Oh absolutely! That's also where the Qanon influence comes into it (I don't think the Q in the name of In-Q-Tel and Qanon are a coincidence, and that they are connected from an ideological and consciousness point of view). Even though the trans-humanist movement has a scientific face in the public arena, there has always been a big religious influence on the inside. They believe that they are doing god's work (that's why you hear that saying often amongst the elite classes), and they are being given the gift of immortality as a direct gift for their services and devotion to God. That has been used more covertly because religion has a lesser societal influence than it did in the past, so the technocratic movement has been used to fill that void. It is essentially a merging of the two, and a way to encourage the religious masses to embrace the idea - the masses that may otherwise be against it on face value.
Within the one world government agenda, there has always been the idea for a one world religion;) This is the merging of all ideas, into one grand scheme for an AI driven future. It will be interesting to see how this plays out from here, and how it will be sold to the masses in a way for us to embrace it all. Lot's of cool free stuff I guess....
Lol, yes. We love our free trinkets!
And we love to embrace our slavery, as long as it's marketed to us in the right way.
You just reminded me of the 'immortality' aspect of AI, this is a major focus for tech industry leaders, and lets not forget that Thiel is already invested in companies that provide blood transfusions from young 'donors'. He may also be a recipient of transfusions himself, I don't remember exactly but he's very much involved in life extension.
All of the above, and a lot more most likely! The one world religion will market AI as a way to achieve immortality through the lens of being accepted into 'paradise' and living into eternity with the love of God. Technocracy will use it as way to sell immortality through the lens of scientific achievement and advancement for humanity - the material side of the idea, with a spiritual angle interwoven throughout as a way to unify the two movements. That way, you get to merge the two together, to create a magical world of control and servitude through the social credit scores system, all linked to AI. It will be enticing and marketed to our desires, as it is obvious that most people don't like to be forced into an idea...They are not stupid at all, and they know this. That's what the spy agencies do with all the data they hoover up from the internet. They know exactly how we think and behave. It's the same method that was used to get trump into office during the last election cycle, and that's how he knew how everyone was 'thinking', to give him his talking points in his campaign speeches. It's also the perfect way to take any movement or anti-establishment thinking and turn it around to their advantage and lead people back into the loving arms of the establishment...
Unfortunately throughout time, people have mostly taken the words of our leaders at face value and placed way too much emphasis on their words alone, when in reality their actions (and inaction's) have always proven that they are fully aware of what's going on in the background and where we are heading.
Peter Thiel is obviously a big money player and venture capitalist (just like our friend Paul Singer) behind the private funding of these projects, and is a Libertarian who will drive technology as the way to solve the world's problems. All the finer details however, are hidden from our view...as always lol.
It was no accident that he invested a huge amount into Facebook and then went on to become a board member. Facebook has been experimenting with AI on it's platform for a long time now, just like Alphabet has.