was just a spontaneous rant that came out that way. I enjoy writing rhymes, so thought why not rant in rhymes too!
They love discord long time...
Long long time...